Greenest Settlement in Toril | World Anvil
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Greenest was the only sizable town along the Uldoon Trail in the Greenfields area of the Western Heartlands.   The trade caravans that pass through Greenest bring gold to the town's merchants and craftsfolk, and Governer Nighthill runs the town at the behest of the inhabitants.   The main town consists of about 90 structures, including a Keep, several manor houses, a temple, inns and taverns, as well as many shops, businesses, and stables. At market times, the main square and the greens surrounding Keep Hill are filled with stalls and vendors hawking their wares. outlying farms, orchards, and small sheep and cattle ranches comprise the rest of the town. A long, slow-moving stream, Rocky Creek, winds its way along the southern edge of Greenest, the shallow waters flowing westward. It is too narrow, winding, and shallow for water travel.   The lands around Greenest are commonly called the Greenfields; a land of gently rolling hills and light forests of deciduous trees. Some place Greenest as a Sword Coast community, others a belonging in the Western Heartlands. As a trade town, Greenest truly belongs to both and neither.


  • Greenest
~300 with an additional 200 in the surrounding farms
Characters in Location


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