Candlekeep Settlement in Toril | World Anvil
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Candlekeep is the famous library-fortress that stands proud as a bastion of enlightenment and knowledge on the Sword Coast. It houses a magnificent collection of books and scrolls of lore, considered the greatest collection of the writings in all of Faerûn. The keep is the home of the Avowed, a group of renowned scholars and people of learning, that revere great seer Alaundo and his collection of prophecies that foresaw many great events that passed throughout the ongoing history of the Realms.

“Those who destroy knowledge, with ink, fire, or sword, are themselves destroyed.”
— Candlekeep's one absolute rule.


  • Candlekeep
Founding Date
The Year of Stonerising, -200 DR
Alternative Name(s)
Citadel of Lies (Derogatory)
Inhabitant Demonym
Characters in Location


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