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The Year of the Starving

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Toril is an Earth-sized planet that consists of various continents and islands, including Faerûn, Kara-Tur, and Zakhara in the central super-continent and, throughout most of its history Anchorome, Maztica, and Katashaka in the western region of the world. There is also one large and very mysterious continent east of Kara-Tur called Osse whose nature and inhabitants are all but unknown. Toril is the third planet from the Sun in Realmspace. It is orbited by one moon named Selûne, and by a cluster of asteroids, known as the Tears of Selûne.   Throughout most of its history, Toril has been known less commonly as Abeir-Toril. The name "Abeir-Toril" is archaic, meaning "cradle of life" in an extinct and forgotten language.