
The odor of sulfur and pumice surrounds a red dragon, whose swept-back horns and spinal frill define its silhouette. Its beaked snout vents smoke at all times, and its eyes dance with flame when it is angry. Klauthen Vale is a narrow, winding valley in the mountains west of Mirabar. Thanks to ancient and powerful magic, the valley is warm throughout of the year — an oasis in the cold, cold north. Roaming this expanse are hundreds of sheep, goats, and cattle plucked from other regions of the North by the vale’s dread overlord, the red wyrm Klauth. Scattered here and there are the crushed or charred bones of powerful adventurers and entire orc hordes that dared to enter the valley.   “Old Snarl,” as Klauth is also known, likes to lie on a ledge high on one of the valley walls and survey his domain, descending occasionally to snatch up an animal or intruder. The walls around the valley contain numerous caves, two of them large enough for Klauth to shelter in. He keeps his legendary hoard in tunnels beneath one cavern, which can be entered only by lifting or pushing aside a massive slab of stone — a task impossible for anyone not as large and strong as an ancient dragon.   Klauth is one of the largest and most fearsome red dragons ever known in Faerûn. Huge but graceful, he’s as supple as a cat. His body is covered in old, wicked-looking scars where scales have been torn away and never grown back. He brutally attacks other dragons, seeking to slay any wyrm that might rival him in power, in a fighting style marked by sudden attacks and just as sudden disappearances.   Klauth spends many waking hours scrying Faerûn with his spells, and he probably knows more about the deeds and whereabouts of surface-world creatures in the North and along the Sword Coast than any other being alive today. Old Snarl obeys strange whims that prompt him to perform acts of kindness for creatures he doesn’t think can harm him.


Meddlesome ancient red dragon in Klauthen Vale

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