Alek Ulbrek Character in Toril | World Anvil
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Alek Ulbrek

Alek Ulbrek

Owner of Ulbreks' Metalworks and Minerals   Alek is a mostly warm and welcoming master of the forge and hammer. Pioneering the development of gunpowder weapons during his involuntarily stay in the town of Vallaki, Barovia. He has mastered the way of silvering weapons as well as the transference of magical properties from one weapon to another as long as the correct catalyst is provided.   He currently owns a business in the city of Waterdeep after his old friend Volothamp Geddarm suggested moving his shop away from Neverwinter in order to make use of the cities magical and technical facilities


Contacts & Relations

  • Volothamp "Volo" Geddarm: Aleks' old drinking buddy he met years and years ago in Neverwinter
  • Sketh Randun: A Dragonborn adventurer he met during his stay in the town of Vallaki and also the first person he entrusted with his prototype gunpowder weapon to test it in real combat situations.
  • Ak' ak: A chultian Goblin who resided in the backroom of his shop in Waterdeep for a while


  • Warm and welcoming, the realm is an unwelcoming place full of dangers and a friendly face can be hard to come by.
  • Generous, doesn't matter if you're short a few coin to pay for your armour or weapon, a smile on the customers face and a cold ale is enough to balance it out.
  • Quality over quantity, whilst it may take a day or two longer for Alek to craft a weapon or a piece of armour, the quality of his work remains unmatched.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Forgemaster
  • Enchanter of Metals
  • Father of Canons
53 as of 1501 DR
Current Residence
Ulbreks' Metalworks and Minerals
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6'5" (1,98m)
280 lbs


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