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Felicia Trawlindy

Felicia Trawlindy is a young girl whose parents both died in defense of the town of Leghigh when King Gark's Goblin forces came in. A local family has taken her in, but she cries all the time, asking if anyone has seen her soldier puppet that her father carved for her. If an adventurer returns the marionette they found earlier, she becomes attached to the one who hands it back.   5/17/1: Trawllindy was playing with her toy soldier while a huge thump was at the door. Felicias dad told her to go hide under the bed, in a rush she forgot to take her favoriute toy soldier. she hides under her bed and her mom runs to her and tells her to stay there no matter what never come out unless she says so. So Felicia waited and waited. She slept sobbing and scared as no one came to her. She also missed her toy soldier.   5/18/1: Trawlindy hears footsteps in her house as her door squeaks open, she is scared immidiatly there is a frog she sees she gets scared and cries, The Grung calms her down it is Lusturous. She cries to it asking where her parents are. Makunga dark man comes and shows her, the dead parents. She cries. Eli makes a burial for the parents and tells her that her parents are in a better place. That night she tried to commit suicide but stopped by Amber and Binzo. She looked up to the two. They slept with her the whole night.   5/19/1: Trawlindy wakes up crying, the party tells her that they will have to be going in and out very often so they drop her off to someones house. This woman is Delila Miohn. She took care of Trawlindy and also had a pregnant snake take refuge there. She spends her time helping Delilia and mourning her parents.   5/21/1: Howard is born and she witnesses it, she is a bit scarred but still likes the snake and plays with the baby snake   5/22/1: The frog goes to visit her again and they fight on snake to take Howard. Howard wants to go to train with the monk. he stays. hes a bit sad. Trawlindy cheers him up by playing adventurer with him. Her and howard just play and she lives a relatively happy life.   5/28/1: Trawlindy overhears some stressing from the community of Lehigh as their biggest tourist attraction has been taken a toll. Many businesses are failing. Trawlindny is sad and goes to the site of the burnt tree and plants another one with Howard. Howard and Trawlindy talk about bringing money as adventurers as she wants to be like Amber when she grows up and Howard wants to be like Lustorus.   5/30/1: An adventure named Phalux came over. snake he fucked gave birth. He meets Howard and tells him he is his real dad. Howard refuses says its Lustours, Phalux says that he will take howard and train him and he can meet Lustorous if he follows him. Howard agrees and joins.   6/2/1: Trawlindy feels lonely and sad she hopes one day the adventurers come back and she can go with Amber. She asks Delilah and Delilah said when she turns 10 she can travel to Caer Calidyr on her own. For now she practices by praying to the earthmother.   7/8/1: She hears about how Ambersweetgrass saved the moonshaes with her companions and feels really proud to have met them. She strives even harder to become a cleirc and decides she is going to go no matter what to the city of Holyhead to learn to train under clerics in then end of the month.   7/28/1: Lehigh is attacked again this time Trawlindy wont sit idly by, she prepares her holy weapon and goes to the defenceless captives. Her step mom pushes her to stop, she goes anyways, there she ses Hemu and two guards fighting, one of the guards gets mortaliy wounded, Trawlindy runs to save him and heals him. She gets a visit of the king which tells her to go home, pack her things, as she will go to Holyhead to train under the cleric order.   8/5/1: Trawlindy arrives to the city of Holyhead, she is immediatly enrolled and joins her first couple of classes.
Current Status
Short Blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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