The Amber Temple Building / Landmark in Toril | World Anvil

The Amber Temple

A secret society of good-aligned wizards built the Amber Temple in the Balinok Mountains more than two thousand years ago.

Purpose / Function


The changes below are to fit the temple's secrets to the players.   Bunny 
X33f West Sarcophagus - A sense of wonder pulls on you as if someone is taking hold of your hand and leading you towards the door
The moment Bunny steps into the temple they get a strange sense of discomfort, yet familiarity. In the library the following book series can be found: ''The Bold Adventures of Max Sam McCracken and Olivia Penelope Nash''. There are several volumes with emphasis on these examples:
  • The Lost Laboratory of Kwalish
  • Lost Mine of Phandelver
  • The Hunt for the Thessalhydra
  • At the back of each book there is a collaborative author's note from Max and Olivia talking about their connection and their friendship. The final book talks about a teaser for their exploration and research for Omu.     Zachriel
    X33b North Sarcophagus - forget your pains and grief, live the life Xavier would want you to live.
    + Forget your grief and pain.
    _ Become undead.
    _ Every day roll concentration DC10, on a fail roll on the indefinite madness table for that day.
    X33a South Sarcophagus - a familiar yet strange figure appears on front of you, your sister Willow. 
    + Allow Emelia's soul to leave Barovia
    _Your souls become connected, if one dies so will the other.
    _On a nat 1 roll 1d6 for intrusive echoes.
    X33e - West Sarcophagus - Rark stands in the corner of the room, watching you. The smell of burned flesh clearly emitting from him. He says that he knows she would want to run away, so he'll make it easy for her.
    +misty travels, free reign to travel through mists
    + misty step
    _ poisoned routs


    This society needed a vault in which to contain the evil vestiges (remnants of dead, malevolent entities) they had captured and the hoard of forbidden knowledge they had amassed. They dedicated the temple to a god of secrets, whom they trusted to keep it hidden from the rest of the world until the end of time. Unfortunately for the wizards, even the will of a god couldn’t prevent other evil creatures from learning the temple’s location. The wizards were forced to guard the temple themselves, to keep its secrets from falling into villainous hands. The evil forces that were imprisoned within the temple eventually corrupted the wizards, turning them against one another.
    The Amber Temple 1
    The Amber Temple 2
    Temple / Religious complex