
Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Alagarthas is in relative good physical shape, upon first inspection nobody would consider him anything but plainly human. He is not necessarily tall, nor short. He carries himself carefully and well-calculated, having gotten used to his blindness. He is always accompanied by Aeltai (pronounced Altay), his leoparddrake, who is also his most notable feature. His eyes are wrapped in a red cloth almost eerily similar to the leopard's eyes. He himself seems incapable of perceiving with his eyes, but Aeltai is sure to keep a precise eye on everyone and everything.

Special abilities

Alagarthas himself is blind, and has gained a blindsight of 30ft and tremorsense of 60ft. He does however have beast sense cast at most times.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

A long time ago, Alagarthas was royal-born. His sister, Neronvain the Green being the current leader of the Claug genasi. He believes that he could have brought prosperity to Claug and serve in her name. Old tradition mentioned however, that no male Genasi shall ever stand where their respective Knight once stood. During the attack on Turac and Neronvain the Green was helpen out over there, he made his escape.


Currently, Alagarthas works with The Emerald Enclave.

Failures & Embarrassments

When trying to flee Claug, Chuth the green dragon was sent after him by Neronvain the Green. Chuth was eventually defeated, but not before blinding Alagarthas with its highly fatal breath-attack. Chuth told Neronvain the Green that he killed Alagarthas.

Morality & Philosophy

When having left, he had realised how destructive and evil the genasi had been. Why fuel the purpose of life with hatred, when so many other options present itself? He wishes to convince his sister to step away from this awful mindset.

Neutral Good
Half-long black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Claug , Savras
Other Affiliations