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Lu'Stros F'Loyd

Lu'Stros F'Loyd was born in a small Grung village deep in the jungles of Chult. As a child, Lu'Stros was disciplined and focused, finding solace in the practice of hand-to-hand combat. He quickly became a skilled fighter, using his unique Grung abilities and poisonous skin to best his opponents. But despite his prowess, Lu'Stros felt unfulfilled. He yearned for something more than just victory in battle. One day, while exploring the nearby ruins of an ancient temple, he stumbled upon a group of monks practicing their martial arts. Lu'Stros was intrigued by their discipline and focus, and he began to study under them, honing his skills and finding inner peace through worship and training.   As he grew older, Lu'Stros became a respected member of his community, known for his calm demeanor and unwavering devotion to his training. However, he always felt a strong connection to his brother, Ge'Orge F'Loyd, who had left the village to explore the wider world. Lu'Stros often thought about his brother and wondered what adventures he was having.   However, tragedy struck when his brother, Ge'Orge F'Loyd, went missing during a dangerous mission to retrieve a sacred artifact. Despite extensive searching, Ge'Orge was never found and Lu'Stros was left with a deep sense of loss and guilt. Determined to honor his brother's memory, Lu'Stros left his village and began a journey of self-discovery and redemption. He traveled to different lands, seeking out new knowledge and training to become a better monk. Along the way, he also helped those in need and gained a reputation as a selfless and just individual.   Eventually, Lu'Stros found himself on a boat bound for the Moonshae Isles, drawn there by rumors of a powerful artifact that could bring about peace and prosperity to the region. But as he neared his destination, he couldn't shake the feeling that he was being guided by a higher power - perhaps even his lost brother's spirit. Regardless, Lu'Stros was determined to see his quest through to the end and hopefully find closure for his brother's disappearance.   5/5/1: Lu'Stros F'Loyd is looking for Ge'Orge F'loyd in Neverwinter as it is a popular large city, he overhears two adventurers talk to each other about his brother he immediatly follows them onto the boat to Neverwinter   5/7/1: Lu'Stros F'Loyd asks about his brother and meets Phalux and Amber, they tell him that his brother has died but then turned into a frog and hopped away. Lu'Stros F'Loyd knows about his brothers curse and knows it wont be for another 2 months before he makes an apperance he decides its best to just stick to the adventures who know him and eventually Lu'Stros F'Loyd will find his brother.   5/15/1: They arive athe moonshaeas and Phalux invites him on a quest that the king gave to them. They head to the king Derid Kendrick as he has the quest to give. There at the king he tells him that he was able to hire two more adventures and it was Barney and Lydia. Just as the King was telling the party the quest to consecrate the temples. The king notices a Grung was with them. He introduced himself as Lusturous Floy'd and said he followed Amber and Phalux all the way from Neverwinter since they mentioned his lost brother George Floy'd. The king explains that there is 5 temples that the group has to consecrate in order for the Earth Mother to protect the moonshaes for another 100 years. These temples will surface and the coming of them will be noted by the moon. Just as he was explaining this a rouge named Eli tried to break into the castle to steal. There the guards took him to the king. The King saw some good in Eli and offered him freedom in return for completion of his quest. The party is told to head to Lehigh. The party gets a free rest at the Caer Calidyr Inn until they are ready to head out south.   5/16/1: The party split up to run some errands, Eli goes to the market with L Floyd, and Eli finesses a merchant and tried to steal for money L floyd had no idea what Eli was doing so he didnt comment. L floyd goes back to inn and sleep.   5/17/1: The party heads south where they see a gagged walter white. They try to help him out but Barney falls for the Ambush trap that the goblins have set up. They easily get rid and dispatch them. They continue to travel south when they see a majestic stag in the forest. This Silver stag was beautiful. A bunch of goblins were trying to restrain it. The party helps the stag and the stag kills some goblins. The Stag goes to Lustrous Floyd and gives him a mark of the Antlers. The Stag really cared about L floyd because he showed bravery and connection with the earth. They continue south where Phalux encounters snakes. There for some reason Phalux decides to fuck a snake. He does so and impregnates the snake. The snake is trumatized and hates Phalux. Lustorous speaks to the snake and the snake falls in love with Lustorous. The snake follows Lusturous. The snake tells L Floyd she is pregnant and with his baby. They head south and reach Lehigh where there is a huge ritual happening to summon something. These goblins are doing anything they can to subdue their human sacrifices. The party split up and try to attack. This fails horribly. They meet a knight of Caer Calidyr named Eazelle. There Eazelle sacrifices herself. The party is already put into ruin. As Lydia gets shot down, Phalux sacrifices himself to protect Lydias life. Phalux dies protecting a woman and in pursuit of pussy. Amber yells out Phalux name as she hides behind a house. She cries and tells him to get up, he however does not budge. Immediatly afterwards Barney gets captured. Seeing no way out. She leaves along with the snake phalux fucked, Lusturous, Eli, and Lydia. She vowes revenge for Phalux and is deeply saddend by his death. Phalux was with her from the start but now she has to finish this quest alone.   5/18/1: L floyd takes a big nap then wakes up and sees all of the goblins are gone, he goes to town and people say that the adventureres already took care of the goblins, he looked for them and found a farm he went into the farm and there was the group calming down a girl and taking her back to town. He catches up with the rest of the group and soaks in the river.   5/19/1: Party is sleeping and they hear a knock on the door, Lustours opens the door and its a woman asking for help on the towns tree. Lustrous Floyd tells the group to wake up as the Lehigh’s famous Treehouse was taken over by wolves. The party goes to it to help the town out. Unfortunately Naga casts fire bolt setting the tree on fire brining the whole tree town the party members leave and go back to the farm to rest   5/20/1: Party hears word as people throw eggshells at the party for burning down Lehigh most touristic attraction Party waits for the sign of the temples.   5/21/1: Lustorous Floyds forehead starts to glow, The Earth Mother is giving a sign to him. Lustursous looks outside and sees the silver stag. they follow the stag and they get ambushed by hob goblins and goblins Naga burns the forest down. The Stag is upset at Naga. Amber, Binzo, Lydia, Makunga, and Eli head into the temple of Life. Lustorsus Bumped into a wall with his knee so he spends time patching it up. He joins the party later He joins them and the continue to investigate the area they investigate it to find that there is a horde of giant ants. Party attempts to fight, then the party struggles ants take Lydia Priosoner, the party regroups and restratizgizes, they go in and they use their spell casting from far, killing all the ants and their queen. The party successfully consecrated their first temple they head back to leghigh.   5/22/1: L Floyd sleeps again but he decides to go with Naga to see the snake and they go there. They see the snake has already given birth to half human half snake and she tells him its his son and to name him. L Floyd names him Howard. Howard imprints to L floyd and calls him daddy. L floyd wants nothing to do with that so he tells them to chill and leaves he promises he will come back for them after his quest. Snake is mad as she wants him to take Howard with him. He heads home and rests.   5/23/1: The party chills for the day.   5/24/1: he party walk down the road and they see a high old blumbering Lumberjack named Jakey Lopin and he is tipsy falls over and a pixie named Jext comes out looking desperate. Jext tells the group that this lumberjack was abusing him to get pixie dust out of him which is a narcotic. Jext tells the group that the only reason he got there is because the lumberjack saved him from some wolves as wolves starting to come over out of nowhere. After talking, the pixie talks to Lustorus privately because of his mark of the Stag. Jext tells Lustorus that Lustuorus death will come from betryal by one of his friends. ext knows about the moonshae lore but he knows that the temple of the moon is not too far away in the Dernal Forest. They head to the temple and get ambushed by an enormous pack of wolves, the party does what they can but Lydia trips gets jumped and dies. Wolves devour her. Lydia dies. The rest of the party continue to the temple of the Moon. They go in and start to look around where the moonwell is to consecrate it. They cannot find it but Naga finds books and reads them about this place. When the party seperates and bam. A Wraith shows up, this is Lexinovas wraith , this is a very dangerous fight, Naga is killed, Amber uses one of her diamonds to revive and bring Naga back to life. The party rests. Jext does not help at all this makes L Floyd really mad and he disrespects Jext for good now.   5/25/1: They Figure out a way to get to the basement floor of the temple. There they fight a sentient Halberd named Falibhe, it atttaches to Binzo and joins Binzo. They get into a room that has another pixie, the pixie tells them to open some seal. Binzo does it releasing the Dark wolf spirit. They continue to the moonwell where they succesfully consercates the 2nd temple and move on.   5/26/1: They are awoken by some desperate woman who comes from lelow and heard that andventurers were at Lehigh. There is a clan of people known as the black Blood Clan and they ransacked the city of Lelow. The party member agrees but only in return of renovations to the farm. Lustoruos Floyd asks for a pond The party heads south to Lelow and see a girl getting chased by two black blood members, they are about to rape her when naga and lustrous gets in the way and fights. Makunga makes his way into the village alone in the darkness of the smoke. Eli fights his mentor one on one Amber kills the reincarnated Honse and slays him into disintegration. Lustorus goes to some member and they like it how hes a frog he tells him to join along. Lustrous plays as if he is not with the group and follows them. The black blood almost take Makunga, Naga and Lustrous but Naga creates a smoke cloud and gets them out. Black bloods fully retreat to their hideout. The party enjoys a meal with the surviving villagers that hail them as champions   5/27/1: L Floyd goes and enjoys his time in the pond and then he goes back home. they see Fruogh Rotnog a half orc Druid. She tells them that she located the next temple, the temple of the beast and they are to go there right away. They see a party of goblins on the way there they fight for some Goblin known as the Great Gark. They want to kill the party. The party kill a lot of them but they can’t finish them off. Amber, Lustrous, Eli, and Naha sleep and rest. The smoke of their fire attracts the goblins and they capture and knock out the 4. Here the goblins threaten them and kills Naga in cold blood for trying to save his friends. They knock out lustrous, then Amber.   5/28/1: Amber and lustrous wake up to a dead group of hobgoblins and a dead Naga. Party mourns for Naga the two decide the smarter thing to do would be to return back to farm for makunga and binzo. As the two get back to the farm they meet along the way a ranger named Vyn. vyn notices lustrous and wants to be his friend, he calls him “my froggy friend”. Vyn wants to join wherever lustrous goes. They get home and wake up makunga and binzo and as they’re bout to leave they get a knock on the door. It is DOUNKIE a gnome. DOUNKIE wants to join the group as he’s looking for adventure. The party heads to the temple of the beast. The temple is a big tree and the party goes to one branch where it’s the test of the bat. They have to reach some high point. They notice something is wrong with the temples but don’t know what they try to climb the walls to complete the bat challenge but it is too difficult. Out of nowhere Binzo uses he’s power within him to fly. He flies to the top and completes the challenge. There the spirit of the bay tells them this temple has been corrupted and the shadow fell is seeping into the dungeon. They say it’s tainted. Next they go to the trail of the wolf and they kill deer, which are corrupted. They then go to the trail of the badger there the whole group turns into a badger. Binzo can’t go as he used too much energy in the bat. In the badger form most separate. They escape. Vyn and Lusturous escape first, then Amber, lastly kounkie. Makunga never makes it out alive. Once out of the badger maze they fight a messsed up badger this badger ends up crushing DOUNKIE. The party members mourn and move on. Makunga and DOUNKIE died so far this day. They have so far been given animal masks for every trial they have done. They are exhausted and saddened. They go out to rest outside. They meet an adventurer named Zephyr that is curious with the earth mother temples, he joins them. Also meets Aurthum Amber runs and hugs him crying saying Phalux died, aurthum calms her down and he heard about it, that’s why he came to help. Amber is a bit more at ease. The party rests   5/29/1: The party go back inside and does the trial of the deerthey meet the wolf spirit who tells the group to kill him and save the temple of the beast from influence from the shadowfell. They go into the moonwell which teleports them to the shadowfell. There they fight a Dark Treant and it was a hard fight and the group have to fight hard to kill the Treant but they do it successfully. They leave the shadowfell extremely injured. They see a second group of goblins entering the dungeon they all immidiately go back. They decide to take a risk and sleep in the shadowfell.   5/30/1: They go out and they see all the goblins were slain and a Dragonborne named Boutou he is harsh and mean and killed them all and he is pissed they want to know who killed his cousin he fights the party as he assumes they killed Naga his cousin. The group knocks out Boutou and tells him to calm down that Naga was a good friend of theirs and they didnt kill him htose goblins did. Boutou decides to join the group as its his cousins Nagas quest. The party heads back home where they see a note by Rotnog saying to meet at Olafstaad. On there way there they travel north to Caer Calidyr and they fight some Yu anti and Grung saves and they mention to Lustrous of The way of the Floyd Monks training north. this is his brothers fighting style. They arrive to Caer Calidyr. Lustoruos Floyd is excited as he can continues his brothers legacy unitl he returns.   6/1/1: The Party arrives at Caer Calidyr and the party goes shopping.   6/2/1: Party leaves north and they fight some flower creeper it explodes and creates undead, they run away. They fight a wraith in the night.   6/3/1: Party keeps heading north Boutou and Lustrous chill for a bit as they beef over the room they have to sleep in they leave at night to Blackstone. They head north   6/4/1: Boutou and L Floyd make it to Blackstone early morning they almost get mugged but lustorus slept at the harbour of blackstone. They eventually meetup with Vyn, Zephyr and Aurthum. They visit Aurthums yhounger brother who is a blacksmith. His name is Gronk. They finally get ready and they head to Olafstaad. They head north and fight lions and then they slay a Chimera, they are very hurt so they try to find a place to refuge. They see a knocked over cart that was clearly robbed, they decide not to invistigate and they go straight to olafstaad since Otta pathway is filled with Ogres.   6/5/1: They then fought monitor lizards and they see monks training in the way of the Floyd. Lustorous Floyd, is elated and trains in his brothers fighting form. They pass out since the way of the George Floyd is about losing oxygen.   6/6/1: Lustuoius wakes up late that next night as the way of the Floyd was too much he then went to look for his friends. They were slaughtering some goons, he has a smoke with one and connects with it. They fight. and murder. Guards show up and remember thier faces. Revenge was attained and the party goes to the Inn and rest.   6/7/1: Lusturous, Boutou and Amber go out and they run into a huge protest. Half the people want the adventurers to be hanged for killing children and teens over a robbery. Boutou starts a chant "Fuck them kids". it creates a civil war almost. Amber speaks to the court of Olafstaad where she tries to calm the people down she agrees to go to court and take those involved. They are scheduled to go to court the next day. Rotnog in a cloak goes to Amber and asks her what the hell is their problem they caused such a scene it does not make the king look good knowing that he was involved with the adventureres. It could cause a civil war and a rebellion. Amber says that she apologzises and will take car of it. The group whoever is up decides it is best to go check out the tipped over cart on the road as they finally have time. They go to it and find tracks that lead to a dense forest. They find a goblin den. They scout the place for hours, then Vyn decides its time to go in, They infiltrate it and fight, the goblins get the better of Boutou and Boutou passes out. They have a heavy fight and run away. They killed about 75% of that goblin tribe. The party runs away leaving Boutou behind. The party get lost in the forrest and they try to get out. Vyn makes friends with a Crow who wants bird pussy. The crow tells Vyn that their dragon freind is spotted. They recognize it as Boutou. They see Boutou passed out on the ground. it is a gobling ambush. Vyn dies in the fight, Amber revives Vyn using her last diamond. They slay a lot of the goblins Amber passes out from exaustion.   6/8/1: Party head to court where because of Vyn speakout and lying attempts the party get charged for Arson. Zephyr, Amber, and Vyn open a bank account. They then head on a ship by rotnog and set sail.   6/10/1: kill a group of merfolk   6/11/1: L Floyd gets sea sick and decides to meditate for more than a week to get over the sickness   6/13/1: The party cleared the temple but Lustrous still wants to meditate no never experience sea sickness again.   6/14/1: The meditation goes wrong as he practices the way of the Floyd and falls into a deep unconciousness.   6/21/1: Lustrous wakes up to Zephyr and injured Boutou and a passed out Vyn in a forest. He asks what the hell happened, They went to provide a long catch up explanation. Lustorus was passsed out for over a week. In shock he immediatly asks to spring into action. They tell him to chill as they are hurt and currently licking thier wounds.   6/22/1: Lustours, Vyn, Zepyhr, and Boutou go to try to rescue Amber, they find her in some underground table, They see a formorian and amber, the gang offer formorian food don’t give it gets angry and starts to break its chains. They call it down and it goes out. The party heads to fight one of the death holders which is the death holder of earth, they fight and it’s a heavy battle. The party members barely survive and try to consecrate the last one but can’t. Out of nowhere a fireball is thrown. Aurthum, Vyn and Lustorous fall Lustorus in heaven sees Aurthum, and Vyn and decides that he will go and die. Zephyr killed Lustrous Floyd. Jext's Profecy came true.
Current Status
Date of Death
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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