BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Binzo Saisun

You used to live in a small human village called Dynnegall located in the Moonshine Isles on the island of Moray. As an orphan, an old human monk named Jo-Shai took you in. Jo-Shai taught you how to read and write both Common and Celestial, as well as the way of the Sun Soul. Since you were young, you have always loved the thrill of battle and tried to fight and defeat Jo-Shai every day. Jo-Shai would never tell you much about your parents only that they died protecting you from a monster that had a scar going from its left eye down to its chin. Jo-Shai was more than just a mentor to you; he was a father figure and a source of inspiration. The old monk had taken you under his wing when you were just a child and had taught you everything he knew about reading, writing, and fighting. Under Jo-Shai's guidance, you learned the ways of the Sun Soul, a martial art that combined physical combat with spiritual discipline.   As a child, you had a love for animals and protecting them and helping the people in the village. You were never able to fit in with the other village children due to your silver eyes. Feeling left out you spent most of your time with animals and training. You would eventually become truly accepted and viewed as a village hero after saving them from the Black Blood Tribe.   As you grew older, you became increasingly drawn to the thrill of battle. You loved the rush of adrenaline that came with fighting, and you were constantly testing your skills against Jo-Shai and any other opponents who would face you. Despite your competitive nature, you always respected Jo-Shai and never took his training for granted. You knew that the old monk had dedicated his life to the art of combat, and you were determined to honor that legacy by becoming the best fighter you could be.   You had been having weird dreams of a silver stag since you were a child. This silver stag was a recurring presence in your dreams. It would often appear to you, running through the woods or standing in a clearing, its silver coat shining in the sunlight. At first, you as a young boy had no idea what the stag represented but found its presence soothing and comforting. As you grew older and began training with Jo-Shai, the silver stag began to appear more frequently in your dreams, often leading you to a group of people that seemed to be travellers. It would often communicate with you, imparting knowledge and wisdom that you didn't fully understand. You would wake up feeling energized and renewed as if you had been touched by a divine presence.   Over time, you began to suspect that the silver stag was somehow connected to your Aasimar heritage. You had always known that you were different from the other children in the village, with your silver eyes, but you had never understood why. Jo-Shai had an heirloom that had been passed down through your family for generations: a gleaming silver amulet in the shape of antlers. The amulet was said to be imbued with powerful protective magic, and Jo-Shai wore it always, both as a symbol of his friendship with your parents and as a promise to them that one day when you were ready he would give it to you, though you did not know this.   As a child, you were always fascinated by the amulet, and Jo-Shai would often let you hold it and admire its intricate design. He would tell you stories about the friendship between him and the person who gave him the amulet.   However, disaster struck one day while you were returning from running errands for the village. The Black Blood Tribe, a notorious group of raiders, attacked Dynnegall, catching the villagers off guard. Chaos ensued as buildings were set ablaze, and people were taken captive. As an experienced fighter, you knew you had to act quickly to save as many people as possible. You charged into battle, using your Sun Soul abilities to take down several raiders. The villagers watched in amazement as you fought fearlessly, inspired by your bravery.   During the battle, you saw your master Jo-Shai take down the raid leader, but he was badly injured and hanging on to life by a thread. You rushed to his side, trying to save him, but it seemed hopeless. Suddenly, you felt the familiar presence of the silver stag in your mind, and your hands began to glow with a silver light. Without fully understanding what was happening, you placed your hands on Jo-Shai's wounds and channelled your celestial powers into him. Miraculously, Jo-Shai's wounds began to heal, and he was restored to nearly full health but would be no longer in a condition to train you. As you gazed at your glowing hands, you realized that something inside you had been awakened. You had felt a power within you, but you didn't understand what it was or how to control it.   Confused and bewildered, you turned to your mentor Jo-Shai for answers. As you recounted your experience to him, Jo-Shai's eyes widened with amazement. He explained to you that your Aasimar heritage was more than just physical appearance; it also granted you access to divine powers that could be channelled through your body. He told you that the silver stag in your dreams was a sign of your Aasimar mother and the powers that you had yet to unlock. He explained how your healing powers had manifested in that moment of crisis and how you could call upon other abilities, such as the ability to radiate light.   Jo-Shai seeing your powers unlocked, told you about how you are an Assimar and the names of your parents. Your mother’s name was Argenelle, and your father was Theomir. He also told you that your parents had died protecting you from a monster that was noticeable for its scar on its left eye. Although your mother's body was found dead your father's body was nowhere to be found, it was assumed that he was eaten.   A few months after the battle in Dynnegall and helping rebuild the village, you decided that you wanted to find out more about your origin and find this monster that had killed your parents. Knowing the villagers would be in trouble without your protection you first head out to the capital of the Moonshae Isles to ask for protection for your villagers. You say your goodbyes to Jo-Shai and the other villagers and set out determined to find out more about yourself and find the truth of your parent's death.   Binzo would have recurring dreams of a silver stag guiding him something pushed him to Caer Calidyr and in his dream he saw a frog or a Grung to be more accurate he saw that he must follow him   5/15/1: Binzo arrived at Caer Calidyr and went to stay at the inn he looked all day for that Grung he was destined to meet but he found nobody. He was really confused what to do next so he just waited. He was at the bar, and he finally saw the grung but did not see the mark on his forehead athat he would always see in his dreams. He did not want to make the wrong guess so he followed his frog friend for a while.   5/18/1: After following the Grung he realized that he did get the mark as he must have gotten it while he fell behind. Binzo found himself where goblins were attacking he spoke to cleric named amber and he joined her party Binzo joined the gaggers. Eli, Lydia and Binzo go on ahead and take the first group of Goblins, Amber stays to prepare her spells as she will go in with the intent to kill. As she does this a sorcerer asks if she needs help, his name is Naga. Amber accepts and they go together to join the fight. As they fight off the goblins there are worgs sent out and even a goblin shahman, she started to sacrifice people. Barney is sacrificed, the party mourns. Lydia especially is brought to her knees and cries. A tribesman walking by goes to her and sees her sad, he conforts her and says his goal to understand death may bring him back. Lydia is happy, the tribal mans name is Makunga. Makunga, Amber, Eli, Binzo and Naga head back to the village where a village woman takes them in. Someone runs to them as a villager needs healing bad. Amber since she is a healer she goes to heal. At the house there is a sick girl and and her parents are begging amber to save their daughter, then they notice her mark from when she was from the brotherhood of iron. they immediatly ask amber to leave but amber refuses it creates a huge scene and makunga threatens to kill them, people have to hold him back. Amber secretly heals her as they argue and fight, they pull out a crossbow on makunga and shoot him, binzo tells makunga to stop and they leave. They then stumple to Trawlindy Farm in this farm they meet a little girl known as Linda Trawlindy who is crying. The farm looks trashed, Linda cries because her parents died but Eli shows her her parents and Makunga tries to comfort her. They are cruel and Linda hates and resents them a little. Amber had nothing to do with this and tries to make her feel better. Binzo and Amber stay with her and finds her a home. Trawlindy likes Binzo and Amber. Trawliny tried to kill herself but Amber stopped her. Party uses the Trawlindy farm as their HQ   5/19/1: Lustrous Floyd tells the group to wake up as the Lehigh’s famous Treehouse was taken over by wolves. The party goes to it to help the town out. Unfortunately Naga casts fire bolt setting the tree on fire brining the whole tree town the party members leave and go back to the farm to rest   5/21/1: While chilling at night the party spots the silver stag they follow the stag and they get ambushed by hob goblins and goblins Naga burns the forest down. The Stag is upset at Naga. Amber, Binzo, Lydia, Makunga, and Eli head into the temple of Life. They complete a puzzle to stop and extreme raidient glow. Amber, lustrous, makunga, Lydia and Naga go to consecrate this temple when a lesser water elemental attacks them. The party engage in combat. Amber and her group later go meet up with binzo and Eli who went a separate way they see a dark tunnel north, they investigate it to find that there is a horde of giant ants. Party attempts to fight, then the party struggles ants take Lydia Priosoner, the party regroups and restratizgizes, they go in and they use their spell casting from far, killing all the ants and their queen. The party successfully consecrated their first temple they head back to leghigh   5/22/1: Party get woken up early by some girl at the door, she is begging for someone who knows a lot about death, Makugna and Amber are the only ones that come to mind when it comes to the party. Apparently someone died and they want someone to ease the pain for the family. Binzo, Makunga, Eli, and Amber go to the graveyard to ease the pesrons death. The people want to find someone to ressurect the person. Makunga get into a heated arguemtn about it. Someone overhears this and go towards him. This is one of the knowledge holders the one of Fire he fights with makunga and then dismisses him. Party then split up and do their own errands. Amber, and Binzo visit the house where the sick daughter was and she wanted to know why the brotherhood of Iron is hated now. She tells them that she left a while ago. It is revealed that the brotherhood of Iron have turned into a mercenary group with no sense of ethic. That while the dad was on a business trip to blackstone the brotherhood would steal goods for their use. It set back his retirement 2 years. He hates the brotherhood of Iron. Amber heads home then rests.   5/24/1: The party walk down the road and they see a high old blumbering Lumberjack named Jakey Lopin and he is tipsy falls over and a pixie named Jext comes out looking desperate. Jext tells the group that this lumberjack was abusing him to get pixie dust out of him which is a narcotic. Jext tells the group that the only reason he got there is because the lumberjack saved him from some wolves as wolves starting to come over out of nowhere. After talking, the pixie talks to Lustorus privately because of his mark of the Stag. Jext knows about the moonshae lore but he knows that the temple of the moon is not too far away in the Dernal Forest. They head to the temple and get ambushed by an enormous pack of wolves, the party does what they can but Lydia trips gets jumped and dies. Wolves devour her. Lydia dies. The rest of the party continue to the temple of the Moon. They go in and start to look around where the moonwell is to consecrate it. They cannot find it but Naga finds books and reads them about this place. When the party seperates and bam. A Wraith shows up, this is Lexinovas wraith , this is a very dangerous fight, Naga is killed, Amber uses one of her diamonds to revive and bring Naga back to life. The party rests.   5/25/1: They Figure out a way to get to the basement floor of the temple. There they fight a sentient Halberd named Falibhe, it atttaches to Binzo and joins Binzo. They get into a room that has another pixie, the pixie tells them to open some seal. Binzo does it releasing the Dark wolf spirit. They continue to the moonwell where they succesfully consercates the 2nd temple and move on. Falhbhe and Binzo get really tight but Binzo calls Falibhe, Felipe.   5/26/1: Binzo spends the day practicing fighting with Falibhe.   5/28/1: DOUNKIE wants to join the group as he’s looking for adventure. The party heads to the temple of the beast. The temple is a big tree and the party goes to one branch where it’s the test of the bat. They have to reach some high point. They notice something is wrong with the temples but don’t know what they try to climb the walls to complete the bat challenge but it is too difficult. Out of nowhere Binzo uses he’s power within him to fly. He flies to the top and completes the challenge. Binzo awakened his inner celestial and it cost him a lot of energy, he slumps into a slumber and rests.   6/4/1: Binzo wakes up to see a note left by the group to meet at Olafstaad. He prepares to leave lehigh and heads all the way north.   6/6/1: Binzo arrives at Blackstone. Binzo sees amber at the inn and they catch up with what has been happening and they both head north. They go and see lions and Binzo was calming them down but Amber did not care and killed them, she was upset from the temple. They continue north and they spot a Chimera carcas. They continue and spot a robbed and tipped over wagon. After a full day of travelling they finally arrive at Olafstaad where they spot their friends sleeping by training monks. Vyn, Zephyr, Amber and Binzo head into Olafstaad, They meetup with Aurthum that has been stripped out of his gear. Aurthem tells them that he has been robbed and he is pissed. They speak to the guards who tell them if its the mafia there is nothing they can do. They decide to look for them in the morning. They head to the Inn and they see one of the goons there. Binzo feels dizzy again and passes out.   6/24/1: Binzo finally wakes up and Falibhe tells him that in order for him to get out he has to pay a huge sum of GP as he was in the inn for a really long time. Binzo decides to just sneak out. He sneaks out of Olafstaad inn successefully. He heads to Warlsbury as he heard that is where the adventureres went. He goes down and rests on the way there. He sleeps and is awoken by territorial Gorrilas. He is able to successfully tame these Gorrillas and they sleep.   6/25/1: Binzo heads to the edge of Warlsbury where he meets Bob Marley the boat jamiacan guy. He takes him to warlsbury but because he does not ant to take the gorillas he tells Binzo to get a person in town for him his name is Jim and his friend Lumpo. Binzo agrees. Binzo gets to warlsbury and he takes on the two and witnesses all the damage the battle of warlsbury has caused. There he asks on Amber and the bar tender tells him to head to Oman, Binzo fights the two and accidentally kills Lumpo, Jim gives bob his owed money and Binzo asked Bob if he can row him to Oman. Bob said BUMBACLAATTT that finna take 6 days. Binzo struck a deal to do other work for Bob as there is another invdividual that Bob wants his money from. Binzo and Bob agree and they head to oman it will take binzo till July 1st to get there.   6/30/1: Binzo killed a merfolk impedeing the way and they ended up being starving merfolk, he then had to distract a blind serpent of the sea using the smell of fire and smoke, him bob marley and his two gorilla pets were chilling continues to the temple of death   7/2/1: Binzo and Bobo and Jimbo head to the temple of death. There he meets with a formorian that traumatizes Binzo, he is getting flashbacks to his past and is getting hurt. The formorian is impressed with how Binzo is still alive and tells him to go get his friend Faruk. Binzo heads to the temple of death and goes in with his gorrilas, there he meets with some lion skeletons. They fight Binzo then heads to the main moonwell chamber, there he sees symbols of Tiamat. He finds a bunch of them and gives him flashbacks to how his dad used to wear it. He tries to cleanse the well but fails as the tiamat symbols prevent him. He gets attacked by the remains of Vyn and Lustorous. He fights hard orders Jimbo and Bobbo to leave. He runs out. At night he meets Faruk who is looking for Nepetnhe they dap each other up as Binzo gives him food and he likes the monkeys. Faruk leaves. Binzo has a tough night.   7/3/1: Binzo goes in and fights Vyn and Lustorous, he gets beat and its good fight but vyn slashes him down. He is barely conscounss and sees how Falibhe and the gorrilas are fighting to defend him. Bobbo is lethally hit. This triggers Binzo he awakens from his state of death and takes down vyn. Binzo takes the goriilas out and then tries to rest and heal them.   7/4/1: Binzo gets rid of the tiamat symbol and consecrates the temples he leaves and then sees the formorian looking for Faruk, Binzo goes back and finds Faruk in the basement of the temple where he looks traumatized, he tells Binzo ********** * ** * ** * *. Binzo goes back to Bob marely and heads out back to Warsbury.   7/8/1: Binzo heads back with bob marley back to warlsbury, he fights a mini water wyrm and goes crazy on it going into his divine soul mode. he is mastering it and getting better at it. Divine soul. He continues his way to Warlsbury   7/12/1: Binzo arrives to warsbury, him and Bob prepare to go to Blackstone as that is where Andraus Thundertalon is and Bob Marley gets two guns. They head to Blackstone.   7/15/1: Arriving Blackstone they see that he has escaped prison, so they get the guard to tell them where they go, they get fecal matter, and Binzos ape Bobo smells out Andreaus, they proceed to head there.   7/16/1: After a day of tracking they run into Mello with Aurellious, and Andraeus. Things get dicey and there is lots of beef. Binzo challenges Andreaus to a 1v1, and they fight for money, Binzo knocks him out in one hit. Andreaus then tells him that Mello has his money. Mello say he aint giving shit. just as it seemed like the confrontation was over. A chimera raging has dropped on them. It was unusual as Chimera arent usually here, something is wrong with it. They fight regardless and they fight hard. Binzo almost cannot take anymore but seeing Jimbo bleeding out, he goes into a rage and kills the Chimera in one final strike. Mello then performs some UK drill and its horrible but Binzo thinks that is as good as music gets Mello invites Binzo to go to Thundertree with him as there is an audition for Thundertree.   7/26/1: Binzo, Aurelius, Andreas, and Mello are on their way to Neverwinter. Andreas gets hungry so they fish. Binzo fishes so well he brings on Three Giant Crabs on board. These crabs were extremely tough and they gave Binzo some problem and he almost drowns. They kill and eat the crabs. Aurellias points out how they are not supposed to be this big. This makes him think something is going wrong but they ignore it.   7/29/1: The gang is finally at Neverwinter and while Andreas and Mello were arguing Binzo got distracted with an advertisment for a fighters tournament, Binzo immediatly wanted to join, He signed up leaving the rest behind.   7/30/1: It was the day of the fighters tournament, Binzo was extremely excited he could not wait. First he watched Thruud fight, and reunited with Aurthum, they dapped up and greeted each other. Thruud won her fight, Binzo then had to fight a strong fighter, it was a good fight but Binzo proved too much of a match and won the fight. Next he fought an Archer who was easily dispatched, The final was between Thruud and Binzo The fight was really back and forth but in the end Binzos experience was too much , As Thruud goes down she gets back up with all her will power and binzo blitzes her, he wins the tournament, once again Thruud comes 2nd place and fails to qualify for Z rank. This is the last time she fought in front of Aurhtum. Binzo is now Z rank   8/26/1: In anticipation for Binzo doing the tournament he enters a bar known as the Pit where there is a fighting ring in the middle. The middle of the ring there is an undefeated fighter named Sagat. Binzo beats him up and loves the bar, he is celebrated by the crowd.   8/30/1: Binzo fights in the Z tournament he wins it and gets promoted to the Y rank, he makes Sagat hate him, Sagat vows his revenge.


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