BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Zeldron the ashen was raised in a small village named Greatstone. His family was poor as he grew up and they tried to get by daily. They struggled to find work since as Tieflings they were looked down upon and mistreated because of their infernal heritage. In this small village, a small cult formed. They abducted children and sacrificed them to various fiends out of greed and folly. The cult members were part of various merchant families and richer houses that liked to indulge in pleasure and the forbidden. Due to their heritage more and more people began to believe that it was Zeldron’s family that had started taking the kids and so an angry mob knocked down the door of their house, took Zeldron’s parents, and slayed them. Zeldron was hidden by his parents along with his twin brother Maldron beforehand in a small barrel that was left unchecked. His parents taught him that humans were scared and frail creatures not worth hating. Zeldron steeled himself along with his brother and in spite of their wrongdoings tried his best to be as forgiving and understanding as he could be. Because of this, he is in constant turmoil because of his childhood. Zeldorn and Maldron left their home and became a wandering mercenaries and occasionally worked odd jobs out of sheer necessity. Yet when they left their village they didn't leave alone. As the years went by Zeldorn would have visions of an old decrepit creature. It would try and talk to him and day by day his feeble voice would get louder until eventually, he could hear his soft words. “Find me, child of ash, for you and I are alone in this world,” it said in a dry murmur. The days went by and the dream would reoccur until one day he decided to respond. “How do I find you?” he asked and then he saw a vision of some symbol. The creature spoke,” Scar the earth with this symbol and place some blood on its center and you will soon understand who it is you are”. Waking from his delirium that was exactly what he did. He drew a nanogram connect at each point by a circle. In the middle, he drew a small chalice. Finally, he cut his palm and touched his bleeding hand in the center. As he did so he entered a trance and there before him stood the vile decaying corpse of the creature he dreamed of. It spoke to him “ I am Zarod the decayed, your predecessor, I see you my kin, and wish to help you, I only ask that you listen to me and seek to better yourself for all I want is to see my kin rise to power. Go now, you have my blessing.”. The truth is that unbeknownst to Zeldron, Zarod was imprisoned in a sealed ritualistic chalice. His intention was to empower and raise the young tiefling to make himself a body fit for his reincarnation and capable of freeing his soul. Zeldron doesn’t know of the true intentions of his Patreon but he is careful and not evil in any way. He is understanding and while not good by nature he believes that the world has never meant to be black or white but as his skin shades of gray. Now powered by his Patreon he seeks adventure to grow and see more of the world as a means to find his true intentions and also to find who was behind the ritualistic murders in his own town to show them that his parents were no monsters and to prove to the villagers that hatred what you don't understand is wrong. The reason why Zarod was able to connect to Zeldron was due to an unfortunate and improvable series of events. One of the rituals in the village was dedicated to him and while he is weak due to the seal he was able to materialize enough strength to connect to his kin that luckily for him were in the same village. Zeldron is slain and so the only person now capable of being his vessel is Malron in spite of the fact that he is less favorable. Malron received all of Zelrons positions and was told about what happened at Cragmaw castle. As Malron slept the crystal embued with Zarods power started to corrupt him and his dreams. More and more he was angered by what happened to his brother. He swore revenge for the death of his brother. This surge in anger also came with nightmares of an old wounded creature and eventually he made contact with Zarod.   Zarod was a lich that lived 5 centuries ago until his corporeal sealing by a band of clerics. He is a decrepit yet understanding being and while not good by nature he believes that the world has never meant to be black or white but as his peeling tiefling skin, shades of gray. Zeldron now powered by his Patreon he seeks adventure to grow and see more of the world as a means to find his true intentions and also to find who was behind the ritualistic murders in his own town to show them that his parents were no monsters and to prove to the villagers that hatred what you don't understand is wrong. The reason why Zarod was able to connect to Zeldron was due to an unfortunate and improvable series of events. One of the tomes used in a ritual in his home village contained an incantation of unbinding, a means to dispel magic.Thus unbeknownst to the town folk who have no inkling of an idea to the relatively close proximity of the sealed cadaver of the old lich, they undid his seal by the width of a hair. This small gap allowed him to materialize enough magical strength to connect to his kin that luckily for him resided in the same village. It seems that his family never migrated from the area where he was born. Unfortunately Zeldron came to a quick demise and so the only person now capable of being his door, his means of release is young Malron in spite of the fact that he is less magically favored. Malron received all of Zeldrons possessions and was told about what happened at Cragmaw castle. As Malron slept the crystal imbued with Zarods power started to corrupt him and his dreams. More and more he was angered by what happened to his brother. He swore revenge for the death of his brother. This surge in anger also came with nightmares of an old wounded creature and eventually he made contact with Zarod. In the weeks leading up to Zeldrons death Malron had been feeling uneasy around his brother, something that until a couple months ago would be an outrageous consideration given their close brotherly bond developed over years of solitude and kinsmanship. In spite of this , Zeldron seems to be driving a wedge between them. He had lately been morose and Malron quickly picked up on the subtle yet unsettling new tendencies that Zeldron was displaying. At the forefront of these peculiarities was his brother's new magical prowess. As if by miracle his brother had learned to cast spells and cantrips.Wishing to learn more about this rather strange development Malron would prod his brother and seeing that he would steel himself and lie he decided to learn as much as possible about the gaining of magic. Along with his brother's new innate powers there seemed to be a shadow that had fallen over their family and home. There would be peculiarities such as late night whispers in the darkness and dim grey hues that he would see in states of half slumber. One night while staying up late doing research he came to the conclusion that his brother was either a sorcerer or warlock. He knew however which of these two his brother was. Without the cast of doubt he was in the presence of a Warlock. He would often see that dreadful face as his brother slept while a mild moldy odor hung over his brother.   After his brother's death he contacted a now desperate Zarod who made a contract with him. So long as his body would serve in freeing him he would continue to supply him with arcane power. After their brief dream-like encounter Malron decided to visit a banshee that lurked on the outskirts of the town. He desired more knowledge on his patron and having previously known of her as the ancient protector of his new home he made the journey that very morning in search of knowledge.   4/7/1: Malron arrived at Agatha and there she is trying to help him out. Suddenly a group of adventurers join in and he joins them. He is told to join them as they have the answers for Zeldron. Pippy and Maldron Bond. Maldron joins the crew in Connyberry and they chill there for a little bit.   4/8/1: The group spot a Goblin named Yemeek who has issues with the rest of the group the Cleric Amber and Rouge Pippy torture Yimeek in the side of the road. He begs Maldron to set him free. Maldron is unsure what to do as he just met these new people but he knows that Agatha would not wrong him.   4/9/1: Party goes to Phandalin to lay Gogo to rest.   4/10/1: The squad consisting of Isac, Maldron, Aurthum, Pippy, and Amber head to the Lost mines of Phandelver. The party fights this wizard and rouge and kill them named Glasstaff and Rumple. Maldron seperates a little a bit from the group and then he goes down the cave and barely escapes death by a slime. Party fights a group of bugbears and almost wipe. They attempt a long rest but get interrupted. They fought a flameskull and went to another room to rest.   4/11/1: Maldron killed the skull and he took a tooth from the flameskull. Party met a spectator and it told the group to leave and the group did not want to fight it. They fought a wraith named Mormesk and then took Mormesk down. Maldron started to read the tombs Mormesk had. here he learned about the coming of the Dragon Queen to come soon also the fall of the Moonshaes. Maldron spends the whole night reading the tomb.   4/12/1: Party along with Maldron met with George Floy'd and he ended up getting slain and turining into a frog and hopping away. They kill the skullflame, and they then kill off some of the ghouls. Midir joins.   4/13/1: They fight through the cave and kill stirges and Isac finds Guantlets.   4/14/1: The party heads to speak with the spectator again to see if they can have access to the magical items within its keep. the spectator gets upset but brings up how if they find the Wizard and the Wizard allows access to the keep they can go through. The Wizard was named Gond. The party eventually finds Gond deep in a lake inside the cavern and he is dead. The party takes dead wizard to the spectator who negotiates access to Maldron. Maldron gets magical items and gives Lightbringer a mace to fight the undead to Amber. They head on out to fight Nezznar but first they need to kill bugbears and two dopplegangers. they split up and Amber heads with Maldron and Pippy to use ranged attacks. They kill the dopplegangers and two bugbears escape but there is a clearing for Nezznars chamber. The party consisting of Amber, Pippy, Isac, Maldron, Aurthum, and Midir, go and fight the Black Spider. They walked into a room with four giant spiders and two bugbears. the fight is really tough and so Amber casts her first healing spell which instantly gets counterspelled. Nezznar comes from behind her telling her to leave at once and he will let them live. Amber refuses and runs away. They fight long and hard with only Amber and Pippy being up, Pippy fires an arrow straight through Nezznars neck. killing him. Amber heals the remaining squad noticing Maldron is nowhere to be seen. Maldron got killed by Giant spiders and this is when Zerod used his power to control Maldron and now he is under control of Maldron. Zerod Walks away with a bloodied body and goes to rest and get stronger as Maldrons body was not the strongest.   4/19/1: Zerod heads to Connyberry to patch up and heal up, he is treated poorly but he then proceeds to heal himself and rest.   4/29/1: Zerod decides that it is necessary for him to get on a move and work on his body and training. he heads to the nearest city Neverwinter in hopes of finding someone capable of helping him out.   4/30/1: Yimeek during a raiding party sees Maldron which is now under Zerods control, Yemik is pissed but recognizes that Maldron is diffrent and they take him in under their ranks.   5/7/1: A goblin scout spots a huge Caravan of Weapon Shipments. Yimeek uses this as an oppurtunity to take. He tells Zerod/Maldron and heads to the caravan. to Rob it. They attempt to rob the caravan. Zerod got promoted and Yiemeek was succesful and they go back to Cragmaw with a woman named Angela who was getting raped.   5/8/1: Yimeek sends out Zerod for another run of equipment he hears rumors of a nice Giant Ruby getting shipped, Yimeek sends Zerod and a squad of goblins. Zerod and his Worg get captured by Pippy, Sister Garele and Edermath, They take him into questioning at Phandalin and keep him knocked out.   5/22/1: After some time in jail, Pippy goes to visit Maldron, Pippy does not yet know about Maldron how he is not there anymore and it is actually Zerod, Pippy wants to talk to Maldron alone but he is not allowed by his mentor Edermath as he suspects something wrong is happening with Maldron. Pippy, Maldron, Sister Garele, and Edermath and Maldrons Worg Kir go and look for Lily, Sister Garele's Apprentice who is in Cragmaw castle. Maldron asks Pippy to move ahead to speak to Maldron quietly. They speak together but he reveals that in reality Maldron is no more and it is Zerod and he will help them but the body is his. Pippy, Zerod, Garele, Kir, and Edermath arrive at Cragmaw castle and Pippy hides attached to Kir on his underbelly. They head into cragmaw castle and Pippy assasinates one hobgoblin who noticed him. They go on ahead as they see a bloodbath. Sister Garele mutilated all the goblins. Lily was their raped and tortured, Lily is tramuatized and the party leave. Sister Garele is furious and kills multiple more goblins, she is convinced by Edermath that they can go back to slay the goblins. She agrees and they head back to Phandalin.   5/28/1: Pippy, Edermath, Maldron and a Bounty hunter named Curtis go to finish off the job and capture Yimeek. They head back to Cragmaw castle and they go to slay everyone there. Edermath keeps Kir outside as they patrol the area. The rest of them inclusing Pippy, Maldron and Curtis sneak inside. They head to a prisoners room where they see Nars. Pippy is surprised and Nars said that he heard of Goblins raiding the area and also heard that Sister Garele posted a bounty on the head of a Goblin there, he also wanted to prove that he is worthy of Edermath's tutollage. so he had to go and kill it. Nars joins them. The party head in deeper where they fight Lhupo. Lhupo is disapointed in Maldron and they fight. Lhupo is deadly and has the party essentially running away but what they really did was drive Lhupo out of his lair and as lhupo shot a fire bolt at Maldron, Maldron caught it and shot it hard back at Lhupo decimating him. The party find out Yimeek went somewhere into Triboar Trail.   6/3/1: Judith is getting errands for her father done when suddenly there is a water elemental that attacks her in the town by the mine. The mine had a magic outpour and an elemental was formed. Zared and Thrud help save the girl   6/14/1: Zarod gets a visit by a dwarf named Nundro, Zarod joined Nundro to take up his request to speak to the Spectator, the spectators name is Gind, he gets hired to fight monsters that show up because of the spectator.   6/16/1: Zerod is cooking beans in his cabin with Kir his Worg and his familiar Impy. Suddenly a minor comes gassed to his door and demands for his precesnce as an elemental has formed into the cave and froze up a bunch of guards and is going on a rampage. Zerod runs into the mine where he sees the elemental but he knows it is not from this plane so he tries to reason with it, it is working and the elemental is giving in then guards show up to rienforce maldron, when this happens it startles the elemental and causes it to freeze the ground and attempt to escape. Maldron breaks free from the ice and attempts to make a break for it. Outside he witnesses it engaged in combat with Daren Edermath Zerod masked as Maldron told Edermath he can control the elemental and try to calm it down. Maldron shows he can be trusted by freezing himself and freezing up the wounds of the elemental. Edermath lets him do whatever, and eventually Maldron does calm down the elemental which is a ice dancer elemental. He makes a makeshift freezer to keep it alive in the cave but has to get clearence from Nundro, Nundro gives him one week to figure it out or else he will personally hire adventurers including amber to slay both that elemental and the spectator. Maldron agrees and he hires guards to help him dig out the basement for cooling, he will take a week to do this.   6/28/1: Zarod finished his work on the freezer for the ice dancer but he is strongly out of funds so heads into Phandalin looking for work. In Phandaliin he tells the guard his interest in entering Phandalin guard tells him how Phandalin is very strict with entering and tells him he can get a day pass to visit edermath. He visits Edermath looking for Pippy, Edermath says he will return soon, he says he has no work for Maldron but soon there will be a phandalin guild built. there he can find jobs, while they talk a huge thunder cloud appears in front of the mine, Maldron runs towards there he sees a lightning elemental crature and fights it and struggles, he sees guards die. He gets almost killed and the ice dancer steps in and saves him. the fight is strong the elemental sees how the rest are running he zaps up into a cloud in the air and leaves. Maldron immediatly gets arrested by town guards and Edermath in the name of Sister Garele and Angela. He got in prisoned and met Lulunkie an accidental pedophile Zarod got improsioned and is being chargesd for murder, kidnap, burguraly, accesosry to rape. He is visited by Nundro who wanrs him and tells him not to cross him and will send a lawyer to help out.   6/30/1: Zarod gets a message by impy "Master I have been trying to find information on what is going on. It seems a court date has been set and will be when Ms Amber and Mrs Thrud arrive back to Phandalin. Nundro is really stressed as the case against the mine is getting worse. Also the ice elemental is no longer home, I’m not sure where it went but Nundro hired someone else to do your job so he lives there now. His name is Guerth Lamien, he is a drow that has a workshop in phandalin. He seems to be a spell caster, that being said I have bad news. The spectator is gone, I’m not sure how he got rid of it but he did. I regret to say I do not want to follow Gureth as he almost detected me." Zarod tells him to get pippy whenever he returns from the tournament   7/2/1: Zarod gets a visit by his lawyer. Seemor Hion. There the lawyer and Zarod talk. Zarod reveals to him that he is actually taking over a body which is Maldrons and he is his own entity. The lawyer is interested and tells him he will have to push for the delay to the courts and change the trial to Zerod not Maldron He will get the trial postponed and tells Zarod he will get Pippy as he can testify the truth of this.   7/8/1: Master Maldron I have begun to spy on all the members of the council to try to get some info for you. Today I followed Thruud. Thruud was to woman you were fighting with that water elemental, she seems to get angry quick but seems to be a good person, this is not good as she may get emotional. You need to play off the idea that you helped her fight that water elemental and save that girl, this is a good thing, I also reccomend bringing that girl in as a witness. This will be great master maldron   7/9/1: Master maldron today I will spy on Nundro, I found out that he is having issues as the mine is getting sued he seems really stressed and does not want this controversy to spill over to the company. He may vote against you if it will save the company I would not trust him completely master   7/10/1: I will now spy on James Pellen. Master, hes a drunk, he just drank all day and went home, I found out he has a son named Eli that is on his way to the town, but thats it   7/11/1: Master I see Amber sweetgrass has returned to Phandalin, she went to pray at the shrine and tended to her chores. She seemed to care a lot about what is going around the city and hearing about this is a great concern to you. She wants to kill zerod master   7/12/1: Today I will spy on Halia   Impy stops showing up.   7/14/1: Maldron Trial He heads there and tries to plead his case, he ultimatley ends up revealing his end goal to work on Necromancy, Amber does not like this and wants Zerod to me killed, Amber however wants to save Maldron and so does Pippy. In the end Thruud was the final decision maker to send him to death. Zerod plans his escape.   7/22/1: He gets visited by Pippy, and Amber, he draws a map to his area.   7/29/1: He gets visisted again by Amber and Pippy. He gives Amber the details to find his body, while Pippy comes to enquire about what he needs to be able to cast spells if he were to break out of here.   8/3/1: Pippy has time to settle his affairs and does so just fine, he is ready to go ahead and start the breakout of Zarod, he goes to the prison and he sees that there are two guards, he immediatly speed blitzes the one guard and gets to Zarods prison. Pippy tries to break him out with a lockpick and fails as the guards sound the alarms and chase after pippy the guard attempts to hit pippy but fails as pippy is too quick, pippy then opens the cell door and the guard misses again. Pippy uses his cape to create a dimension door. There he tells Zarod to hunch down and go through, Pippy gets teamed by the guards, pippy then is able to escape with Zarod. Pippy and Zarod are at Alderleaf farms, here is when pippy and Zarod head out and go towards Leilon. There they meet a bunch of mid looking prostitutes and wait until dawn to ask about ship times   8/4/1: Pippy, Zarod find out that ships are very very expensive, he finds out that kings typically have access to the better ships. Pippy having Isac in mind heads to Thundertree by chartering a carraige. Pippy and Zarod head to Isac and Thundertree.   8/6/1: Arriving at Thundertree, Pippy tells Isac his dilema how he has to get to Phoyax farther west. He needs a ship and men to charter it and take it there safely. Isac sends a merchant named Chesco. And they get a captain named Buggy D Luffy. They have to go to Neverwinter to get the ship. Isac sends 15 crates of Jaku fruit and gives Chesco 10k to spend.   8/7/1: they arrive to Neverwinter and Zarod gets racially profiled and they head on out to see to Phoyax with the 20 man crew including Pippy, Zarod, Buggy, and Chesco   8/14/1: Pippy meets a gambler goblin yute named Gojo Hyuga. He took Zarods shirt in strip poker. He meets a really pussy adult named Choji Akimichi. Zarod and Pippy continue to sail.   8/18/1: Pippy and Maldrons voyage arrive at Caer Calidyr, they wait there, Pippy gets a bad feeling about Aurthum and he feels it sad and makes him home sick, Pippy meets another halfling, also a girl obsessed with Magick and lastly a bounty hunter   8/28/1: Pippy and maldron go on the voyage and they find out how the waters around the moonshaes are starting to get really dangerous as giant creatures are starting to show up and attack different crews around the area.


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