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Howard Humanborn

Howard is a half Snake, Half Human hybrid born by Phalux and some random snake   5/21/1: Howard is born the snake tells howard that he is Lustorous Floyd's Son. Howard is excited to meet his daddy.   5/22/1: Howard meets Lusturous. The frog goes to visit her again and they fight on snake to take Howard. Howard wants to go to train with the monk. he stays. hes a bit sad. Trawlindy cheers him up by playing adventurer with him. Her and howard just play and she lives a relatively happy life.   5/28/1: Howard hopes for the return of Lusurous. He pretends he is a monk too and he plays pretend.   5/30/1: An adventure named Phalux came over. snake he fucked gave birth. He meets Howard and tells him he is his real dad. Howard refuses says its Lustours, Phalux says that he will take howard and train him and he can meet Lustorous if he follows him. Howard agrees and joins.   6/12/1: Well after a while he head back to Caer Calidyr to go speak to the king. There Phalux tells him how he awoke at Lehigh and all of his exploits. The king tells Phalux the job is not over yet that there is still two more temples. He sends Phalux to wait for the group at the Temple of death. Phalux boards a shit and heads east to then go southwest to go to the temple of Death in Oman.   6/23/1: Phalux arrives at the temple and sees blood everywhere he sees Amber resting with other warriors he does not know but he recogonizes Aurthum, He arrives with Howard who will not leave him alone and wants to find Lusturous. Phalux says Lusturous should be here but when he wakes everyone up they tell him that the night before there was a ton of death and one of those who died was Lusturous. Howard reacts horribly and runs into the forest. Howard thinks in the forest and sees a flying angel frog. Recognizing it as Lustorous Spirit he gets over his death and heads back to meet Phalux. They go back to Caer Calidyr   7/2/1: The party arrives at Caer Calidyr and the king congratulated the party, he provided noble houses for Phalux, Aurthum, and Amber, he congratulates the other adventureres, Zephyr, Lucha, Mello, Boutou and tells them they are welcome anytime. He provides them with gold. The adventureres hear a thud and King Derid goes to take a look and sees downed guards. Someone was spying on them. He sounds the alarm and they are nowhere to be found   7/11/1: Phalux and howard arrive to Neverwinter, they head to Yorinth on the pathway there they hear a huge commotion, they run to see, and to Phalux's suprise he sees Pippy currently being dragged all bloodied and in the ground with a mangled body of Edermath right there as well. Phalux tells howard to go tend to Pippy's wounds as Phalux sizes up to the troll. Phalux emits his conquering pressence and causes the troll to fall to his knees. There Phalux is able to smite it with the help of Pippy who is enraged and fighting the troll as well. Phalux helps pippy with Edermath and takes him home. He apologizes for Gogo. He pats Howard on the head. Phalux heads to phandalin where he drops pippy off to bury Edermath in his Orchard.   7/28/1: After Phalux's deptarture to Thundertree he follows behind Phalux to catch up to him. Eventually he reaches him in Thundertree.   8/2/1: Phalux introduces howard to Isac. Isac hires a rapper named Mello for entertainment for the group. Guards suddenly show up and announce there is a disturbance near thundertree in a cave nearby. The party heads there. Party of Phalux, Aurthum, Amber, Isac Howard, Mello, and Midir head to the cave. On the way there they meetup with a village girl with a meercat. They save her animal from goblins and continue. The party fights some of the dragon cult members. A water wyrm shows up from the cave lake and they fight and slay it. Party heads back to Thundertree. Isac goes to bed and invites the rest of them to sleep in the castle waiting for Agatha. Isac sleeps.   8/3/1: Isac decides it is good to have a festival to celebrate everything Thundertree has gone through. They celebrate well with a festival. There is an arm wrestling contest with Isac, Aurthum, Ghodar, and Mello participate. Somehow Mello wins the arm wrestling contest in the finals against Isac. A little girl comes running telling the party that Amber is being attacked in the forest. They run towards Amber who is dying. Party heal Amber. Amber describes Eli's new look. Isac posts posters of Eli. Continuing the festival. Howard starts to feel really horny out of nowhere and has a sensation in his loins he has never felt before. Howard hits puberty and Mandingus manifests inside him and appears. Mandingus almost rapes Mirna and Amber. Isac fights as much as he can. Phalux ends up making a contract with Mandingus. Here he promises to have 12 children within a year. Mandingus accepts and seals himself. Party rests.   8/4/1: After that event Phalux tells howard to stay put and be with Ghodar who will watch him as he goes and runs some errands. Howard is mad cause he wants to adventure too.   8/5/1: After constant pestering Howard finally convinces Ghodar to go escort him to Old Owl Well, Ghodar is annoyed and kind of hates Howard. But he agrees and takes Howard with him to Old Owl Well. While on the road they run into an owl bear. Ghodar is able to expertly sneak around but Howard cannot manage to do the same and unfortunalty gets attacked by the owl bear. With a threat to Howards life. Ghodar instantly jumps in getting attacked by the owlbear giving howard time to escape. He tells howard to run as he runs away with tears in his eyes. Howard finally and luckily finds Amber and Zephyr on the road. Howard is badly hurt but tells them to please follow him. They track Ghodar all the way to an owlbear den. Amber and Zephyr accompanied by Howard go and fight the owl bears. It is in the end Howard that strikes the final blow at the owl bears saving Ghodar.   8/6/1: They all go back to thundertree to rest and lick their wounds.   8/8/1: Phalux, Howard, Zephyr, Ghodar, they head to Neverwinter where Phalux fucks a bank teller as Ghodar opens a bank account. He gets finessed by shop owner in neverwinter. They head back to Thundertree   8/9/1: Phalux upset at the orcs who did that to him decides to go pay him a visti but there are mushroom heads which are people obsessed with mushrooms. There is a special mushroom patch that grows only in August around the triboar trail. The party visits the cave by thundertree and Zephyr finds something.   8/10/1: They go hunting mushrooms   8/11/1: Phalux hears a rumor about a Sacred Grove somewhere in Neverwinter woods with a powerful sword. They head towards there and fight a group of goblins. They arrive to the sacred grove and see a huge amount of demons and wraiths. they sleep in the woods.   8/12/1: They arrive in Thundertree   8/13/1: They chill   8/14/1: The party consisting of Zephyr, Midir, Isac, Amber, Phalux, and Howard went to the sacred grove to deal with what they saw.   8/14/1: The party consisting of Zephyr, Midir, Isac, Amber, Phalux, and Howard went to the sacred grove to deal with what they saw.   8/15/1: They arrive at the sacred grove where They fight these evil spirit. Amber dominates and banishes all of them away with her spirit guardians on their way back from the sacred grove Isac spots Venomfang the Green dragon flying overhead heading towards Thundertree, Isac gets frantic and runs back to his Castle.   8/16/1: Isac arrives back at Thundertree and is surprised how it is perfectly fine and safe. Isac starts to get his guards all ready for the arrival of Venomfang. He tells them to gather up and prepare for battle. A woman named Evy arrives to Thundertree. She is the leader of the Saranharians a group of people that live in the Neverwinter Forest in a small village called Sarandhar. She tells the people how Sarandhar was attacked by Venomfang and she begs Isac to help with getting their ancient scribes and history in Sarandhar. Isac sees this as an oppurtunity to slay this dragon. He goes and heads towards Sarandhar. Isac and Zephyr have a heated arguement about resting as the whole party is tired. Isac fights with him saying that it is essential to go. Isac wins the arguement and Zephyr is restless. The party rests exepct for Isac   8/17/1: Party arrives to Sarandhar and it is shown that it is overrun with Orcs. There is a little girl crying in a cage the party confront the orcs and they state how they have their treaties with Thundertree as Isac beat their leader a long time ago. They will not let the little girl go as it is technically under treaty their property as the little girl wandered off of Thundertree rule. Zephyr is restless and hates how the party is engaging in arguements to save some random girl. Zephyr kills the gril to end the fight. Everyone there is tramuatized and starts to have a negative opinion on Zephyr. Midir try to play dice for her freedom and loses. The Orcs are pissed as the party runs into the Saranharian Temple, there is no Venomfang in sight. The scriptures were smashed and destroyed by Thundertree. There they see a Manticore. It defends the temple and is extremely injured by the green dragon. He agrees to fly them back to Thundertree to escape the incoming Orcs. Isac tells Evy the bad news and tells her to prepare for battle agaisnt the dragon. He vows to protect the remainding Sarandharians and create a New Sarandhar in Thundertree. The party have a bad sleep as they are afraid of the unstoppable force of Venomfang.   8/18/1: Elanor visits Thundertree at the worst time and tells Phalux she is about to give birth to Dex. Mirna is upset at Phalux for not telling her he was promised. He assures her he will take care of everything. Everything is quiet when suddenly Venomfang crashes into the Thundertree castle knocking out Midir instantly. Zephyr tries to talk to it and get it to go away. In draconic things are said that only them two can understand. Zephyr leaves the palace to talk to the cultists who are also attacking the town. Zephyr decides to betray the party. Venomfang combat ensues as Isac and Phalux, and Howard fight Venomfang trying to protect Mirna and Elanor. Unfortunaltly its too little as he slays and claws up Elanor. Isac and Howard fight hard pushing Venomfang back into the teleportation circle teleporting Venomfang to Agathas house. Isac is extremely worried for Agatha and wants to head straight back. Before he can he is backstabbed by Zephyr. Isac is downed, Phalux and Howard have a fight with a fresh Zephyr and he attempts to kill Phalux and almost kills Howard. Zephyr seeing how Phalux is still alive from his heavy attacks decides its best to run. Phalux is in shock. His love died, his son is dying and his unborn baby is dying. Luckily Midir gets up for support and is able to perform an emergency surgery on Elanor getting Dex out and alive. The party is shattered. Zephyr runs away from town. The cultists seeing how the dragon is gone run away as well. Thundertree had one of its saddest days today.   8/19/1: Amber hears the news and heads to Thundertree she vows revenge on Zephyr. Aurthum arrives to Thundertree after looking for Honse. He is updated on everything, The party teleport to Agathas lair where they see it all in flames and destroyed they then set their gaze on a resting dragon and an injured Berun, and Sir Cums A lot. The Dragon then blasts a gas of poison right to Howard and knocks him out. The dragon then has a heated fight against Phalux, Amber, Aurthum, and Ghodar. aurthum climbs on the dragon while the dragon flies up with Amber in its mouth, Phalux is casting spirtual weapon to attack the dragon. Ghodar uses his blood arts to fight the dragon at the feet of the dragon. Ghodar falls from the dragon and knocks out. Amber snipes the dragon with her Guiding Bolt in its mouth and falls, Phalux catches her taking most of the blunt of the fall. The dragon is falling fast and crashes onto Agathas house, Aurthum is hurt in the flames of the fall, Amber heals Ghodar to get him barely up the party gazes up at the scorching trunk home expecting death from both Aurthum and the dragon until a burst of wind and poison gas blows out the flames the dragon appears before them. The dragon continues the fight. He attacks the three, knocks out Phalux and kills amber. Aurthum bursts through the flames and climbs the dragon and begins to gouge his eye out, Aurthum in a fit of rage slashes and slashes the dragon, this however is not enough as the dragon swings aurthum into the air and he plummets to his death. The Dragon beaten, blind in the brink of death continues to rage as Ghodar is the last man standing. Phalux in a state of uncounciousness speaks to mandingus. Mandingus says that Phalux cannot die yet and he will take over, Phalux denies this and tells Mandingus to let fate decide if he lives or dies. Mandingus is told to take over Howard instead. Just when hope was over. Ghodar felt an immense pressue Howard gets a pulse, Mandingus manifests and punches the dragon to the ground causing it heavy harm, this gives Ghodar an opening to slay the dragon. Ghodar has a chance to either save Amber or save Aurthum. In death Aurthum sees his son Honse welcoming to the after life. Knowing Thruud is well taken care of and his friends succeded he decides to finally join his son and be with him. Amber on the other hand speaks with her godess who tells her she lives a true full life. She will be rememberd fondly and that life is also partnered with death. And as a life cleric she must embrace death for what it is. Amber refuses, as a feeling of rage fills her body focuesd on the destruction of Zephyr who caused this mess to begin with. She rejects her godess, and heads back to life. This happens as Ghodar takes Amber to the teleporter, there in Thundertree Agatha revies Amber. Amber feels different she has rejected her vows and is now has Agatha as her patron.
Current Status
Date of Birth
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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