Session 9 Report

General Summary

Session 9: 19-08-2024

The party is resting, eating and drinking in the Stonehill Inn at Phandalin in the evening after Gundren Rockseeker, Sildar Hallwinter and Elmina Barthen have left and giving them a hefty reward of 1000gp. They relax for the rest of the evening and decide to head out to the Conyberry ruins to face the Banshee and return the silver comb. In the morning they meet a Wood Elf by the name of Daejor and Torold recruits him to their cause.


They travel to the Triboar trail and after 1 day of traveling Trix notices a familiar masked figure in the woods spying on him. He tries to scare him by casting a firebolt at him but stumbles and misses missing him and hits him square in the chest. The figure runs off into the woods before anyone can react.


The party arrives at the ruins of Conyberry, Edrenyss, Torold and Daejor use magical detection methods to find the Banshee north of town. They start heading that way when Trix holds up the silver comb and suddenly the air gets cold and a mist rolls in glowing in eerie green. The banshee appears and after giving it the comb it offers to answer one question. Trix asks for a powerful magical weapon but the spirit does not know such a thing nearby but she does give information on a hoard of magical items guarded by a Spectator summoned by a wizard long ago. It has been driven mad by its long captivity but can be tricked by making it believe you are an owner of the mine.


Leaving the town after delivering the comb they travel to the eastern end of the Sword Mountains to find the camp of raiders at a location called Wyvern Tor. During their travels they seem to be followed by some kind of magical raven. After a few days it does mysteriously disappear.


They get suprised by a Wyvern in the hills leading to the camp. The party battles the creature and it proves no match for their skills and magic it gets entangled, blinded, hexed, marked as prey while it takes magical attacks, arrows, daggers and javelins. Restrained and bleeding out it gets the finishing blow from Edrenyss and showers some unfortunate party members in blood and guts. They extract 3 vials of potent Wyvern poison from the creature.


They reach the camp a day later and Daejor finds the trail leading to a cave. Artigar wildshapes into a wild cat and Edrenyss follows stealthily. They find two huge Ogres sitting around an extinguished campfire near the cave entrance.

Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelix
Report Date
19 Aug 2024


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