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Lucha "Stonegrip the Colossus"

Lucha, known as Stonegrip the Colossus, was born among the towering peaks of the Goliath clans. From a young age, he displayed exceptional strength and an innate talent for grappling and wrestling. Standing taller and stronger than most of his kin, he quickly became fascinated with the art of hand-to-hand combat. As he grew older, Lucha's desire to test his skills against formidable opponents led him to seek out new challenges beyond the confines of his clan. He joined a regiment of Goliath soldiers, where he honed his natural abilities and learned the intricacies of warfare.   During his time as a soldier, Lucha proved himself on the battlefield. His immense size and unmatched strength made him a fearsome adversary, capable of overpowering opponents with ease. However, it was his expertise in grappling that set him apart. Lucha had a unique way of neutralizing enemies, utilizing his skills in wrestling to restrain and incapacitate foes without resorting to lethal force.   6/20/1: Mello was on tour in the island of Oman and got lost in a tour of the forests and temples. There he finds and meets up with a guy named Lucha they are both lost and try to find civilization.   6/23/1: Mello, and lucha find a couple of adventureres who agree to guide them out as soon as they finish fighting and clearing out a demon in a temple. They all go back and they fight a dark mage named Nepenthe and two skeletons of an elf and Grung. They fought hard, out of nowhere Barney came back and gave a hard slash, injuring and dropping Nepenthe into the moonwell. The party slays him and they consecrate the temple. they decide to head back to Caer Calidyr as their objective is finally complete   6/24/1: They row bow back to the ship and sail back to Caer Calidyr.   7/2/1: The party arrives at Caer Calidyr and the king congratulated the party, he provided noble houses for Phalux, Aurthum, and Amber, he congratulates the other adventureres, Zephyr, Lucha, Mello, Boutou and tells them they are welcome anytime. He provides them with gold. The adventureres hear a thud and King Derid goes to take a look and sees downed guards. Someone was spying on them.   7/21/1: Nigga passes out   8/16/1: Lucha opens an orphanage named Honorhall Orphanage which is the wrestler orphanage.   9/10/1: Lucha gets hired for King Derid Kendrick   9/19/1: Lucha meets the rest of the adventureres going with him to capture animals.The party heads to the Caer Calidyr Inn and sleep.   9/20/1: Party heads to the river south and they run into a group of goblins. They slay the goblins Mello finds 3 goblin babies and crucifies one and kills the other, Boutou keeps one and puts it in his napsack. He names the lil goblin nigga Quintavious. Phalux finds Howard has been following this whole time. Phalux sends Howard home to train under Garland. Howard is sad and leaves in the middle of the night. Party Sleeps.   9/21/1: Boutou, Amber, Phalux, Aisha and Lucha head to the river, there they fight a group of giant animals that are extremely deadly. Aisha the druid speaks with animals and finds out that they want to be killed and that the Earthmother has left them. They capture a crab and take it to the king. King Derid Kendrick reseearches the crabs and thanks the party. Kind Derid mentions how he hopes that the Temples were consecrated properly. Party rests as their quest is complete.   9/22/1: Party wakes up has breakfast. Phalux loses money in Blackjack, Lucha beats a dude in an arm wrestling contest for GP. Party hears about an archery contest and they attend it. Lucha, Boutou, Phalux, and Aisha attend it. They shoot as best as they can, and the placements were 1. Lucha, 2. Aisha, 3. Boutou, 4. Phalux. Lucha meets a super fan named Thalia Whiskerfoot. She is a wrestler dressed as a mouse and her hero is Lucha. While the party is meeting Thalia, who grapples and takes down Phalux, Boutou talks to a shady fellow who tells Boutou that if he gets more body parts from the creatures that are giant, he will be rewarded with a magic item. Phalux then proceeds to fuck a guards wife while he is looking for him, this almost gets Phalux arrested as he runs off. Party hears about a concert going on by Aurelius. During the concert, a Giant Turtle attacks. The party including a new member named Estia joins in to fight it. Aisha in the end convinced it to go away and protected the turtle from the attack of guards and others. Aurelious then gets imprisioned for being gay. Even though he is not. Party then head to the King, the king tells them animals are increasingly getting violent even tame ones like tortoises. He asks them to please figure out what is going on and to wait while they finish research too. Party agree and sleep.   9/23/1: Party just chills   9/24/1: The party of Amber, Estia, Amber, Boutou, Phalux, Lucha, Thalia, and Aisha head to the king. The King asks them to make a speech that they consecrated the temples and everything should be okay. Some citizens are going crazy in fear and want answers as why this is happening. Amber and Boutou give good explanations on why things are happening and they calm the people down well. In the group of protesters there is Erida Sweetgrass, Ambers sister. She reveals to Amber that she is dying and she needs to take over the clans duties as leader. Amber refuses to give up on her and wants to know why she wants to die. Phalux tries to flirt with Erida, she gets ticked off, Phalux wants to make it a goal to save her. Erida describes mining with the clan as she got cursed there somehow and her body is decomposing. Party decides going to the mine to investigate what is cursed should be first priority. Party goes shopping before heading out. Party heads to the top to the mountain. Mello joins too.   9/25/1: Continue to travel   9/26/1: They travel   9/27/1: Party arrives and crosses a scary bridge, and head inside. Party gets massed confused. Amber passes out through gasses of the mine. Party finds the mushrooms of life and they cure any disease in the mine, they recognize that Erida may not want to consume these as its against her religion. The party leave and fight Giant Wolves. Thalia, Esita, and Aisha cross the bridge which leaves Boutou, Mello, Lucha and Phalux to fight for themselves. Phalux almost dies as the bridge collapses. He is holding on to the rope of the bridge, Aisha helps drag him up. Lucha creates a log bridge using his pure strength. Party rests and sleeps in the mountain.   9/28/1: Party takes the a couple of days off to rest.   10/1/1: Party cannot stay as Lucha has a wrestling tournament so the party splits. Phalux , Thalia, Estia, and Lucha go back to Caer calidyr and Blackstone. Aisha stays back with mello and Amber.   10/2/1: Haldir meets up with hte rest of the party they head to Caer Calidyr. Party heads to Caer Calidyr   10/3/1: Party goes to Caer Calidyr to give Erida her cure. Estia mixes it with a drink and she drinks and gets cured. Phalux then rizzes up Erida and Erida likes it, she says to have Phalux visit her one day and hopes they see each other one day. They go do some shopping before the wrestling tournament. Lucha gets called broke by a blacksmith. Phalux gets regeared up. Party then goes to the resturant named El Halcon. They ordered food and met a waiter named Zounkie, Haldir confuses Zounkie on the prices and since he just got hired he charged them 5 gp for 30gp items. Zoukie got fired and Lucha and Estia helped him get another job   10/4/1: Party travels to Blackstone   10/6/1: Party arrives just in time for the Wrestlers Tournamnet. Phalux enters as Mr Wood., Thalia, Lucha, Haldir participate. Estia spectates. Match 1: Macho man Vs Thalia, its is a tough fight but macho man takes down Thalia. Thalia begins to cry and Lucha conforts her, telling her one day she will be as strong as he, that she should not worry and learn from the losses. Match 2: Barlock the Boulder vs Mr Wood. Barlock completely demolished Mr Wood. However Mr Wood made fun of him so Barlock was exteremly mad. Mr Wood had injures. Match 3: El Cochino won. Match 4: Lucha pummeled Leperhead. Match 5: Haldir beat Donk which was a close fight, Haldir went as the Boogeyman. Match 7: Barlock the boulder takes down both El Cochino and Macho man. Match 8: Lucha vs Haldir has a tough fight but Lucha is able to overcome him. Lucha waits for the final combatant Barlock but wins by default as he failed to show. Barlock comes back to the ring and yells for a rematch and for Mr wood. He fights and instantly knocks out Lucha and Haldir. Lucha, then gets up in a pure rage as he witnesses Thalia getting pummeled to death by Barlock. Lucha gets up and proceeds to attack him, with the help of guards, they are able to take down Barlock. Lucha runs to Thalia, and cries to her as she looked up to him. She tries to pin and grapple lucha one last time, and Lucha lets himself get grappled.   10/7/1: Lucha is sad and is comforted by Haldir during Thalias funeral.   10/14/1: Amber arrives at Blackstone and then meets up with Haldir, She tells him that they were attacked and need to get to warsbury. Haldir lets Lucha know and Lucha says he will be close behind. Boutou in turn follows behind Lucha. Amber and Haldir meet with the knolls and they let them pass. Amber and Haldir rest as they will head back to the mutated alpha stonhide soon.   10/15/1: They finally tackle the Alpha Mutated Stonehide, it is a really tough fight, Amber is put in a state of neardeath, Haldir jumps in to save her, this heroic act was his last one, It pushed him off the cliff, falling 100ft to his death splatting on the ground, Amber in a rage kills the Stonehide by herself, She cries in a nearby cave. Eventually, Estia, Phalux, Boutou, Lucha, and Aisha reunite with her and mourn with her. While on watch Boutou spots a paladin named Skor looking for strong warriors wants to join them if they aid him with killing a wizard.   10/16/1: They travel   10/17/1: They Travel   10/18/1: Party arrives at Warsbury and heads to their voyage.   10/19/1: Travel   10/20/1: Party are chilling while they get attacked by a werecrocodile it is revealed this is Timothy, a guy in love with phalux. Timothy Swims away. Estia gets cursed.   10/21/1: Travel   10/22/1: The party fights Giant Crabs   10/23/1: Party Fights a were crab that Kingsly determines it was a cursed sailsmen   10/24/1: Travels   10/28/1: Estia is showing transformations on being turned into something. Aisha and Lucha, go to feed a sleeping Boutou when they see a baby Goblin named Quintavious. The party temporarely heal Estias Curse   10/29/1: The Party arrive at Grouper and see a town that is absolutley been slaughtered. They investigate for the day.   10/30/1: The party meet a blind monk named Jabaar. Jabaar felt the anger of the animals and wanted to do something about it. The party continue to investigate with Jabaar but everyone ended up dead, Phalux finds a fish eye amulet. The party then meets Aishas brother and says that a lycanthrope is what caused this, he hates half races, and wants them eventually anhilliated. Guards show up and escort the party to Dagger Cove. Once at Dagger Cove, Lord Baylen officailly hires the party to head to the Iron Keep and kill Gwenessyn   11/1/1: The party heads to Dagger Cove Inn where they meet a woman who expected Phalux to have supressed Mandingus. She tells the friends to investigate the old area where Phalux was born, she also warned Phalux on the 12 Apostles of Mandingus. Phalux got instantly knocked out as soon as she mentioned this, Mandingus was preventing Phalux from hearing these warnings. Aisha and her brother officially meet and they initially beef because Aisha is a half creature. However her brother ends up hugging her as they both suffered from their father. The party head to the smithy Ian, and he reinforces their weapons with silver. The party then go look for someone to guide them to Iron keep and been Bryar Rhys, Jabaar knocks him out and forces him to go to Iron keep. They all go forcing Bryar. On their way there, Sauhagin attack, killing Bryar, and capturing, Skor, Jabaar, and Phalux. Amber was the only one able to escape. Amber gets back and desperatly seeks help, she finds it back at the inn where Estia, Botou, Mello, Aurellious, Aisha, Lucha are ready to go with her. They all head to the Iron Keep. Merfolk attack the party once they arrived at the Iron Keep, Skor gets taken and Estia decides to kill him just in case they sacrifice him. Estia killed him. Two new fellows named Frostbite and Thaldor bust through the door and they want to join to help out. The party takes a short rest while Amber, Estia, and Frostbite fight a water elemental. Phalux, Jabar, Lucha, and Aisha with Lorando Brando joined them later. Fighting through the dungeon they fight a hag, a hag which was posing as a captive, this hag was tough knocking out Jabar, Amber, and Lorando. The hag Zaps Lucha, lucha perishes.
Current Status
Date of Death
Year of Death
Circumstances of Death
Zapped by a Hag
Place of Death
Iron Keep
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White


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