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Furogh Rotnog

Fruhroh Rotnog was born amidst the rugged beauty of the Island of Alaron, a place where the verdant forests met the endless sea. From a young age, she exhibited an innate connection with the natural world. While her orcish peers engaged in typical warrior training, Fruhroh would spend hours observing the intricate dance of the leaves in the wind and listening to the whispered secrets of the animals.   Her tribe, deeply rooted in the worship of the Earthmother, recognized Fruhroh's unique affinity for nature. She became the apprentice of the aging Head Druid, learning the ancient ways of druidic magic, herbology, and the delicate balance that existed between all living things. Under the guidance of her mentor, she honed her abilities, understanding that her powers were not just a gift but a responsibility.   When her mentor passed away, Fruhroh assumed the mantle of Head Druid, a position that came with immense reverence and weighty expectations. Her days were spent wandering the dense forests, communing with the spirits of the land and ensuring that the delicate balance between the natural elements was maintained.   It was during one of her meditations that the Earthmother herself appeared to Fruhroh in a vivid vision. The deity spoke of a greater purpose, one that extended beyond the borders of her tribe. Fruhroh was to spread the Earthmother's teachings, fostering harmony and respect for nature among all the inhabitants of Alaron.   Embracing her divine charge, Fruhroh became not only the spiritual leader of her tribe but also the Head Priestess of Caer Calidyr, the island's central religious hub. Her influence expanded beyond the tribal boundaries as she advised King Derid Kendrick, educating him on the sacred responsibilities of the Earthmother. Together, they implemented policies that protected the island's forests, ensured sustainable hunting practices, and promoted agricultural techniques that respected the land.   However, this peaceful existence was not without challenges. Fruhroh faced opposition from some quarters, particularly those who sought to exploit the island's resources without regard for the consequences. Yet, her wisdom, coupled with the undeniable power she derived from the Earthmother, made her a formidable force to reckon with.   As the Head Druid, Head Priestess, and the king's trusted advisor, Fruhroh Rotnog stood as the embodiment of the Earthmother's will on Alaron, weaving her magic and guidance to safeguard the natural world and guide her people toward a harmonious coexistence with the land they called home.   5/1/1: She tells King Derid that it is almost time to consecrate the temples of the Earthmother which happens every 100 years so tells him to get warriors to consecrate the temples and they need to be skilled   5/26/1: She gets word that the temples of the sun beast and death location is   5/27/1: Frurogh gets to Lehigh to inform the adventurers where to go. She notices the mark of the stag for Lusturous Floyd she tells him she appreciates his efforts she leaves the party a note to meet her at Olafstaad for the next temple. She heads out there   6/4/1:
Arrives at Olafstaad   6/7/1: Rotnog is awoken by some crowd, she goes to take a look and they are talking about a murder, she sees Amber is on a stage apologzing for the deaths of some delinquents. She was curious but knew it was somehting that did not matter in comparison to the consecrations of the earth mother temples. she talks to Amber in a hood and demands her to focus on her objective and to head to a boat to Jotunspine, that Jotunspine is where the temple of the sun is. Rotnog goes to the docks where she tells the captain that once they are finished to take them to Warlsbury as that is whre she will be waiting   6/8/1: She heads to Warlsbury   6/10/1: She arrives at Warlsbury. She chills until group arrives   6/17/1: She is at a bar in Warlsbury eating, when Vyn and Amber arrives. Rotnog is there tells them about the last temple how its in the Island of Oman. They hear a huge bang. A ship is shooting cannons towards the small homes. The group that is attacking is the brotherhood of iron Rotnog aids in the evacuation of the island. She helps the group. After the war is over she tells group to leave and heads back to Caer Calidyr to Tell King Kendrick all Temples should be consecrated.   6/22/1: She is at Car Calidyr and King Kendrick is happy to hear the good news.
Fruhroh Rotnog is going through doccuments as she has to doccument the temple consecrations for future generations and while reading the prevoius scrolls, she runs into one where she did not read before. She found a scroll that doccuments a time where the temples were not consecfrated. The moonshaes livesd in chaos. It started with animals going crazy, then growing, then destroying, the wolf spirit would rein for 100 years until a warrior monk sealed him away with a Halberd, this would keep the peace every 100 years as long as the wolf spirit was not released and that all of the temples were successdully consecrated.
Fruhuroh sends a letter to Mars and lets him know to investigate if the temple of the sun is for sure consecrated. She travels to look at the other temples. She seals it and sends the letter expecting a response eventually.
She sees that the three temples of the Beast, Life, and Moon have been consecrated, she resends a letter to Mars expecting a reply by now, She decides that searching the temple of Death is useless. Since she heard word that the adventurers had already consecrated all of them. She just returns back to Caer Calidyr.


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