Amber Fireforge Character in Toril | World Anvil
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Amber Fireforge

Amber Fireforge

Amber comes from a family of blacksmiths. As an only-child, she was raised to one day take over her parent's business. After understanding the in's and out's of forging, she quickly grew bored with it and instead sought to increase her knowledge in other areas.   Much to her parent's dismay, she left home roughly ten years ago to travel the world. She spent a few years in Baldur's Gate, reading every book she could get her hands on, earning her keep by playing in local taverns. When playing in taverns, she likes to get people drunk, because drunk people tend to talk a lot - even about things they wouldn't so easily talk while sober.   Now her travels have taken her to Waterdeep, hoping to find new books to read and maybe find some clues to some long-forgotten ruins or artifacts.

Personality Characteristics


To spent her life learning new things

Virtues & Personality perks

Will listen to every side of the story before making her judgement

Vices & Personality flaws

Tends to do things many people would consider stupid, if it means she can learn something new from it Tends to test things herself, rather than immediatly believing others   She is very stubborn about her age, as she barely past the age where dwarfes are considered young.


Average personal hygiene, doesn't go out of her way to take care of herself, not afraid to get herself dirty in the name of science

A dwarven researcher looking to gather knowledge by playing music in taverns and getting people drunk.

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Neutral Good
Current Location
Ice Blue
Long light brown hair, long-ish braided beard
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
4 feet 8 inches
190 lbs


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