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The Lighthouse

Lighthouse scenario:
  On second/third time in inn play this out
  Holbrook: Since neverwinter has been growing more trade has turned up by the sea, and with that lighthouse to the west out of action we’ve been losing a record amount of cargo to shipwrecks.
  Bert: what happened to it?
  Holbrook: We all heard it's haunted and carries a curse, everyone who goes to clear or fix it never returns.
  Bert: audible gasp
  Margrave Hawkin : Ah that's just a childs story, they probably just don't have enough money to repair and maintain it.
  All shrug with partial agreement.
  After this maybe see mayor speak to them,
  Next day major grabs the adventuring party to let them know of this opportunity
  Arrival at lighthouse
  Need to clear the lighthouse- Weather changes - dc=18 to see guy top of lighthouse
  The lighthouse is filled with human crustaceans, after leaving the path to walk onto the bridge a sign with skull and crossbones warning. Halfway to the lighthouse sits a recently lit fire smouldering away, but they do not find anything important. Courtyard area barren. Door swinging in the wind.
  As the door creaks open you see that the whole interior is coated with crustaceans different shells and barnacles litter the walls, seaweed and mould cover most surfaces making the floor slippery the smell hits you hard knocking you back a bit.
  To the right of the entrance is a broken coat stand and a large storage chest which is sitting open and pretty much empty.
  Over to the left is a small table and chair next to a small bookcase that once has books upon it although one book looks way too intact (Necronomicon), if players take it then below happens.
  PP DC of 14/ perception of 13 to see the sea spawn that is attached to the wall, if they dont spot it gets a surprise attack on who walks past.
  If open the book its unreadable lots of distressing pictures and scribblings. Make a wisdom saving throw. 14 is a pass, anything less take damage, if nat one knocked down to 0 hp and cursed meaning -2 on any wizdom roll and will get scared in dark.
  Room to the left is an empty bedroom.
  Room off the staircase (kitchen/storage) 3 sea spawn.
  The stairs lead up the balcony which has little to nothing on it except a long flag pole and a metal rod even higher. At which point the weather has gotten extremely bad in a short amount of time and BAM lighting strikes the pole.
  Going further up the stairs to the top, in the middle is the lens with an oil fire pit to light it up. But a figure stands arms wide almost praying or worshipping the open ocean. A Kraken Priest. Shielding him in anticipation of your arrival is another sea spawn although about twice the size and it appears that his left arm has been replaced and fused by an anchor and chain which he drags behind him.
  Play out fight
  After leaving the lighthouse and travelling the walkway, there seems to be figure at the fire half way
  A large cloaked figure sits on a stall by the fire smoking a pipe, a closer look reveals this aint human, this creature probably standing just under 7 foot has features from many sea creatures an octopus head with tentacles, a claw for one of his hands and a peg replaces one of his legs.
  One his presence is revealed he says “ Do you fear death? Do you fear that dark abyss? All your deeds laid bare. All your sins punished. I can offer escape from it all. But first i'm going to need my book back.”
  “I can not allow you to leave with that book, the world isn't ready”. Backstory- his crew on the Endeavour mutinied him after finding treasure, among that treasure was the book, he asked the old gods for the power to get revenge and he was reborn, he then destroyed the lighthouse and occupied it in hopes to sink the endeavour.
  If players offer him the book he will ask they check the cave bellow then lets them pass
  If players decline they fight and as he falls he says “You afraid to get wet?”.
  A huge 15/20 foot wave comes crashing over the walkway knocking all of the members of the party out cold.
  Only to awake in a underwater cave being dragged to land by a sea spawn, although they look much more human than spawn. They say that a majority wanted to munity but there group did not want to abandon the captain but had no choice as they were outnumbered so went with it. Then the ship got sunk by pirates as they were heading back to shore, no one survived until they awoke different cursed by their former captain.
  You see a few treasure chests scattered with gold lying about, the most perceptive of the group notices that the spawn have some sort of gold jewellery on them.
  If they have treasure on them they sink,
  If they bring the lads back to the cursed captain and apologise then curse lifted, the captain becomes mortal and decides to go on, one final treasure hunt with the sailors. He gives them a compass that points to the nearest land if on sea, and points to the nearest body of water when on land.
  If captain is killed then sailors go to neverwinter and offer their services if they ever need crew.


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