Avi Wuzfeddlims

Avi Derwin

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Avi is a rather short wood-elf wearing a somewhat shy yet content smile on their face, almost being delighted by every person who walks into the room. They seem like the person who keeps to themselves rather often, but not in avoidance. They like to be present, but not in the spotlight.

Body Features

Their hair seems of blueish tints, but is now slowly fading into a more dull colour showing hints of grey.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

As they were born, Avi wouldn't cry. Their parents were alarmed at first, but the doctors couldn't find anything wrong with them. So, as woodelves strive to reach nothing less than perfection, they dropped them at the nearest village.   After a few months living with their mothers, Avi finally started crying, causing all windows within 200ft to shatter.   Ever since then Avi has become much older, and has learned to use their voice a bit more carefully. They don't use their voice at all.   The smallest sound can cause powerful raptures. Or if Avi were to speak out his wished they'd often find the person this was directed towards charmed.   Nowadays they speak telepathically or with speechcards.




Avi has enrolled into Strixhaven University's Silverquill department for a 2-year degree in Restoration Magic.

Personality Characteristics


Avi's goal is to cure their curse affecting their voice. They would do almost anything to find a solution, but at the end of the day they'll put somebody else's happiness in front of their own. Even though it makes Avi incredibly happy to see others having a good time, a large part of this has to do with their fear of failure or worsening the curse.

Personality Quirks

It’s rare for a Avi to be hostile or malicious. They enjoy anyone’s company just as they enjoy everything else they set out to do.


Contacts & Relations

Avi is good at making friends wherever they go, because they truly are the nicest person you've met.

Family Ties

In Ieirithymbul, Avi was adopted from the age back when they were a baby. Their family exists of: Rosimyffenbip (younger sister 37 years old), Mammy Tammy (mother 346 years old), Mother Gzrekza (389 years old).   Rosimyffenbip ''Rosie''
Excitable and impish, Rosimyffenbip is proud of her name; she insists you can call her “Rosie” only if you are her friend. Or a teacher. Or a student. Or any other member of the university staff. Rosie speaks quickly and with so much energy that it often takes a moment to recover from a conversation with her. She moves far faster than one would expect; it’s unclear whether this is due to magic, a gnomish technological contraption, or just the laws of physics bending to Rosie’s force of personality.   Mammy Tammy & Mother Gzrekza
Avi's moms are co-owners of The Hoard and Hearth tavern in Ieirithymbul. They once owned one tavern each (The Hoard and The Hearth) and were fierce rivals, until one day an unnamed baby was placed on Gzrekza's doorstep. Always having considered Tammy a person with ''emotions'', Gzrekza approached her for help. From there on out, both women had taken care of their Avi as their own love and appreciation for each other grew similarly. After Tammy had become too old to run her own tavern, Gzrekza agreed to merge the two neighbouring taverns into one. Even though she wouldn't admit it, Gzrekza had always dreamed of this.   It has now been 2 months since Tammy has passed away. Even though Avi had wanted to stay home with their mother, Gzrekza insisted they'd still go to Strixhaven to join their sister Rosie. After all, ''Mammy Tammy would have wanted Avi to pursue their own goals, not to be stuck with some old gnome in a tavern filled with drunkards.''

Neutral Good
Current Residence
Strixhaven University