
The City of Splendors is a bustling, walled city on the Sword Coast. Some merchants have dubbed Waterdeep the best supply center in the world, with the largest collection of superb craft workers, experts, useful contacts, and potential hirelings to be found anywhere. Others caution that the city houses a veritable army of potential enemies for those who aren’t careful — and everyone agrees that its wide, crowded streets are full of spies.   Waterdhavian noble families and guilds hold tremendous political and economic sway up and down the Sword Coast, but within the city itself, true power lies with the Masked Lords of Waterdeep — rulers who convene in secret and whose identities are largely unknown. The public face of this ruling body is the Open Lord of Waterdeep. The current Open Lord, Lady Laeral Silverhand, has held the position for only a few months. Many of the city’s nobles and guildmasters are vying for her attention while conspiring to wrest power away from her office. There’s also trouble brewing between the Zhentarim, which has gained an economic foothold in the city, and the Xanathar Thieves’ Guild, which controls much of the city’s criminal underworld.