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A witch associated with the Black Blood Tribe of lycanthropes and shifters on the Isle of Moray, who revives her enemies to help her clan gain influence: Gianna was an outsider who found her way into the secluded Black Blood Tribe, a group of lycanthropes and shifters residing on the mysterious Isle of Moray. The Black Blood Tribe, known for their shape-shifting abilities and their desire to establish dominance in the Moonshaes, welcomed Gianna, recognizing her unique talents in the mystic arts.   Gianna's early life had been marked by isolation and hardship. She possessed an innate affinity for dark magic and necromancy, which set her apart from the lycanthropic members of the tribe. Drawn by the allure of the Black Blood Tribe's power and the opportunity to wield her magic in service of their ambitions, Gianna became a key member of the tribe, despite her non-lycanthrope heritage.   The turning point in Gianna's life occurred when the Black Blood Tribe found themselves in a perilous struggle for control over vital resources on the Isle of Moray. It was then that Gianna's dark talents for necromancy came to the fore. In her quest to ensure the dominance of her newfound clan, she delved into forbidden rituals that allowed her to resurrect fallen enemies.   These foes were not revived out of kindness but as tools to serve the Black Blood Tribe's nefarious goals. Gianna bound their souls to her will, forcing them to act as mindless, resurrected servants. With this unholy army at her command, Gianna orchestrated devastating attacks on rival tribes and communities, ensuring the Black Blood Tribe's control over the Isle of Moray.   Gianna took pleasure in the suffering she inflicted upon those she revived, reveling in her ability to manipulate the life and death of others. Her reputation as a malevolent witch grew with each act of cruelty, and she became known as the Black Blood Tribe's unholy enforcer.   As her power within the tribe expanded, Gianna's heart grew darker, and her ambition knew no bounds. She cared not for the well-being of those she controlled, only for the strength and influence they provided to the Black Blood Tribe. Gianna's name became synonymous with terror on the Isle of Moray, a twisted figure whose loyalty was to her own thirst for power and the dominance of the Black Blood Tribe, no matter the cost.   She sent out people looking for dead warriors. one warrior revived was honse.   4/30/1: She recieves a new corpse that the digger squad dug up for revival, the tombstone said Honse.   5/1/1: Honse is revived.   5/26/1: The Black Blood Tribe decides to go to Lelow to start their base in the isle of Alaron. They attack it. Gianna fights a group of warriors and she fights hard. She takes the body of her fallen comrade. which is elis old master.   5/27/1: The group retreats amd tends thier wounds. She fully revives Eli's Master. He tells him that he will have revenge soon that they will have to retreat back to Moray as their lycanthrope powers only work in that island.   5/30/1: They head back to Moray and they bide their time.   6/6/1: Gianna decides to let go of some of her humanity to get stronger she decides to kill herself and ressurect through necromancy. This will get her stronger but a chance of dying. She sucessfully completes the ritual and is much confident in herself. She decides to take some of her squad to take out the village of Kork   6/13/1: Kork is fully captured and taken and ripped apart. They keep some alive, some are kept captured to use as hostages, the strongest are taken as undead, Gianna make the 5 Kork Heroes. Loto, Maroila, Martin, Wataru, Mop.   6/18/1: Gianna fills the outskirts of Kork with specters, and ghosts and undead, she wants that to be the defence of the town.   7/7/1: Gianna gets ready to start growing her undead army and she wants to push it out fully. She sets her sights on the town nearby as there are many from the capital such as scouts taht are starting to notice the Kork villagers are all dead.   7/9/1:  She sends out a test troop of undead to the nearest settlement of Bray crossing the forest she will monitor the results and decide how to proceed
Current Status
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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