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Eli Pellen

Eli Pellen was born to an elf mother and a human father who abandoned him at birth. Left to fend for himself, Eli struggled to survive in the harsh world of the wilderness. He managed to make it on his own for a few years, but eventually stumbled upon a group of thieves who were stealing treasures from town to town. the leader of the group, Sly Manifold, spotted Eli and took pity on the young half-elf and took him in, teaching him the clans ways and training him in the art of thievery. Eli quickly proved to be a natural, and soon became one of the gang's most skilled members. He was fiercely loyal to the clan, seeing them as the only family he had ever known.   One day, while on a heist in a wealthy town, something went wrong. The guards were on high alert, and the clan was forced to split up and flee. Eli found himself separated from the rest of the group, and he soon realized that they had left him behind.   Betrayed and alone, Eli was forced to fend for himself once again. He used his skills to survive on the streets, taking on odd jobs and small-time heists to get by. But he never forgot the betrayal of the gang that had raised him, and he vowed to one day get revenge on those who had abandoned him.   Years passed, and Eli became known as one of the most skilled and ruthless rogues in the land. He was feared by many, and respected by few. But deep down, he still felt the pain of abandonment and betrayal, and he knew that he could never truly trust anyone again.   To have a fresh slate on life, Eli decided to travel to Moon Shae isles where he would be lessely known and had heard rumours of a special golden ore being popular in the area. Thus he thought to try getting by on such islands due to the potential of treasures to be seen there.   Now, Eli wanders the land, taking on jobs and heists as they come his way. He lives for the thrill of the steal, and he knows that he will never be truly happy until he gets his revenge on the gang that abandoned him so many years ago.   5/15/1: Eli is trying to steal a golden ore from the castle in Caer Calidyr, as he does that he gets caught by the guards and they throw him in front of the king. The King Derid Kendrick sees some sort of redeeming quality and Eli and figures he can use him he requests Eli to join the party in front of him in their quest and he will earn freedom and gold. Eli seeing as an easy pay agress. He joins, Amber, Phalux, Barney, Lidya, and Lusturous. The party is told to head to Lehigh. The party gets a free rest at the Caer Calidyr Inn until they are ready to head out south. There a bar fight almost erupts as Eli was caught stealing Gp from a civilian, Barney did not like that, Lustorous convinced Barney he was just seeing things. After the little skirmish the chef tells Eli that there is someone in the kitchen that wants to talk to him. Eli does not refuse so he heads into the kitchen where he talks to Halia Thorton. Halia offers him work with the Zentharim and has heard good things about him. Eli refuses as he believes it is best if he gets on good terms with the king. Halia tells him if he ever changes his mind to crush this teleportation stone. Halia will show up wherever he is and bring him back to Neverwinter. Eli takes the stone and she says goodbye. party sleeps.   5/16/1: he party split up to run some errands, Eli goes to the market with L Floyd, and Eli finesses a merchant and tried to steal for money L floyd had no idea what Eli was doing so he didnt comment. L floyd goes back to inn and sleep.   5/17/1: The party heads south where they see a gagged walter white. They try to help him out but Barney falls for the Ambush trap that the goblins have set up. They easily get rid and dispatch them. They continue to travel south when they see a majestic stag in the forest. This Silver stag was beautiful. A bunch of goblins were trying to restrain it. Eli and Barney fight as they want to both do something cool, this ends up alerting the goblins The party helps the stag and the stag kills some goblins. The Stag goes to Lustrous Floyd and gives him a mark of the Antlers. The Stag really cared about L floyd because he showed bravery and connection with the earth. They continue south where Phalux encounters snakes. There for some reason Phalux decides to fuck a snake. He does so and impregnates the snake. The snake is trumatized and hates Phalux. Lustorous speaks to the snake and the snake falls in love with Lustorous. The snake follows Lusturous. The snake tells L Floyd she is pregnant and with his baby. They head south and reach Lehigh where there is a huge ritual happening to summon something. These goblins are doing anything they can to subdue their human sacrifices. The party split up and try to attack. This fails horribly. They meet a knight of Caer Calidyr named Eazelle. There Eazelle sacrifices herself. The party is already put into ruin. As Lydia gets shot down, Phalux sacrifices himself to protect Lydias life. Phalux dies protecting a woman and in pursuit of pussy. Amber yells out Phalux name as she hides behind a house. She cries and tells him to get up, he however does not budge. Immediatly afterwards Barney gets captured. Seeing no way out. She leaves along with the snake phalux fucked, Lusturous, Eli, and Lydia. She vowes revenge for Phalux and is deeply saddend by his death. Phalux was with her from the start but now she has to finish this quest alone   5/18/1: The group plans a rescue mission for Barney and hopes he still is alive, Amber is only thinking on revenge to get on Phalux. A new adventure goes to them and offers his help, his name is Binzo Saisun and he offers his help. Eli, Lydia and Binzo go on ahead and take the first group of Goblins, Amber stays to prepare her spells as she will go in with the intent to kill. Eli runs into some kid named Sprind who said he would take down the goblins on his own and then got shot. Eli was confused. sorcerer asks if she needs help, his name is Naga. Amber accepts and they go together to join the fight. As they fight off the goblins there are worgs sent out and even a goblin shahman, she started to sacrifice people. Barney is sacrificed, the party mourns. Lydia especially is brought to her knees and cries. A tribesman walking by goes to her and sees her sad, he conforts her and says his goal to understand death may bring him back. Lydia is happy, the tribal mans name is Makunga. Makunga, Amber, Eli, Binzo and Naga head back to the village where a village woman takes them in. Someone runs to them as a villager needs healing bad. Amber since she is a healer she goes to heal. At the house there is a sick girl and and her parents are begging amber to save their daughter, then they notice her mark from when she was from the brotherhood of iron. Eli while amber and the group fights with the home owners goes to their master bedroom with Binzo Saisun and he steals gp from them. they immediatly ask amber to leave but amber refuses it creates a huge scene and makunga threatens to kill them, people have to hold him back. Amber secretly heals her as they argue and fight, they pull out a crossbow on makunga and shoot him, binzo tells makunga to stop and they leave. They then stumple to Trawlindy Farm in this farm they meet a little girl known as Linda Trawlindy who is crying. The farm looks trashed, Linda cries because her parents died but Eli shows her her parents and Makunga tries to comfort her. They are cruel and Linda hates and resents them a little. Amber had nothing to do with this and tries to make her feel better. Binzo and Amber stay with her and finds her a home. Trawlindy likes Binzo and Amber. Trawliny tried to kill herself but Amber stopped her. Party uses the Trawlindy farm as their HQ   5/19/1: Lustrous Floyd tells the group to wake up as the Lehigh’s famous Treehouse was taken over by wolves. The party goes to it to help the town out. Unfortunately Naga casts fire bolt setting the tree on fire brining the whole tree town the party members leave and go back to the farm to rest   5/20/1: Party hears word as people throw eggshells at the party for burning down Lehigh most touristic attraction   5/21/1: While chilling at night the party spots the silver stag they follow the stag and they get ambushed by hob goblins and goblins Naga burns the forest down. The Stag is upset at Naga. Amber, Binzo, Lydia, Makunga, and Eli head into the temple of Life. They complete a puzzle to stop and extreme raidient glow. Amber, lustrous, makunga, Lydia and Naga go to consecrate this temple when a lesser water elemental attacks them. The party engage in combat. Eli goes with Binzo and they kill Death Motes who are chasing them. They run away. Amber and her group later go meet up with binzo and Eli who went a separate way they see a dark tunnel north, they investigate it to find that there is a horde of giant ants. Party attempts to fight, then the party struggles ants take Lydia Priosoner, the party regroups and restratizgizes, they go in and they use their spell casting from far, killing all the ants and their queen. The party successfully consecrated their first temple they head back to leghigh   5/22/1: Party get woken up early by some girl at the door, she is begging for someone who knows a lot about death, Makugna and Amber are the only ones that come to mind when it comes to the party. Apparently someone died and they want someone to ease the pain for the family. Binzo, Makunga, Eli, and Amber go to the graveyard to ease the pesrons death. The people want to find someone to ressurect the person. Makunga get into a heated arguemtn about it. Someone overhears this and go towards him. This is one of the knowledge holders the one of Fire he fights with makunga and then dismisses him. Party then split up and do their own errands. Amber, and Binzo visit the house where the sick daughter was and she wanted to know why the brotherhood of Iron is hated now. She tells them that she left a while ago. It is revealed that the brotherhood of Iron have turned into a mercenary group with no sense of ethic. That while the dad was on a business trip to blackstone the brotherhood would steal goods for their use. It set back his retirement 2 years. He hates the brotherhood of Iron. Amber heads home then rests.   5/24/1: The party walk down the road and they see a high old blumbering Lumberjack named Jakey Lopin and he is tipsy falls over and a pixie named Jext comes out looking desperate. Jext tells the group that this lumberjack was abusing him to get pixie dust out of him which is a narcotic. Jext tells the group that the only reason he got there is because the lumberjack saved him from some wolves as wolves starting to come over out of nowhere. After talking, the pixie talks to Lustorus privately because of his mark of the Stag. Jext knows about the moonshae lore but he knows that the temple of the moon is not too far away in the Dernal Forest. They head to the temple and get ambushed by an enormous pack of wolves, the party does what they can but Lydia trips gets jumped and dies. Wolves devour her. Lydia dies. The rest of the party continue to the temple of the Moon. They go in and start to look around where the moonwell is to consecrate it. They cannot find it but Naga finds books and reads them about this place. When the party seperates and bam. A Wraith shows up, this is Lexinovas wraith , this is a very dangerous fight, Naga is killed, Amber uses one of her diamonds to revive and bring Naga back to life. The party rests.   5/25/1: They Figure out a way to get to the basement floor of the temple. There they fight a sentient Halberd named Falibhe, it atttaches to Binzo and joins Binzo. They get into a room that has another pixie, the pixie tells them to open some seal. Binzo does it releasing the Dark wolf spirit. They continue to the moonwell where they succesfully consercates the 2nd temple and move on.   5/26/1: They are awoken by some desperate woman who comes from lelow and heard that andventurers were at Lehigh. There is a clan of people known as the black Blood Clan and they ransacked the city of Lelow. The party member agrees but only in return of renovations to the farm. Amber asks for a shrine for her goddess. The party heads south to Lelow and see a girl getting chased by two black blood members, they are about to rape her when naga and lustrous gets in the way and fights. Makunga makes his way into the village alone in the darkness of the smoke. Eli fights his mentor one on one. Eli kills his mentor on the roof. Amber mills the reincarnated Honse and slays him into disintegration. The black blood almost take Makunga, Naga and Lustrous but Naga creates a smoke cloud and gets them out. Black bloods fully retreat to their hideout. The party enjoys a meal with the surviving villagers that hail them as champions   5/27/1 Amber and Eli go to the safe house they used to go to and they hear about some Druid names Rotnog looking for them. They head back to the farm where they see Fruogh Rotnog a half orc Druid. She tells them that she located the next temple, the temple of the beast and they are to go there right away. They see a party of goblins on the way there they fight for some Goblin known as the Great Gark. They want to kill the party. The party kill a lot of them but they can’t finish them off. Amber, Lustrous, Eli, and Naha sleep and rest. The smoke of their fire attracts the goblins and they capture and knock out the 4. Here the goblins threaten them and kills Naga in cold blood for trying to save his friends. They knock out lustrous, then Amber. Eli desperate to get out as they are about to knock him out he crushing the rock Halia gives him this teleports her there. She sees there is hobgoblins and immediatly kills all of them. She tells Eli that he owes her now and expects to be paid in full. She wants 1 years worth of time under here. Eli agrees. She then is surprised to see Amber. she checks on her and heals her. and also she sets and enchantment on her where she can mind control her at will. She curses amber. Eli leaves with Halia and teleports to Neverwinter. Eli gets teleported and then meets with Halia in a cabin, in that cabin she says that she wants him to join her and at this point he has no choice so he is given the Zentharim tattoo. Eli sees his father James Pellen and he reccomeneded him to beigin with to Halia. Eli does not care about his fatehr surprisngly, not even mad. Eli becomes a memeber of the Zentharim.   6/1/1: Eli is chilling when suddenly he gets teleported to Caer Calidyr. He meets Halia where she tells him that he has his first job and that is the assasination of Uomo, a representative from the Tonali family of Olafstaad. He must not get home alive. Eli follows Uomo out of the Merchant hall outside. There he attempts to get on his carraige and fails to do so. He then tries to follow it by climbing on atop another carraige. he missses and gets crushed by two carraiges. He then attempts to steal one which fails. He passes them into the outside and there he attempts an ambush and they run off. Eli then kills one of the guards. he rests.   6/2/1: He is in Blackstone, and in Blackstone he just passes by after renting a steed. There he rents it out and heads out north   6/3/1: Eli continues up north and then gets to where the carraige is. He kills a couple of guards and knocks over a horse, just before they arrive at Olafstaad. There goblins take mr Uomo and considers it a job well done.   6/5/1: Arrives back at blackstone returns the horse   6/7/1: Goes back to Halia she officially welcomes him into the Zentharim and gives him a new attire of clothing. He is now a Zentharim member. He is now tasked with staying in Caer Calidyr and keeping up with Aurthum and Amber who is also here.   6/15/1: Eli is gifted the Zentharim robes which are in the colour of white and red. he takes it but decides to rock his black and red gear for now.   6/29/1: Beeli contacts Eli and taunts him, he tells him to bring strong freinds to Kork, and dissapears.   7/2/1: Eli infiltrates by orders of Halia to meet up with Aurthum who finished his quest. Eli takes out a guard at the kings tower and that guard died by a pillow he then kills another guard and kills him he listens in the king Derid Kendricks speech   7/30/1: Eli runs straight to Amber to help her out in Thundertree as she will surely get attacked and assasination attempt   8/3/1: There he stops an assasination attempt and kills the assasin then leaves amber alive. He stays hiding and waits until Aurthum shows up, there he tells aurthum to be very careful as something is up with Thundertree and Halia is telling everybody close to avoid it.   8/11/1: Eli got an interview well done and got hired for 10,000 gp a month to kill whatever Nundro says to kill   8/20/1: Nundro gets Eli to Kill Gind, Eli kills Gind   8/22/1 Amber and Eli head to a temple of her godess where she learns that she still has a chance to be redeemed she is allowed a chance to prove herself. She succesfully goes through it with Eli Pellen


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