Session 6

General Summary

Session 6: 07-07-2024

Retconned from last session: The party does not arrive at Castle Cragmaw but gets lost in Neverwinter Woods and finds itself at the ruins of a town in the south-east.

The party arrives at the end of a winding path and sees a view of a ruined old town with a large tower in the background. Almost every building seems to have fallen in and is overgrown with vines and plants. There is a sign right in front of them that says 'DANGER! Plant monsters and zombies! Turn back!'


They decide to explore the ruins and find out more of this location. Carefully approaching the closest houses Torold uses his divine sense to detect the presence of unnatural monsters and undead in one of the other buildings. Edrenyss casts a Shatter spell to clear out the monsters from the house and destroys one of the walls. Plant monsters appear and attack the party.


Quickly destroying the monsters and a fox appears in the doorway. It transforms into the shape of an elderly woman in a long green robe with a staff. The party goes to her watch post and she explains these are the ruins of Thundertree, an old town that was cursed and is now haunted by evil spirits inhabiting the dead or the local plant life. She is more worried about recent arrivals of strange people cloaked in black wearing masks that have taken an interest in the dragon that roosts on the old wizard's tower.


She asks the party to chase these newcomers away before they awaken and agitate the dragon. She doesn't want it to run amok and destroy the forests or rampage across the countryside. The party accepts and sneaks through town and Edrenyss detects that there are some magic items in an old ruined shop. They move on and get up to the old cottage where the strange people have set up. After shouting several times they're told to leave until Fa-Medve threatens to destroy their house with a spell. A man comes out and again asks them to leave. Torold and Fa-Medve convince him they're part of the cult and they learn they intent to leave a tribute and sacrifice people to the dragon. They convince him that they're needed back at the base and they start packing up to leave.


After a quick stop at the ruins of a shop and defeating some giant spiders they recover a magical suit of armor and a health potion. They speak to the druid and she gives the party 5 healing salves as a reward for chasing off the cultists. Torold however is conflicted about lying to the druid and knows they will come back eventually. He goes to the cottage but learns from Reshy that they're already long gone. So he takes an invisibility potion and sneaks into the tower. Telepathically speaking to the dragon he tries to convince it to look out for the cultists and convinces it that they're after it's hoard. Edrenyss casts another Shatter spell to distract it and the dragon rears up and roars loudly shaking some of the buildings in town.

Report Date
08 Jul 2024


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