
Zephyros is an eccentric cloud giant with windswept white hair, a wispy white beard, and a billowy purple robe adorned with gold stars.   Ever since the ordning shattered, Zephyros has been using contact other plane spells to find a way to set things right. Failed castings of the spell have driven him insane on multiple occasions. He has recovered from the madness, yet it has accentuated his eccentricity. His magical investigations led him to Nightstone. He had nothing to do with the cloud giant attack on the settlement and is horrified to learn of the damage his fellow giants caused.   Zephyros holds “small folk” in higher regard than most giants. If the characters introduce themselves to him, a wide smile settles on the cloud giant’s face as he realizes they are the ones mentioned by the mysterious planar entities with which he has spoken. Convinced that the characters can restore the ordning, Zephyros offers to transport them to one destination of their choice in the North. That is the extent of his involvement. The planar entities with whom Zephyros has spoken via the contact other plane spell warned him against taking a more direct hand in events. The party’s destination should coincide with Morak’s quest. After safely delivering the characters to their destination, Zephyros and his tower depart for the Moonshae Isles.

Eccentric cloud giant wizard

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