Lyra Alagondar

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

On first glance, Lyra looks to be an intimidating person, standing her ground like an impenetrable fortress. Even though she herself may not be large in figure, she is a skilled druid with a focus on ice and cold magic, wielding her unique Frost Brand Rapier in battle. Many people in the north respect her, and she acts accordingly as a strong role model for those who she rules over.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Lyra Alagondar is the daughter of Bann Alagondar, one of the previous leaders of Neverwinter.    Lyra had just celebrated her 20th birthday. In her father’s eyes, this meant that she was supposed to take on a bigger responsibility and expand the name of her family. Through the years, the Alagondar family started to notice Lyra’s magical abilities and she was often sent to other families to meet a future husband. However, Lyra didn’t want to marry, she wanted to follow her aunt’s, Tanamere Alagondar, footsteps who had once slain a green dragon. Before her aunt passed, she gave Lyra a green pseudodragon named Ygrith.

Accomplishments & Achievements

After helping defeat the evil dragon Iymrith, Lyra helped form The United North. As the leader of this organization, she took over Neverwinter and officially became the first Lady of Neverwinter. Together with the help of other towns in the area, they broke off all affiliation with The Lord's Alliance.

Mental Trauma

Lyra was sent away to find a husband more often each year, until she tried to flee Neverwinter with Smirnoff. Leaving behind everything they had except for a few things such as protection from the cold winter winds, they tried sneaking out of a back-entrance. However, they were caught by the leader of the king’s guard, Bauldros and a few soldiers.   Desperate for a solution, Smirnoff ran straight into the soldiers and told Lyra to go see the outside world. Lyra disagreed and started casting spells against the soldiers. This time Smirnoff looked at her, with both anger and grief in his eyes, as he yelled at her to leave him. This was the only time he had ever raised his voice, and with shock Lyra ran away into the dark night.   For years, the roamed the north when she stumbled upon some suspicious activities the lords had planned. 

Lawful Neutral
Half-long brown hair with grey worked through it
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization