Session 2

General Summary

Session 2: 12-05-2024

The party faced off with Yeemik and his gang of goblins. After several attempts of reason, intimidation and shout from an unknown person in the back of the cave the goblins attacked. With Torold taking some serious hits he went down but was saved by the healing magics of Artigar.

After a tough battle with the goblin boss the finishing blow was struck by Reshy when he fired a precise arrow that took him between the eyes. The battle was over when the last goblin was taken captive. The party also found a strange goblin that had odd strange magic and a mishaped skull.

Finding the knight Sildar Hallwinter tied up in the back of the cave he is released from his bonds. He explained that Gundren and himself were ambushed by goblins on the trail and he overheard the goblins saying they took Gundren to the "Castle".

The party trecks back with their goblin captive to notice a layer of lamp oil on the small stream in the middle of the cavern passage. After rushing back into the cave it ignited and the cavern was filled with flames but everyone managed to get back unharmed. Fa-Medve took the goblin aside and appeared to tie him up.

Going into the upper passageway the party encountered a bridge which they crossed without issue. They arrive in a cave system that twists back around into the main passage to the exit. Reshy scouts ahead and notices goblins are setup alongside some barrels. The barrels are attacked with fire by Edrenyss and Trix causing a large explosion that takes out the group of goblins.

Going back and into the cave to the south the party meets a peculiar bugbear who refers to himself as "King" Klarg. Fa-Medve and Torold use some crafty deception and diplomancy to convince the bugbear they're friends and allies. After a night of partying with goblins they get them drunk and asleep. The bugbear releaved that the Dwarf was taken to the castle of King Grol but they don't know the exact location only that it is somewhere to the north in the Neverwinter Woods. The party quickly dispatches them silently in their sleep and search the cave for riches. They find many barrels and crates marked with symbol of a lion on a shield with the words Lionshield Trading Company stamped on them.

Leaving the cave behind with their loot and loading it on the ox wagon. Having the knight lead them on they travel for half a day to reach the town of Phandalin. A quiet mountain town of 30ish wooden buildings of various colours situated on a hill with forests around. Driving up the dirt road they reach a large wooden building with a sign that says Barthen’s Supplies.

Hopefully they can find out more about the whereabouts of Gundren and the location of the "Castle" by finding the "Bandits in Red" in town. Maybe they will uncover more quests and mysteries exploring the town and surrounding area.

Cragmaw Hideout Base Map Image
Report Date
13 May 2024


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