Jigow Settlement in Toril | World Anvil
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Jigow is a collection of villages that grew together into a fishing port on the west coast of Tethyr on the shores of the Firedrake Bay along The Trade Way.


The people of Jigow have longstanding rivalries between their clans, and these competitions are celebrated, ranging from hunting, cooking competitions, and sports. Though some citizens have adopted worship of the Luxon after its introduction by the Kryn Dynasty, many feel that the presence of the drow are stifling their local culture.


Durth Mirimm is the taskhand in charge of the city, working in partnership with the elders of the orc and goblin clans; Ushru representing the orcs, and Colbu Kaz representing the goblins. The relations between the taskhand and the elders is strained, as Durth Mirrim puts the interests of the Dynasty before the citizens of Jigow. Meanwhile the clans elders do their best to maintain the cultural heritage of their peoples.


The Meatwaters are the primary docks of the city on the banks of the Ifolon River and home to its thriving fishing industry.   Jumble
A collection of densely populated villages in the center of Jigow, the Jumble is further inland and built among mangrove trees and horizonback tortoises that serve as mobile homesteads. Its a lively part of the city dwelling in the everyday chaos — a series of twisting streets give the district its name. They filled with shrines, stables taverns, amphitheaters, shops, athletic fields, and workshops.   Wetwalks
On the eastern edge of the city are the Wetwalks, stilted homes built over low wetlands where paddies are cultivated to grow grains. One of rice farms is conjointly run by Gakthash and Uvuroh clans.


Jigow was founded by the Kryn Dynasty around the year 1464 DR, after bringing together the goblin and orc clans that lived in the area. These included the Gakthash, Uvuroh, and Zetek goblin clans and the Norgab and Shoomat orc clans.
Founding Date
1464 DR


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