Chult Organization in Toril | World Anvil
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Chult is located at the westernmost end of the Chultan peninsula, in the southern part of the Trackless Sea, off the coast of Calimshan.

As a result of the Spellplague, Chult was cut off from the mainland, becoming an island, but following the Second Sundering it was reunited with the mainland. Regardless of geographical status, Chult has always been remote and isolated, forming a mountainous jungle of savage beasts, hulking dinosaurs, and disease-ridden swamps. Human tribes, goblins, and even stranger monstrous folk haunt the thick jungles.

Nevertheless, Chult draws adventurers who seek its legendary riches. The primordial Ubtao was almost exclusively revered in the land, for the divine powers of Faerûn awarded Ubtao the dominion over the land of Chult in exchange for the deity's vigilance over the threat from under the Peaks of Flame.
Geopolitical, Country
Major Exports
Furs, Gems, Ivory, Perfume, Teak wood, Exotic animals
Major Imports
Food, Jewelry, Weapons


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