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Mudborn are humanoid axolotls, a salamander stuck in their nymph phase. They have stubby legs and hands, their tails making up half of their body length and providing support for when they need to waddle their way onto land. Six feathery gills protrude from the back of their head, three on each side, and look similar to horns from a distance. Usually seen with an adorable face that makes them look a bit derpy, however, some claim that they are more adorable when mad for their habit to try to appear scary. All Mudborn have slimy skin coated in mucus to protect them from the salty waters of their home.   A Mudborn’s native languages is Aquan, but they also know common to speak on land.  


  One of the lesser fears of Mudborn were other humanoids such as elves, humans, half-orcs, mainly for their sheer size compared to Mudborn, but they have decided to look past the size difference to see their true selves. They admire an elf’s grace, a half-orcs ferocity, and the human diversity. They bond closely with gnomes and are good friends to halflings, finding it easier to be around these small folk. They are wary of dwarves, however, finding these mountin dwellers rather intimidating, especially with their booming voices.   Mudborn create villages in their underwater caverns and tend to have a very structured society. Villages are lead by a council, usually consisting of at least one of each subrace of Mudborn so each gets a say, and of varying classes. During the coming of age ceremony on the year of the Mudling’s 15th birthday, all the mudlings who had birthdays that year are gathered up on the last day. They spend the day competing in games and sport (these depend on the village), then are sent out to spend the night outside the safety of the village and aren’t allowed even into the labyrinth. Those who survive the night have a big feast of shrimp and fish to celebrate their coming of age.  

Mudborn Names

  They get birth names, like every other race, but during the feast day of the coming-of-age ceremony, each mudling gets a name based on their accomplishments or their personality. They claim that their birth names are based off fruits and vegetables, but sometimes it’s hard to see why. Mudborns go by both names, but some prefer one name to the other.  

Mudborn Traits

  A cute, little salamander with the most precious face in the world, a loyal friend to those they trust.   Ability Score Increase:  Your Constitution score increases by 2.   Age:  Mudborn mature at the age of 15 and can live from 40-50 years old, though a select few have been known to be 60.   Alignment:  Mudborn are lawful by nature, due to the structure of their villages. It’s near impossible to find an evil mudborn.   Size:  Mudborns average at about 2 feet tall, but usually are a couple inches short of the mark. Your size is small.   Speed:  Your base walking speed is 25 feet.   Darkvision:  You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You cannot discern color in darkness, only shades of grey.   Precious Face:  Your face is simple and cute, making it difficult to instill fear in others. You have disadvantage on Charisma(Intimidate) checks.   Exceptional Immune System:  Your body is used to fighting off various illnesses that you may encounter on land and in the sea. You have advantage on saving throws against diseases.   River Child:  You have a swimming speed of 40 feet, and you can breathe air and water.   Languages:  You can speak, read, and write Common and Sylvan.   Friendly Face:  You know just how to move your face to be as approachable as possible. You are proficient in Charisma(Persuasion) checks.   Aquasense:  While underwater you have blindsight in a 20 foot radius.


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