
Iymrith is an ancient blue dragon who can assume the form of a storm giant. In this guise, she has infiltrated Hekaton’s court. While concealing her true nature and agenda from the giants, Iymrith offers counsel to Princess Serissa and at the same time secretly feeds the anger and jealousy of Serissa’s older siblings, with the ultimate goal of thrusting the giants into war with the small folk.   In the short time at Hekaton's court, she has become a second mother to the three daughters of Hekaton. She has risen in the ranks of the court and became one of Serissa's most trusted advisors.   This was thwarted when Dionne revealed to Serissa that Iymrith is a blue dragon and was working with Slarkathel to overthrow the storm giants. This has caused Iymrith to lash out and flee from the court along with Avindr.


Iymrith is a storm giant in Hekaton’s court.

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