
Arauthator is an old white dragon who lives in Oyaviggaton in the Sea of Moving Ice. 

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Even though Arauthator is a white dragon, his scales almost shine and glister like proper ice.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Arauthator was orphaned as a wyrmling when his entire family were slaughtered by the archmage Tulrun in 940 DR. He spent much of his early life plotting revenge against his family's killer. In 1279 DR, Arauthator sent the first of many waves of attackers against Tulrun's Tent, his enemy's stronghold. Ten years later, Tulrun met Arauthator face-to-face, not looking to kill him, but to parley. Arauthator agreed not to attack the civilised parts of the Silver Marches in exchange for Tulrun leaving him alone.   Arauthator gained fame in 1324 DR for slaying the red dragon Rathalylaug above the city of Neverwinter as well as the sorceress Shareera when he smashed her tower in his triumph. He was also known for killing the Hosttower mage Phaurothlin over a netherese spellbook and the blue dragon Eltagrathuuloor during a visit to a Magefair in Var the Golden.   Arauthator was among the dozen or so dragons that attacked the Host Tower of the Arcane in Luskan because of Sammaster's Rage of Dragons in 1373 DR. When part of the tower fell, Arauthator made off with a good deal of magical items, including a few powerful, priceless tomes.   Circa 1430 DR he made his home in an iceberg called Oyaviggaton

Gender Identity



Contacts & Relations

Arauthator's current mate is Arveiaturace.

Lawful Evil
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Old White Death
Icy blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White scales that shimmer like ice
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Draconic, Infernal, Common, Elfish
Ruled Locations