Smirnoff Alagondar

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Smirnoff was a tall Polar Ursine who intimately greeted every person as if they were all equals. His intimidating size soon faded away when you got to know him, for his warmth and love spread throughout most people who came into contact with him. 

Apparel & Accessories

Smirnoff wore good-plated armour with the symbol of Boldrei work into its chest plate.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Smirnoff was an Ursine, a rare humanoid Polar bear, who didn’t quite take the same route the other Ursine took.   As a cub of merely a few weeks old, Smirnoff was found barely alive in the snow near Neverwinter. A 6 y/o Lyra Alagondar, daughter of Bann Alagondar, found him around the city walls. She and her friend Xarron, one of the helps from the kitchen, could often be spotted sneaking out and exploring the large proximity of Neverwinter.   When they found the small Ursine they brought it back to castle’s cleric who saved the small Ursine, now known as Smirnoff.   Lyra went to her father, Bann Alagondar, and swore to him that she’d take care of the cub herself. However, Bann knew that Ursine could be extremely dangerous beasts. Lyra could keep Smirnoff on a few conditions:
1. If Smirnoff were to become a danger to others, he would be killed for the safety of the citizens of Neverwinter.
2. He was going to be raised as Lyra’s personal bodyguard.
3. He was obliged to learn common and become a proper part of the Alagondar family.
  After this agreement, Lyra took Smirnoff everywhere as he quickly grew into a larger bear. He was taught how to behave properly and how to protect Lyra. Even though Smirnoff has never known about his past family, he always had an eager need for a family. The same cleric who saved him, taught him about the different religions and he soon found interest in the ideals of Boldrei and the comfort of acceptance it came with.   When Smirnoff turned 14, Lyra had just celebrated her 20th birthday. In her father’s eyes, this meant that she was supposed to take on a bigger responsibility and expand the name of her family. Through the years, the Alagondar family started to notice Lyra’s magical abilities and she was often sent to other families to meet a future husband. However, Lyra didn’t want to marry, she wanted to follow her aunt’s, Tanamere Alagondar, footsteps who had once slain a green dragon. Before her aunt passed, she gave Lyra a green pseudodragon named Ygrith.

Failures & Embarrassments

During his travels with his close friends Genesis and Dionne, he found out about Lyra Alagondar's travels and how she had made it out alive and well. After tracking her down and reuniting, Smirnoff had felt nothing but guilt for leaving her to fend for herself, even though she turned out okay. From there on he vowed to be with her every step of the way, to give her the chance to make the north a better place for all folk alike.   Unfortunately, this meant leaving Genesis and Dionne behind. Even though he spent the rest of his life dedicating himself to Lyra and the north, creating equal opportunity and bringing warmth to the north, he was never able to forgive himself for leaving Genesis and Dionne.

Mental Trauma

Lyra Alagondar was sent away to find a husband more often each year, until she tried to flee Neverwinter with Smirnoff. Leaving behind everything they had except for a few things such as protection from the cold winter winds, they tried sneaking out of a back-entrance. However, they were caught by the leader of the king’s guard, Bauldros and a few soldiers.   Desperate for a solution, Smirnoff ran straight into the soldiers and told Lyra to go see the outside world. Lyra disagreed and started casting spells against the soldiers. This time Smirnoff looked at her, with both anger and grief in his eyes, as he yelled at her to leave him. This was the only time he had ever raised his voice, and with shock Lyra ran away into the dark night.   When Smirnoff knew she had left safely, the gave in as the guards beat him mercilessly. The next day he woke up in a cell with the feeling of pure emptiness inside of him. He had lost his one and only purpose, as well as the only reason why he was still alive in the first place.   On every day, Bauldros came to his cell whipping him until his arm got tired, but Smirnoff never gave any information on where she was going. Two weeks later, or so he thinks, the cleric came by. He healed Smirnoff and helped him escape Neverwinter. Months of slowly traveling through the thick snow went by, as Smirnoff no longer had a purpose. Until one day his foot got stuck on something underneath the snow. He dug a hole and he soon found a person made of rocks. He recognized this as a weapon from his history lessons, but it looked so peaceful. Contemplating the freezing cold he felt sorry for the person completely covered in snow. No one should deserve such a fate, even if they were dead. He dug out the rock-person and dragged him to a nearby cave where he sat up a campfire. After being asleep for a few hours he suddenly sensed movement as he hastily woke up. The rock-person was alive.   Over the next few years Smirnoff and Genesis helpt others find the same craving they were looking for so badly, a family.

Morality & Philosophy

All folk have the same blood and must be treated similarly. 

Lawful Good
Current Status
Date of Death
1501 DR
Circumstances of Death
Old age
White fluffy fur
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White fur
Aligned Organization