Blaire Martikov

Blaire Martikov

Physical Description

Physical quirks

This race is a mixture between an Elf and a Vedalken. Typically, these mixtures can ''switch'' between their elven and vedalken form, allowing them to fit more into societies.   The natural form is a mixture between their amphibian skin with the looks of a taller half-elf. They can Concentrate on changing your blue skin-colour to the skin-colour of your elven parent, this works exactly the same as Concentrating on a spell. Once you concentrate on something else, you will no longer be able to maintain the transformation.   Similarly, the Partially Amphibious and Fey Ancestry abilities are only available to the Caeruleum whenever they are in their appropriate form.   Blaire can always be seen in his half-elven form. Whenever he is studying spells that require concentration, he carefully practices this in private. This is because, when Blaire was younger, he was always told to stick to his half-elven form which is typically respected more by nobles.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Blaire was born to an Elven father and Vedalken mother. His father, Ferrel Martikov is a high-elf who works in Waterdeep, assisting and sometimes also representing the openlords when needed. He wants Blaire to become his successor into the
political role he plays, even expecting him to become an openlord when he grows older.   Blaire's mother, Leldia, was Vedalken and had always been interested in the different planes of existence which she based her entire research on after graduating from an internship at The Host Tower in Luskan and the Blackstaff Tower in Waterdeep. It was in Waterdeep where she fell in love with Ferrel. Even though he seemed to have no knowledge about the history behind his family name, Leldia was determined that if she could marry him he'd let her into his family secrets.   Leldia didn't have a hard time to get Ferrel to fall in love with her. As his love for her grew so did his status, becoming a direct spokesman for the openlords. Yet still, he wouldn't share the Martikov secret. In
every book regarding interplanar travel it had one thing in common; a person named Martikov.   She knew she could go one step further, and so Blaire Martikov was born. Whether she loved Blaire and Ferrel, or if she loved the knowledge they could possibly possess remained unknown, even to her. Throughout the years Ferrel and Leldia grew apart, Ferrel more focused on his political career and Leldia growing more impatient with the idea that he'd be keeping secrets for her, endlessly dangling the key to all her answers right in front of her eyes.   Once Leldia knew he wouldn't budge, she became convinced that he did pass on this knowledge to Blaire. From this moment on, Blaire and Leldia's relationship became purely focused on her research. Blaire didn't know this, and he thought this was her finally wanting to spend time with him. For the next five years they spend researching the Martikov name and interplanar-travel until they reached a closed end.   When Blaire was 29 he woke up with his mother gone, with a letter saying: ''If you're going to be as stubborn as your father you can rot away with him in Waterdeep''. There he was. Alone. In Thay.   He sought contact with his father, yet no answer came. After months of traveling and struggling to make his way back to Waterdeep his father was more annoyed than happy. Until he was 35 he spent every moment trying to make it up to his father.


On his 37th birthday he decided to take fate into his own hands by combining his father's influence and his mother's intellect and signing up for Strixhaven Academy, specifically branching off into interplanar research just as his mother.   Now, at age 38, Blaire is leaning towards the young-adult age and it's currently his first year at the University.

Personality Characteristics


Blaire believes that if he would crack the code of planar travel that his mother would return which would then also make his father happy again.

I think I just blue myself.

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38 (young adult)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
194cm / 6'4' feet