Ayse Khadim Character in Toril | World Anvil
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Ayse Khadim

Ayse Khadim

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

  • Dancer's Attire - Made by her during her travel to Waterdeep
  • Wool Coat - A white coat made out of wool with a fur collar dyed black to fend off colder weathers
  • Gwadenya (friend) - Her trusty old Quarterstaff that doubles as a walking stick
  • Kioku no ken (Sword of Memories) - A straight, Katana-esque sword with 5 glass like gems set into the blade close to the hilt.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Adopted by the chultian merchant prince Wakanga O'tamu when she was just a child of 3 years, she was raised with the etiquette of nobles and knowledge of economics and basic trade in mind. She, however, never really cared for any of that as her natural drive for exploration and adventure always drove her outside to explore the city and jungle. Much to the dismay of her adoptive father, who rather would've prefered her to stay in their mansion and develop into a proper "lady". After years of living under the roof of the merchant prince, who rarely paid her any mind and had his servants take care of her upbringing, she decided to strike a "deal" with O'tamu. She'll take care of business contacts along the sword coast by accompanying shipments and in turn, she'd be granted more freedom to roam and explore.   During one of those trips, she met the dragonborn Sketh Randun and the half-orc Manon Bloodbane in the Yawning Portal Inn in Waterdeep. She finally had her chance to go on a real adventure, since both of them wanted to travel back to the lands of Barovia, which appeared in the Misty Forest mere weeks prior, and were looking for another pair of hands to help out slay a powerful hag, known as Baba Lysaga.   After just a few days of traveling and hunting together, the group made their way to the hag's abode and put a stop to her ritual. The small group then split up and Ayse had to return back to Port Nyanzaru.   A mere year later, a twist of fate had the group re-unite as the dreaded death curse was sweeping over the realm. Ayse was tasked to guide the group safely through the dense jungle of chult. The outcome of this adventure remains to be written.   Displeased with his adopted daughters general behavoir and recklessness, which seemingly soured some trade relations, O'tamu forbade her to leave the mansions' boundaries without being accompanied by a guard and she was no longer allowed to travel outside of the city, be it by ship or on foot.   After enduring her "imprisonment" for about 4 years, Ayse decided to turn her back to her past and adopted homeland and break free of her confinement. Knocking out a handful of guards and partially damaging O'tamus mansion, she barely managed to escape Port Nyanzaru by jumping on a departing ship that was headed for Waterdeep. After arriving in Waterdeep she quickly used up the little bit of gold she took with her and ended up working as a dancer, to entertain patrons of various inns and taverns. She usually ended up quite drunk in the Yawning Portal Inn, annoying Durnan, the propertier of the inn.   Due to some more or less fortunate circumstances, Ayse, together with a few other adventurers, found herself as an owner of an old tavern. An explosion infront of said tavern and a short involvement with a prevented assassination on a noble house in Waterdeep, Ayse decided that the life of a tavern owner wasn't really the thing she wanted to do and quickly signed up with the order of the gauntlet, protecting the peace and the citizen of Waterdeep from unscrupulous gangs and other troublemaker.


Family Ties

  • adoptive father: Wakanga O'tamu
  • real parents: unknown

Religious Views


Wealth & Financial state

barely enough coin to pay for bed, bread and alcohol

Honest, Clumsy, Direct

Character Location
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Chaotic Good
23 as of 1501 DR
Date of Birth
6th of Kythorn 1478 DR
The vast desert of Anauroch (unkown to her)
Current Residence
The Inns of Waterdeep
Platinum Blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5,3 ft.
120 lb
Known Languages
  • Common
  • Sylvan
  • Deep Speech


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