Ember Character in Toril | World Anvil
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Emilia Burroughs (a.k.a. Ember)

Leader of the mercenary band "Gryphon's Talon".

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born into a family of lesser nobles in Neverwinter during the cold winter of 1473 DR she was raised to one day inherit the families business and wealth. At the age of 16, Emilia, in a fit of anger caused by her fathers proposition of a political marriage, abandoned title and wealth to instead live a life of adventure and excitement, which quickly turned into a life full of struggles and difficulties.   After taking on the occasional odd job to make ends meet, Emilia soon was given the opportunity to join a band of mercenaries to travel the sword coast and sell their skills to the rich and the corrupted. Having worked with her new found comrades for several years, she slowely grew frustrated by the increasing rate of immoral contracts she was ordered to accept, which ranged from kidnapping to ransacking smaller villages all the way to assassinations of seemingly innocent targets.   Fed up with her situation, she and her most trusted comrades decided to split from the group and disassociate themselves with their skewed values. Aiming to found a group of sellswords that only work for clients whos intentions align with the groups convictions. Thus, in the spring of 1493 DR, the mercenary group "Gryphon's Talon" was founded.

Morality & Philosophy

"There are always two sides to a coin, and both sides tend to carry some sort of dirt on them."

Personality Characteristics

Virtues & Personality perks

  • willing to listen to her opponents pleas and reasoning before engaging them
  • well mannered around nobility, if she wants to
  • does not hesitate to help the weak and wounded if the need arises

Vices & Personality flaws

  • short tempered and easy to anger
  • prone to indulge into alcoholic beverages a bit too much
  • not good with children



  • Honest and direct. Emilia hates to beat around the bush for overlong and prefers to get straight to the point and will quickly turn hostile if she notices that she's being lied to.
  • She is known to be kind and understanding even towards those who've wronged her in the past and is willing to listen to reason, even if she's bound by contract to capture/kill her target.
  • Emilia never shies away from a challenge, but will hold back if she notices that her opponent is weaker or exhausted.
Chaotic Good
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Formerly know as "Lady Emilia Burroughs"
  • Leader of the Gryphon's Talon
  • Referred to as "Boss" by her comrades
28 as of 1501 DR
Purple, red when angered
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5,5 ft.
Known Languages
  • Common


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