Skyreach Tower


The Tower has undergone some changes since it has been disconnected from Skyreach Castle itself. Below is a list of rooms which the tower currently has built.
  • Library, mostly books filled with the history of Giants and a place called ''Eye of the Allfather''. Esclarotta's son Eigeron always enjoys reading, and when the castle broke off she decided to keep his book collection safe for when he returns some day.
  • Map room, has a large map of the northern part of the Sword Coast. It's definitely old and outdated, but it's incredibly detailed.
  • Empty rooms, there are 5 rooms intended as sleeping quarters or other purposes, one of which is a top room which can only be reached by flying. They are currently empty. Every room has one wall made of ice which, when touched, disappears and returns after 1 minute.
  • Steering room with the ability to control the tower. This is where Esclarotta remains.


A staircase of ice leads from the tower’s ground floor to a higher chamber, the walls and ceiling of which gleam and glitter: Jewels are everywhere in the room. You see glowing moonstones, thumb-sized emeralds, shining silvery mithral wands, and strange spheres covered in turquoise and gold, as well as dozens of copper levers and golden spheres embedded in the walls. After a moment, the walls themselves seem to disappear, providing a perfect aerial view in all directions, as if there were no castle and no cloudstuff around. More than a dozen glowing white runes wink into existence, drifting about the room like snowflakes.



When no one is present, the castle is under the control of the spirit of Esclarotta, who is bound to the fortress by powerful magic that cannot be dispelled. Touching one of the glowing runes issues a specific command to Esclarotta’s spirit. A character who understands Dwarvish or Giant can interpret the command runes.   Although anyone can trigger command runes, the spirit of the cloud giant Esclarotta actually controls the castle and can “lock out” individuals who misuse the command runes, effectively rendering them unable to trigger the runes.   Any character succeeding on a DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) check senses an intelligence at work, and one can attempt to communicate with Esclarotta’s spirit simply by calling out to it while inside the tower. She is a kind soul, disturbed by the cultists, dragon, wyverns, and kobolds infesting her beautiful castle, and she longs for information about what her husband is up to. Requests made to her succeed with a DC 14 Charisma (Persuasion).  

Arcane Lock

The door is secured with an arcane lock. It can be opened with the code word ''Esclarotta'' or by a knock spell. For everyone else, breaking it down is largely impossible, because a DC 70 Strength check is required.  

Command Runes

Alarm. A noise akin to a howling wind alerts all non-deafened creatures in the castle.   All-Clear. A noise akin to a loud whisper signals an end to danger.   Anchor. The castle holds position on the ground or in the air. The castle remains stationary despite winds, storms, and so on.   Calm. The thunderclouds around the castle abate over a period of 1 minute. During this time, the storm rune cannot be reactivated.   Cast Off. The castle is no longer anchored.   Drift. The castle drifts on the wind, effectively under no one’s control.   Home. The castle returns to its place of origin, in the Spine of the World (a cold mountain range to the north).   North, South, East, and West. The castle moves in the specified cardinal direction. Touching two runes simultaneously can move the castle in other directions; for example, touching the north and east runes at the same time moves the castle northeast.   Rise. The castle ascends at a rate of 10 feet per round.   Sink. The castle descends at a rate of 10 feet per round. If it comes into contact with the ground, it lands.   Spin. The castle rotates gently clockwise, completing one full rotation in 1 minute.   Storm. The clouds around the castle darken and churn, becoming rumbling thunderclouds over a period of 1 minute. Until then, the calm rune cannot be activated. Once the thunderclouds have fully formed, the creature that activated the storm rune can use its action while standing in the steering chamber to target one creature or unattended object it can see with a lightning bolt. The bolt has a range of 1,000 feet. A creature targeted by the bolt must succeed on a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw or take 22 (4d10) lightning damage. An unattended object targeted by the bolt simply takes the damage (no saving throw).   Unveil. Foggy cloudstuff engulfing the castle dissipates. Lightly obscured areas become clear in 1 round, and heavily obscured areas become lightly obscured for 1 minute, then become clear.   Veil. Foggy cloudstuff materializes around the castle. After one minute, all creatures and objects in outdoor areas within 100 feet of the castle are heavily obscured, and all creatures and objects in indoor areas are lightly obscured.   Widdershins. The castle rotates gently counterclockwise, completing one full rotation in one minute.

Room, Tower, Other