Ruh Character in Toril | World Anvil
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Ruh was born into a relatively wealthy family in the city of Neverwinter. His Father was a well known Enchanter and mage. Ruh had 2 older brothers, Salem and Brex. Salem being the oldest and studying under his father in hopes of taking over the family business.
  Brex and Ruh however, weren't much for the trait. Instead, they were frequenting with common folk and less fortunate. Their fathers punishments for their behaviour had always been, no going out and no available funds to purchase whatever they wanted. Thus the two boys made a habit of sneaking out of the mansion and learning how to thieve and con people into giving them the necessary money.
  Their oldest brother found out eventually and told on them to their father. Who in turn decided to split the two apart and send them to different places of study. Ruh and Brex swiftly escaped before plans had been finished to ship them off and they ran away to Luskan. There they made a habit of scamming and robbing richer people in order to come by.
  They spent their time there just surviving and learning necessary skills. One day they were given the task of stealing an artefact. Once they had passed all obstacles and were in reach of the artefact, Brex touched in and triggered a magical Rune which made him slowly fade into a different plane. Ruh now being confronted by the guard of the place barely managed to escape barely alive.
  At the age of 21, being all on his own, he made his way to try and find a way to rescue his brother.
Chaotic Neutral
Current Status
Trying to find a way to rescue his brother.
Current Location
Year of Birth
1480 DR 22 Years old
Wine Red
Long, White (Dyed - Black Normal)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
40 lb


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