Bazzoxan Settlement in Toril | World Anvil
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Bazzoxan is a large village at the base of the cliffs at the southernmost point of the Starspire Mountains in Tethyr. The village is built below an ancient black temple, which was historically named Bazzoxan, on top of ruins. Demonic incursions from the temple caused most civilian inhabitants to leave over time, the village is now largely occupied by military forces and maintained under martial law.

  Bazzoxan is located north of the Tethyr Wastes, at the base of the Starspire Mountains. Above it rises a giant, ancient, jet-black Betrayers' Rise, a temple that was built into the maroon-gray mountain rock of the surrounding mountains. Spiral towers with their own alcoves and balconies emerge from the temple, some of which have crumbled.

The buildings of the the village of Bazzoxan are scattered structures built on ruins. There are large iron watchtowers marking the street corners along the perimeter of the settlement.
Aurora Watch patrol the streets, and most of the population appears to be military. There are very few lights, as the drow and goblinoids who make up most of the population do not need them to see in the dark. Dust storms are not uncommon.


In 1500 DR, the total population was 2,610. Eighty-one percent of the population of Bazzoxan is drow. The population is mostly military personnel. Most people wear armor and are armed, and the civilian to soldier ratio is about one to four. Even the civilians are trained in basic combat and defense.


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