Session 10 Report

General Summary

Session 10: 22-09-2024

The party is confronted with the 2 ogres at the campfire. Artigar wildshapes into a cat and approaches the Ogres and tries to charm them with his feline self but the Ogres try to catch him. He flees inside the cave and goes to the important looking armored figure.


Meanwhile Fa-Medve emerges disguised as an Ogrillon and seems to be much taller as well. He convinces Torold to pretend to play as his captive and approaches the monsters. He confuses the creatures into thinking they're allies and uses his magic earring to plant doubts about the men inside the cave.


Inside Artigar is making a scene and distracting some of the guards by being a mischievous cat. He buddies up to the captain of the mercenaries but she doesn't seem too interested. He explores the cave but doesn't find anything interesting.


The captain is called outside and she brings 4 of the mercenaries with her. Once outside a fight breaks out and Fa-Medve convinces one of the Ogres that his God wants him to attack the mercenaries. They fight and most of the guards are engaged in fighting the ogres.


Artigar tries to make a run for it after distracting the guards by knocking stuff off the table and they try to catch him. He manages to run outside but one of the Ogres sees him and hits him with a greatclub that breaks his wildshape and transforms him back into an Elf. The fight outside turns bloody as one of the Ogres is taken out by the mercenaries and several of them are killed by the party. Now all the party members are engaged and magic is flying around!


The two guards inside see the cat suddenly transform back into Artigar and attack him. The first knocks him out and the stabs him in the chest and lies there bleeding and unable to flee. Eventually during the fight he stops breathing and the spirit of his wolf friend manifests in front of him guiding him into the light of the afterlife. This is the end of Artigar, Druid of the Death Spirits and in death united with his best friend.


The fight outside is concluded when the last Ogre is taken down. They loot the corpses of the mercenaries and find the dead body of their friend. Burying him after a moment and they notice that there is a tied up Half-Orc in the corner. They untie him and he joins the party.

Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelix
Report Date
26 Sep 2024


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