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Halia Thorton

Halia Thorton

Halia Thorton's backstory begins in a small village on the outskirts of Phandalin. Her family was poor and struggled to make ends meet, often relying on the charity of others to survive. As a child, Halia grew resentful of her circumstances and became obsessed with acquiring wealth and power. She left her village at a young age and made her way to Phandalin, where she quickly learned the art of manipulation and deception. Halia was able to climb the ranks of the local business community, eventually becoming the owner of the Miners Exchange, the most successful business in town.   However, Halia's success came at a price. She was ruthless in her pursuit of wealth and power, and would stop at nothing to achieve her goals. She made secret deals with bandits and other criminal elements in the area, using their muscle to intimidate her competitors and further her own interests.   Halia's true nature as a villain was carefully hidden behind a facade of kindness and generosity. She donated generously to local charities and was always willing to lend a helping hand to those in need. However, her true motivations were purely selfish, and she was always looking for ways to gain more power and influence.   Halia Thorton disappeared from Phandalin for several years. During this time, she traveled to far-off lands and delved deeply into the study of magic, determined to become more powerful than ever before. Her studies were successful, and Halia eventually became a powerful mage known throughout the land as the Black Spider. With her newfound magical abilities, she was able to exact revenge on those who had wronged her and expand her influence far beyond Phandalin.   The Black Spider became known for her ruthlessness and cruelty. She would stop at nothing to achieve her goals, often resorting to dark magic and manipulation to get what she wanted. Her reputation as a powerful mage struck fear into the hearts of many, and few were brave enough to stand up to her.   During her travels, Halia Thorton had heard rumors of the Lost Mines of Phandelver, a legendary mine said to be filled with riches beyond compare. Determined to claim this treasure for herself, she began to scheme and plan. One of her key targets was a dwarf named Nundro, who was one of three brothers who had discovered the mine. Halia knew that Nundro was the weakest of the three and was susceptible to her charms and manipulations. She began to approach him in secret, offering him riches and power beyond his wildest dreams.   At first, Nundro was resistant to her offers, knowing that his loyalty lay with his brothers. However, Halia was persistent, and she played on Nundro's insecurities and doubts, convincing him that his brothers did not truly appreciate him and that he deserved a greater share of the treasure.   Slowly but surely, Halia was able to turn Nundro against his brothers, sowing discord and mistrust among them. She convinced Nundro to betray his brothers and split the earnings of the Lost Mines with her, promising him that together they could rule Phandalin and beyond.   Nundro's betrayal was the key that allowed Halia to claim the Lost Mines for herself. With Nundro's help, she was able to gain access to the mine and fend off any other would-be treasure hunters who dared to interfere.   She then needed to find a way to get all of this to work, to do so she contracted a wizard named Nezznar and told him to pose as the Black Spider. She manipulated many events.   3/1/1: Halia ordered Nezznar to tell the Cragmaw to hunt down any shipments of mining gear to phandalin. Nezznar listens. She does this because she knows Gundren will be traveling from Neverwinter to Phandalin to the Wave Echo Cave. She needs to get rid of Gundren and arranges an assassination of Thundren.   3/3/1: She finds out that Gundren made it safe behind and is furious with this she tells Nezznar that he must not fail her again and she tells Nezznar to get the Redbrands to cause a lot of trouble for the new adventurers in town.   3/5/1: To her surprise she meets Amber, the cousin of Gundren, she knows Amber is a threat so she quickly comes up with an excuse to kick her out and ban her from the miners exchange. She then speaks to another adventurer Gogo Thornt. She thinks she can manipulate the group to fight the redbrands which would result in their death. She tells them to go fight the Redbrands, she does not believe they could survive.   3/7/1: Halia hears rumors that the party was successful in clearing the Redbrands and ousting them our of Phandalin. She realizes she needs to resort to more drastic measures. She is going to attempt to threaten Gundren out of pursuing the cave. She invites him to meet her at Neverwinter. She does this because this buys her enough time to get an attack going onto Phandalin, this also lets her move out her valubles to her residence in Neverwinter. She leaves Phandalin without telling anybody.   3/10/1: Gundren meets with Halia who warns him that if he pursues the Wave Echo Cave that he will be hurt, Gundren assumed Halia was looking out for him but in reality she was giving a warning. Gundren refusing gets Halia to confirm the go ahead and gets the Cragmaw to attack Phandalin and capture then kill Gundren. She needs to know who else knows about the cave that way she can arrange their death as well.   3/12/1: Halia hears news about how the party are on their way back to Phandalin, she knows that they may possibly foil her plan so she arranges for an assasin sniper to be hired to take them out and if not at least slow them down. She gets Nezznar to spare no expense to hire a good sniper.   3/15/1: She starts to make her way back from Neverwinter back to Phandalin as she would like to see the results of the cragmaws. She will then go visit King Grol the leader of the Cragmaws.   3/19/1: Halia came back to see that the Cragmaw have succeeded and she confirms the rumors that Gundren was kidnapped, she knew exactly where he was too she headed towards Cragmaw castle.   3/25/1: Halia arrives at King Grol's Cragmaw Castle to learn what King Grol got out of Gundren, Halia knowing who knows tells King Grol to expect a visit by a group of adventurers and to not fail in killing them. Halia feels its best to go to the Wave Echo Cave and gets a doppleganger to stay here in Cragmaw castle and follow the adventureres until they arrive. This is a precautionary way to prevent her from not knowing where they are. If the adventurers some how defeat King Grol then she will know and can leave the Wave Echo Cave.   4/6/1: Halia hears word that the adventurers have been extremely hurt from King Grol. Halia is happy about that so she leaves the wave echo cave and leaves another doppleganger in her place and tells Nezznar preperations are almost complete, she kills the prisoner Thundren and heads to Neverwinter to complete preparations to get the mine ready to go. Halia meets a groveling Rumple and Iarno, and she hires them to protect the entrence of the Wave Echo Cave.   4/10/1: She arrives at Neverwinter and gets notice that there are surviving adventurers that are storming the Cave, she quickly rushes back to the cave.   4/14/1: Halia arrives to the cave with many of her subordinates and she sees the dead Nezznar on the ground with a group of adventurers. She takes him and tells them that she will take care and dispose of the body. She in reality will revivfy him. She knows that fighting is pointless so she will share the mine with the group she leaves the party and gets ready to take over Phandalin from within. She riles up an election and now has to funds to rally.   4/16/1: She rallies for relecttion of Phandalins Mayor people get her support.   4/20/1: Election results are in and there is now a vacant role of mayor within the council of Phandalin. She gets Nundro to pay for everyones homes that way people will want to vote for them.   4/21/1: Halia visits Amber to squash the beef but does not work out. She then visits Aurthum and successfully converts him into Zentharim. He gets the tattoo on him and he becomes a devout member.   4/24/1: Halia realizes that the biggest threat to her and her plans is currently Amber as she is the only one that has suspicions on her. She goes to Nundro if he could set up an "accident" involving her. Nundro said he isnt killing more family members. Halia sees that someone was listening in. It was Narth. she goes to follow and then kill Narth but notices He is going to Ambers house so she runs away. She decides that the best thing for her to do is to gather a personal guard under her. She needs to win the election and now with Aurthum that makes one she will look around for warriors to join her to gain influence.   4/29/1: Halia asks Aurthum to convince Elsa to take on the 10k GP for the portion of the inn on the behalf of the Zentharim, she wants to gain influence of Phandalin and then there is a great idea of hers to slowly take over any and all business in the area and grow Phandalin into a strong empire.   4/30/1: As predicited Halia and her strong rally won the eleciton of Phandalin, Halia is now the leader of Phandalin.   5/3/1: Halia imposes two new laws. 1. Tax reform imposing huge taxes on the rich and low on the poor 2. ID for all citizens required, for entry purposes.   Halia knows that taxing the rich will be her enemies and keep her in power and as for the id its a way to control easier when she plans to instill harsher punishment on the citizens.   5/6/1: Halia attends and listens to Ambers Speech, she replies to Amber saying rebutting everything she says and agrees on coming up with a 5 person council of President, VP, head of public relations, head of secutiry and Treasruer.   Halia has an idea on who can be the head of security, she knows of a great ex bandit known as James Pellen and gets into contact with him asap. she hears about his son who was left in the Moonshaes and how he should be perfect for recruitment. Halia decides to pursue this Eli Pellen.   As for Treasurer she appoints Nundro. She decides it is okay to give Amber the role of public relations and for VP she will allow an election to be held.   Halia follows amber to the moon shaes she knows Eli Pellen is there too, she goes on the seach for him at Caer Calidyr   5/15/1: Halia heads to Caer Calidyr inn and finds info on Eli she gets some and awaits his eventual arrival. here a bar fight almost erupts as Eli was caught stealing Gp from a civilian, Barney did not like that, Lustorous convinced Barney he was just seeing things. After the little skirmish the chef tells Eli that there is someone in the kitchen that wants to talk to him. Eli does not refuse so he heads into the kitchen where he talks to Halia Thorton. Halia offers him work with the Zentharim and has heard good things about him. Eli refuses as he believes it is best if he gets on good terms with the king. Halia tells him if he ever changes his mind to crush this teleportation stone. Halia will show up wherever he is and bring him back to Neverwinter. Eli takes the stone and she says goodbye. party sleeps.   5/16/1: Halia makes her way back to Neverwinter.   5/25/1: Halia arrives at Neverwinter and heads back home to Phandalin to announce her Election. She contacts Nezznar to ensure through magic that elections are rigged and VP will get announced as Throod. Halia brought Aurthum into the Zentharim so it should be easy to influence her. She contacts Aurthum to let Amber know that she is the going to be the head of relations she gives Aurthum a teleportation rune and links it to Eli. He uses it and Teleports to Moonshaes as they are all asleep. He watches the party dillignetly wondering where Phalux is   5/27/1: Halia is relaxing drinking coffee when she sees her teleportation rune has been broken. She teleports to Eli and She sees there is hobgoblins and immediatly kills all of them. She tells Eli that he owes her now and expects to be paid in full. She wants 1 years worth of time under here. Eli agrees. She then is surprised to see Amber. she checks on her and heals her. and also she sets and enchantment on her where she can mind control her at will. She curses amber. Eli leaves with Halia and teleports to Neverwinter.   5/30/1: Halia arrives back to Phandalin with Eli and all the elections have been announced well and done for.   6/6/1: Halias next target would be to infiltrate and take over Conyberry, she recognizes that Conyberry is protected by the banshee Agatha so she needs to send someone trustworthy to see how would she be able to infiltrate Conyberry. She knows she sent a Zentharim member to start to instill influence in Conyberry. A human named Randall woodsman has a loan from the Zentharim and is now a member. He tells him how would she influence that area as much as possible, Randall says nothing can happen until Agatha is still there. Agatha is a banshee that protects Conyberry. She decides to put in the research while handling duties here in Phandalin. She gets info on Agatha and find ways to get to her.   6/13/1: Halia finds out that Agathas weakness could be with her love of Isac. She currently has no informants in Thundertree so trying to trump both cities makes no sense she believes the best way to get through to Isac is through Amber. Halia tasks Eli to ensure Ambers safety until she says so.   6/26/1: Halia gets a visit by Elsa who says she found some labarynth she wants whatever is inside, Halia thinks to wait as she heard by Nundro that Harbin was planning some sort of adventure guild, she tells Elsa to wait its construction and she will approve of it next week. until Then to be patient. Halia plans to send in Aurthum and take the fees from Elsa as well, Aurthum can also take the goods and treasures.   6/30/1: Halia approves the construction of the building made for the guild, she gives Harbin a timeline and expects to be fully done July 22   7/12/1: Halia hosts the first tribunal on the case rockseeker v Toblin   7/16/1: Trial of Zarod   7/17/1: Halia and James decide to harvest Pixie dust to sell in return of housing for the sprites.   7/26/1: Halia hears word about how the destruction of Thundertree is already underway, she loves this now hopes to check on how the Connyberry project is going. She plans to go from there to Thundertree, then to Leilon, once she has all of those in one kingdom she can proceed for an engulfment around Neverwinter.   8/5/1: Halia upon reading the archives of Phandalin, finds out about a deep underground drow civilization which is connected to the wave echo cave, she realizes she can gain favour with them slowly she wants to prepare an expedition, realizes it may require a strong group, she will wait until it is time, she considers Elsa, and Nezznar but Elsa is not strong enough and would prefer a party, she defenitly would like to send Eli, and Amber down eventually. She will send them with Aurthum. She realizes it could be a suicide mission but to have a foothold in the underdark would be big.   8/11/1: Halia goes to a Griffon Broker and Gets a couple of griffons and begins to hire a breeder. She will raise these griffons and give them to generals of her army. She begins to post enlistments for Phandalin Guard. An army even those outside of Phandalin can join as mercenaries. Only the top echelon can be from Phandalin however.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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