Session 11 Report

General Summary

Session 11: 29-09-2024

In the aftermath of the fight against the marauders the party sets out to the Wave Echo Cave in the northern part of the Sword Mountains. Taking their well earned loot and leaving a grave of their dear Druid behind with a painting created by Torold. On the morning after their first day of travel they find that Edrenyss has disappeared without a trace without signs of a struggle.


During their march to the cave they came upon an elderly man, grey haired and muscular wearing a worn and dusty uniform of the Neverwinter Guard. Trix and Geralt notice that he is being followed by a group of bugbears and hobgoblins. They decide to intervene with Trix launching a spell at the leading bugbear while the man turns around and shouts at the bugbears. Battle erupts quickly and the hobgoblins rush to join the battle but arrive too late to save the bugbears.


The party fights alongside the stranger and they quickly dispatch the monstrous bandits. They exchange greetings and the man introduces himself as Bruise, a former Guardsman of the watch in search of a criminal syndicate bearing a symbol that Trix identifies as the Zhentarim aka the Black Network. After a discussion they decide to head out to the cave together.


At the entrance of the Wave Echo Cave the party discovers some bodies of guards and some corpses bearing the insignia of the Zhentarim. They go into the dark passageway and hear the sound of crashing waves echo through the cave system. Ronaunur decides to scout ahead and finds that the cavern is empty and there is a dimly lit passage up ahead leading into what seems to be the dwarven mine system.


The party advances carefully with the darkvision members leading the blind humans forward. Upon entering the mine shaft Torold hears a strange whisper suggested it would be better to throw his sword down a well to rid himself of its weight. He shakes his head and wills the magical suggestion away. They decide to throw a javelin into the well and see what happens. It clatters down the well but a strange slime starts creeping along the wall towards the party and Bruise identifies it as an Ochre Jelly and knows it will pursue them until it catches them.


They retreat to the entrance to pick up a barrel of lampoil to burn the jelly to a crisp and lie in wait...

Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelix
Report Date
30 Sep 2024


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