Session 3

General Summary

Session 3 (26-05-2024):

The party arrived at the village of Phandalin in the hills of the Sword Mountains. Driving their wagon to the trading post Barthen's Supplies with the knight Sildar Hallwinter to deliver the mining equipment. They were received by the owner Elmina Barthen and she directed them to the Stonehill Inn to rest up and return in the morning to discuss a plan to save Gundren.

Arriving at the inn the party noticed the gloomy atmosphere and the lack of patrons. They met the proprietor Tholben and got 2 rooms for the night as well as food and drink. Artigar approached a local resident and learned about the recent troubles with 'redcloaks' some ruffians that have been harrassing businesses. They learned that Halia Thornton at the Phandalin Miner's Exchange was the only one that was left unbothered.

The next day the party decided to split up and go to the Lionshield Coster to sell their goods and aqcuire better armour for Torold. They noticed that the sign on the building matched the crates and barrels they found in the goblin hideout and after informing the owner they received 50gp and a discount on all goods.

Artigar and Trix went off to meet Guildmaster Halia at the Miner's exchange and learned that the redcloaks have setup in the Sleeping Giant tavern, a derelict previously abandoned building in the western edge of town. She wants the party to bring her the leader of the group or kill him offering 200gp for the deed. They noticed a fair number of armed people around the building.

After visiting the Elmina to recieve their reward and Fa-Medve negotiated a 1000gp reward for rescuing Gundren they set out to the townhall to speak with the Mayor Harbin. Fa-Medve noticed that he was very nervous and distraught when speaking about the redcloaks and assured them they were no trouble and just a mercenary company. However he is willing to offer a reward for their removal as long as he is not implicated in anyway. Also finding out that some of the ruffians were seen around the ruined manor on the western border of the village.

Making a quick stop at the temple Edryness speaks with a young Elf cleric Sister Gareale about the redcloaks and learns they mostly leave her alone as she has no money or riches. She also offers a quest to find a spirit in the Neverwinter Woods and trade a silver comb for a spell book lost by one of her compatriots.


Deciding to go explore the ruins at night after taking a short rest the party saw a fire in the direction of the inn. However pushing on into the building Trix accidentily collapsed an old wall to reveal a trapdoor leading down into the basement of the manor. They traveled down and encountered a strange creature that spoke in their minds and a quick deal was struck to leave the corpses of the dead for it to feast on in exchange for taking out a few of the redcloaks.

Exploring the basement they found a small guard room with 4 massive bugbears beating a small goblin. After Fa-Medve cast a spell they started laughing uncontrollably and were hit by a Shatter spell from Edryness turning the goblin into a bloody mess. After a quick fight the last one was brought down by arrows from Artigar and Reshy. Trix discovered a pounch of silver and gems as well as an iron key in the pockets of one of the beasts.

Report Date
27 May 2024


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