Proinsias Cadwell

Professor Proinsias Cadwell (a.k.a. Cadwell)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Cadwell is a relatively tall, slender, man that seems to observe every person and creature alike with careful precision. As if he is purposefully making mental notes of everyone he comes across.   When moving around, he does so quietly, without actively sneaking around, seemingly walking around without the slightest sound.

Identifying Characteristics

Due to his vampiric heritage, Cadwell's eyes light up a bright yellow which could be compared to those of a cat.   Besides this, he has two fangs that replaced his human incisors when he became a vampire all those years ago.   Whenever Cadwell is in a public place he hides his fangs by mumbling or talking into his hand.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

As a kid, Proinsias and his two brothers, Owen and Declan, grew up with their father in Waterdeep. His older brothers wanted to help their father in the butcher's shop, but Proinsias wasn't cut out for it. As a kid, he enjoyed climbing
onto the rooftops of Waterdeep and observing life in the big city. He watched as ships came and went and learned about all the kinds of animals and humanoids that roamed the city. His father's opinion on this was simple: If you don't contribute to the shop and bring in money you don't get fed either. Proinsias couldn't stomach the idea of eating creatures that were once filled with life, becoming nauseous just at the thought of it. When Proinsias was 16 he was kicked out of the house and started taking on smaller jobs for   One day, he saw a strange creature roaming the streets at night. This monstrosity was walking down the street late at night, so it was difficult to actually see what it was. All Proinsias knew was that this wat not human, yet it intrigued him. He carefully climbed over the rooftops and ended up at this inn that had just closed up for the night. The creature snuck inside via the backdoor and Proinsias was looking around the building, jumping onto the side-building attached to it. As he jumped over he immediately fell through the roof and he landed in a dark room. In front of him, the creature stood tall, growling at him. Proinsias tried to run, but he had fallen in quite the unfortunate way, leaving his ankle broken. He shouted for help and a man came in with a lantern, shooing away the monster that quickly ran into a wardrobe. The man introduced himself as Lif, the taverkeeper of the Trollskul Manor.  
Lif helped him into the main room and took care of his ankle and explained the monster and what the Undermountain was. Proinsias was mesmerised by the idea of an entire civilization living underground, mainly the interesting creatures that lived there. Lif cut him a deal. In order to pay for the destroyed roof, Proinsias would start working at Trollskull Manor as the ''caretaker''. His job would be to do some paperwork for Lif, but he was also hired to take care of the creatures that came out of the entrance to the Undermountain. Lif explained to him that the creatures that would exit through the manor were usually smaller creatures, mostly interested in the world above and unable to cause real harm. That being said, the people of Waterdeep usually aren't as kind and curious as the creatures themselves.   Even after having paid off his debt, Proinsias kept working at Trollskull Manor, now also taking up a room for his permanent stay. He became close with Lif and started learning more and more about the magical creatures and monsters. After years of saving up money, Proinsias knew what he wanted to do. He wanted to learn more about magical creatures. This is why, at age 22 left to enrol in Strixhaven University.

Gender Identity



When Proinsias turned 22, he went to study magical biology at Strixhaven. He had saved every penny from his job at Trollskull Manor and when he finally got in his life had only begun. It took him three years of consistently applicating until he was finally accepted. Perseverance and Lif's constant support finally got through.   During his time there he met Harvey Clemont who was at the time studying ancient language. At first the two weren't too fond of each other. Proinsias usually spent his free time studying, making sure that every moment at the
university was well spent. Harvey on the other hand spent a lot of time partying and having fun around the school and the many magical opportunities it brought with it. Proinsias considered him as just another rich kid that didn't have to work to be accepted into the school. In their final year at Strixhaven they were paired together for their final assessment. Their final year was spent working on their final exam; creating a fully-fledged bestiary based on a certain type of creature.   After some arguments and attempts to change the collaborative effort into a different assignment, they were sent to the Feywild to figure everything out themselves. Proinsias knew that their first task was to create a base of operations. Harvey on the other hand, had no clue how to survive outdoors, resulting into him wandering off. Once Proinsias set up a decent base of operations, he noticed that Harvey was nowhere to be found. Realising that if he got his partner got killed he would probably fail his exam, he went out to look for him.   While he was walking around the woods he suddenly heard a scream coming from a set of caves up north. Immediately Proinsias ran towards the scream, grabbing his sword just in case. There he saw Harvey fending off a bizarre fey creature flying above him made from the very stone of the caves with a stick. Why Harvey didn't just run away was a mystery to Proinsias, but he had to act either way. After defeating the interesting creature it quickly fled the scene. As he turned to Harvey, Proinsias saw what had occurred. Harvey's right arm had turned into stone and had become one with the walls of the cave. Immediately Proinsias stormed towards him, asking how the hell he already fucked things up. He soon feel silent, taking note off the lack of a nasty comebacks. Harvey just stood there, slumped against the wall, not paying attention to the scratches on his face but instead looking at his arm with a horrified look on his face. Proinsias, not knowing what the hell was going on or how to handle emotional distress in general, asked Harvey if he was okay, more gentle this time. Something in Harvey snapped. Shouting at Proinsias that he of course was in fact not okay and that his arm was gone, useless, merged into the wall. He was angry, but more so he was terrified. This was his dominant arm that was trapped, without it he couldn't even dream of writing the bestiary and his entire future career would be in shambles. Proinsias knew this feeling all too well, the feeling that everything is lost, he just hadn't considered anyone such as Harvey could feel those same emotions.   Noticing that night would fall soon, Proinsias tried to get Harvey out of this situation, but he was stuck. Proinsias was aware that a anti-petrification spell or potion would likely solve this problem, but all of their stuff was located back at the base. He stood up and explained this to Harvey, but Harvey begged him not to leave him alone. The trip would take at least an hour to complete, likely even longer if Proinsias had to travel through the dark. He looked at Harvey, who was now leaning against the wall not being able to sit on the ground due to his raised arm, and decided to wait for the morning before he went back.   After Proinsias had pushed a small boulder closer so Harvey could at least sit on it he also sat down, spending the beginning of these hours mostly quiet as he listened closely to the nightlife of the forest waking up. Some hours passed and both soon came to realise a couple of things. The first thing being the cold and the second being the fact that they hadn't eten anything since the morning before they left. If Harvey wanted to be freed from his situation as smoothly as possible, he'd need enough energy to withstand the process. After a small discussion Harvey gave in and Proinsias went to look around the area they were in to find some food. There were some plants around, but since it was dark it was difficult to see what colour of berries these plants contained Proinsias decided to leave them. Instead finding a rabbit to prepare for Harvey. Throughout the years Proinsias had become better when it comes to handeling dead animals, since it was sometimes needed to fight off a beast, yet he still remained a vegetarian. Half an hour later he came back with some wood for a small fire and the food. After preparing the rabbit he allowed Harvey to dig in, but refrained from eating anything himself.   Harvey's dinner was interrupted by the rumbling of Proinsias' stomach. As much as a pantomath as always, Harvey inquired why Proinsias wasn't eating. Proinsias explained that his father taught him the skills of a butcher from a young age and ever since then the idea of eating meat has been nothing less than sickening to him. Harvey was surprised by this, he had always thought Proinsias didn't care about any living thing than himself. For the first time in hours he phrased this sentence as a sarcastic joke, insinuating a laugh from Proinsias.   The remainder of that night the two students spent sitting next to each other, talking about what makes them tick until Harvey fell asleep on Proinsias' shoulder. When Harvey woke up the sun was up and he noticed Proinsias had left. Immediately freaking out with the idea of being alone in this strange world, Proinsias walked around the corner with a confused expression and when asked rhetorically asking if Harvey would have rather woken up without breakfast. As they ate their breakfast in silence Harvey wasn't very fond of their situation. He know he'd have to be alone for at least an hour before Proinsias could return, if he would return at all. For all he knew Proinsias would leave, contact Strixhaven, and just tell them that Harvey had died.   What seemed like an eternity, Proinsias came back to the caves with alchemy equipment under his arms. He started on a solution and Harvey tried to help, but he clearly had no idea what he was talking about. That afternoon Proinsias completed the potion and freed Harvey's arm. At first filled with relief, they saw that Harvey's arm was still made of the same material as the wall. He was however, able to move the arm and fingers, but it took him a lot of effort.   When they got back to the base they took a better look at the arm. Not only was the arm still part stone, it had travelled as far as Harvey's shoulder. Realising that the petrification had spread Proinsias made the decision that they had to contact Strixhaven to postpone their assessment, Harvey immediately declined. He could still use the arm, he just needed to practice to regain his mobility and they needed to keep the petrification at bay. Luckily, withholding petrification is easier than curing it entirely.   After having settled some days later and having prepared a collection of potions for Harvey's arm, they could finally start on their assignment.   As Proinsias and Harvey spent more time together they became closer and found out that neither of them had treated the other fairly, allowing their judgements to consume then instead of taking the initiative to know the other one better. When the year had passed and they were finishing off their research the two weren't ready to part their ways. In a way, both had grown emotionally attached to each other. Even when both had returned to Strixhaven they kept seeking out excuses to meet up. Both lead vastly different social-lifes, mainly due to Proinsias having not having one. Both challenged each other by extending their horizons and meeting both outside of the school as well as indoors.   Several weeks later they got the news that their bestiary had been approved and that they were able to graduate that weekend. At first Proinsias was planning on going to the ceremony and then to straight head home, but Harvey had other plans. Proinsias was going out with him, even if it would kill him. Out of nervousness Proinsias had ignored Harvey in the days before their graduation. He was well aware that he had acquired feelings for Harvey, but realised the moment they'd leave Strixhaven they would never see each other again, which would probably actually be for the best.   The night of graduation was there and since the seats were alphabetically organised Proinsias was confronted with an insulted Harvey. They signed their diplomas and Proinsias left almost as soon as he put down the pen. Later that night as Proinsias was packing his bags Harvey barged in, clearly angry with Proinsias ghosting him. Proinsias knew it'd be best to just let him get rid of the anger before saying anything. When that silence finally came, Proinsias stated exactly, in a manner-of-fact way, what he was so sure what would happen after their graduation and that he just wanted to speed up the process by being the one to leave first. Stunned by shorter man's words, Harvey stood still for a moment, asking himself what he had done to fuck this up. People always told him he was too much and now Proinsias thought the same. When Harvey remained silent, Proinsias picked up his bags and walked past Harvey, only for Harvy to embrace him from behind. This cut deep. Air seemed to neither move in our out of his unmoving body as he felt his shoulder dampen and as he came to the realisation this was due to Harvey's tears, he couldn't help but let out a sob.   Just like the first night they spent together in the Feywild, they talked the entire night, this time lined with alcohol and the two men confessing their feelings for each other. They never married, but have been in a relationship ever since.


Cadwell started teaching at Strixhaven University in his late-twenties as a Biology professor with a specific focus on magical creatures and monsters. Harvey became a professor of Linguistics focussed on magical languages.

Accomplishments & Achievements

In 1455 Proinsias and Harvey married.

Mental Trauma

Every year the final-years go on a schooltrip to rural area in the Faerun with Professor Cadwell and Professor Clemont, in the year of 1466 they travelled to some old giant ruins north of the Sword Coast. Around the 1450s a giant's flying castle had crashed into one of the mountains and no one really knows why, which is what they were there to figure out. On the second day some of the students came running down to Proinsias and Harvey claiming they heard noises coming from one of the centre spires. Confused yet interested in whatever this could have been, Proinsias and some of the students went to investigate while Harvey stayed down to make sure the students could find him if needed for something else.   As Proinsias put his ear against the door of the spire, he too noticed something mucking-around inside. He carefully opened the frozen-shut door and lit up a torch. Inside sat a woman with her back turned towards him, shivering in the cold. Proinsias slowly came closer and called out to her. When she didn't respond he hurried further in, anyone that could have survived the crash may have an idea to what had exactly happened. Carefully, as to trying not to fall on the slippery interior, he approached the woman and he wondered how someone could survive such a horrid condition for so many years. He then had to climb over this wardrobe that had most likely fallen over during the crash, but when he climbed over it the wardrobe gave in and rendered him temporarily prone as he tried to climb out. As he was trying to climb out he noticed that this wardrobe had been lined with some sort of animal fur. Immediately feeling uneasy he finally got out and stood face to face with the woman. He once more called out for her, asking if she is hurt and mentioning he is there to help. The spire was met with silence as the woman turned around and the students at the entrance started murmuring something unintelligible for Proinsias at that distance.   Trying to get closer he almost slipped, dropping the torch as it rolled further down towards the woman, her face and surroundings now being lit up by the torch. Shock overtook Proinsias as he noticed the numerous carcases layout at her feet as he looked up and was met with a fanged smile of a very hungry vampire. ''Shit.'' was all he could utter before making his way up the slippery spire. Desperately clawing at the fallen over furniture he noticed the wardrobe, which he then realised was a coffin. He climbed over it, kicking it down towards the vampire who was now chasing him. He knows vampires are faster than him, let alone a starving vampire. He climbed further up, yelling at the students to get away from the door. Some of the students had gathered that something had gone wrong, having bound a rope at one of the fences outside and throwing it down to assist their professor in his escape. Proinsias grabbed onto it, using it to balance himself and let him be dragged up by his students. Almost being at the top, the vampire lunged and dug her nails into his calves and he cried out in pain as he slipped down the rope, burning his hands through his gloves in the process until there no longer was any rope to hold onto and he fell at least 60 feet down. Everything went dark.   The next thing Proinsias remembered was a concerned Harvey leaning over him as he was being taken care of in Harvey's Leomund's Tiny Hut. Every inch of his body hurt, he had tried to speak, but no sound was able to be pushed up his throat. Proinsias soon passed out again.   Waking up what felt like seconds later was actually hours later. They were still in Harvey's hut, but this time Harvey was talking to a medic that Proinsias didn't recognise. This time Harvey noticed he had gained consciousness again and walked over to him. Harvey of course, not explaining exactly what happened, just telling him he had taken a pretty nasty fall which seemed to explain the pain.
The expedition was cut short and everyone returned to Strixhaven. When they got home, Proinsias could clearly tell that Harvey was nervous, too nervous. Instead of giving answers Harvey put Proinsias in bed and told him he'd explain everything later. That night Proinsias woke up fidgety and restless, nothing seemingly able to tire him. He walked around their apartment which eventually woke up Harvey who purposefully avoided Proinsias' eyes. Being absolutely done with Harvey withholding information he slapped his fist down on the table effectively breaking it in two. Stunned by this result he immediately shut up. He looked back at Harvey, who was now looking him directly in his eyes. Proinsias didn't want to believe it, but he knew. Memories started flooding back and he became overwhelmed with nausea, he ran to the bathroom to throw up, yet nothing came out. Looking up from the sink he was confronted by a reflectionless mirror, just the emptiness of the bathroom-tiles staring back at him until Harvey walked in from behind the corner.   Some more days passed, and even though Proinsias knew what he needed but he refused. One morning he woke Harvey up with shouting and throwing things around. Every inch of him felt as if he was on fire, an itch that needed scratching that was fuelling his aggression. Harvey walked up to him and reached out to comfort him and to convince Proinsias that it'd be okay, but the moment he touched Proinsias' shoulder Proinsias jumped up, eyes flaring a bright yellow as he ran out the door. It was dark outside, he had soon noticed that sunlight had started hurting, almost blinding and deafening all his senses. With his pace faster than before, he gave up on sneaking around, quickly passing by any students that were burning their nightfuel, until he arrived at the Biology lab. His hands were shaking, both with fear and anticipation, as he opened the door with his keys. Inside were tons of small pocket dimensions with different habitats in them, filled with life. He walked into the first one, found the closest animal he could find and killed it, draining its blood. He wasn't sure how much time had past until Harvey walked into the pocket dimension. At that point everything became very real, too real, and all Proinsias could do was cry into his partner's chest.   Some months passed and Proinsias and Harvey became smarter about this. They learned that Proinsias could go for 72 hours before showing signs of withdrawal and instead of killing an entire creature, they filled up several vials with blood so they'd only have to go in there once a week. After a week has passed the blood becomes stale and inconsumable.   This went by successfully for almost a year, until one day a student found Proinsias gathering blood from one of the animals and ran away screaming. Proinsias tried to run after him, but Aarakocra are too damn fast.   After a day of panic and another day of figuring out what to do next the faculty members decided that Proinsias was allowed to keep living in the school as long as he first participated in a research project. The board realised how rare it was to have a vampire alive and well to research, let alone a willing one. Harvey and Proinsias talked it through and came to the conclusion they didn't really have a choice. If Proinsias were to be kicked out, Harvey would follow him, which would therefore stop him from pursuing his dream job.   At first the tests were simple. They started testing out certain rumours such as mirror reflections, allergies to steel and sunlight, diferent types of blood, and running water. This simplicity however soon changed. They wanted to test a vampire's endurance and see how long a vampire could go without being fed their type of food. Proinsias was kept in a room alone, nothing but a clock with the date and time integrated in the wall. The first few days passed and he started feeling weaker, feeling nauseous. Then things got much worse. Proinsias became angry and fidgety and angry, just like before. He started threatening the workers that he would kill them on the spot the first chance he could, his anger overtaking him. Another day later, entering his first week after the initial 72 hours, the light of the room started affecting him like sunlight would. The next day he woke up with a splitting headache as his vision started to blur. On day 10 he wanted nothing more than to kill. He stood in front of the window and just watched at the lack of his own reflecting, knowing people were observing him. He started drooling just at the idea that he'd be able to shatter the window with one hit. Later that day the door to his room opened, his head twitching towards the entrance as he saw that Harvey had entered.    Emptiness. He felt nothing but emptiness. Harvey looked at his partner and saw nothing but a feral expression in his eyes. He stepped forward, Proinsias stepped back. Harvey spoke, still being enthused to see his partner for the first time in a couple days. Proinsias didn't hear a thing he said, Harvey's words being swallowed purely by the intense headache that was telling him to drain Harvey. He stepped closer until Proinsias was pressed up against one of the walls. A moment passed. Harvey reached out which triggered Proinsias into lunging at him with his fangs aiming for Harvey's throat only to be blocked by Harvey's petrified arm. Proinsias and Harvey were now looking each other in the eye, and Proinsias realised what he had done. Without giving it a second thought he charged out of the room, bursthing through the door, sprinting away. He ran past the guards, slamming them into the wall. Proinsias entered into one of the other rooms next to his experiment room and grabbed the first weapon he saw as he then jumped out of the window into the night. 

Morality & Philosophy

After he had escaped Strixhaven he arrived once more at Waterdeep and before he knew it he was standing inside of Trollskull Manor, drenched in blood that he didn't remember how it got there. He looked around, the red slowly fading from his expression, and what he saw in front of him were people fighting and Lif dragging him away to the back where everything was quieter. Even in the back the loud smashing of furniture could still be heard as people were desperately trying to get into the basement with them. Lif was asking him questions that he didn't understand or could keep track off. Then an explosion happened, forcefully throwing Lif and Proinsias against the stone wall of the basement. Proinsias ran towards Lif, but it was already too late. His head was bleeding and the fire from the fireball was creeping towards their bodies now drenched in alcohol from the barrels in the basement. Proinsias dragged Lif away towards the wardrobe, but Lif struggled against it. As Proinsias was trying to get him into the Undermountain, Lif caught on fire, screaming in agony. Leaving Lif behind, Cadwell went through the entrance.   We are now in 1492. Cadwell has been roaming the Undermountain for years and has become quite acquainted with the life there. As always, he mostly sticks to him own devices and feeds carefully on creatures that no one would miss. Some locals know he is a vampire, but he still tries to hide it most of the time in order to secure new jobs. People avoid him, afraid that he would snap and drink them within a matter of seconds, calling him The Butcher of the Upper Floors. Even though Cadwell to this day still hasn't fed on any humanoids, he enjoys the privacy that this nickname comes with.


Religious Views

Until Cadwell had been turned he wasn't too sure about the gods and if there even were gods. Nowadays, he doesn't care. If there are gods out there, they don't give a shit what happens to the mortals.

Social Aptitude

Cadwell is well aware that his situation cannot be helped, but this doesn't mean that he enjoys the drastic change in his lifestyle.   He despises this part of himself. Even after he had left his constantly declining situation at Strixhaven, throughout the years he has come very close to death by ignore his craving until he was inevitably taken over by the beast inside him.   He hates himself for not being strong enough. He hates himself for hurting the people he loves. He wants nothing more than to be rid of this curse, yet any step forward seems to bring him two steps back.

This ''man'' needs a therapist.

View Character Profile
Lawful Evil
Date of Birth
Hammer 3, 1424 DR
Brown, yellow
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Abyssal, Common, Dwarvish, Elvish, Goblin, Infernal, Sylvan, Undercommon.