BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Sprind is a young teen of 16 years who lives in the village Lehigh that was attacked by goblins. His father was killed and his mother taken by them. He was able to get away and hide in a nearby bush allowing him to escape after which he ran as fast as he could. After hiding he was swallowed by despair and from this emotional pit he vowed to take revenge. Another thing that he realized was that he was now lost. And so he started to look around and walk, eventually coming to a cave entrance. He decided to enter it and bask in his solitude but the further in he would walk the more he would hear this loud gust of wind. Following the sound he came to the opening of an immense cavern with an open ceiling and that’s where he saw the origin of the gust came from. A massive sleeping dragon was laying on the floor of the vast rocky area, his glossy bronze scales reflecting the beams of light around the cave. He stayed still but his eyes inspected from tail to head and that’s when he realized that the dragon was staring straight at him but staying still. When they made contact the dragon began to move and erected himself. He was then blocking the light that was earlier pouring from the top of the ceiling with his immense stature and began to speak.”What brings you here young one?”, he bombed. Afraid for his life Sprind began to swiftly mention what had earlier happened but began to slowly sink into his anger and frustration while retelling the story. He was so infuriated and sad that he began to yell and cry and had seemed to completely forget that the dragon was there. He was soon reminded of his presence when a defending laugh came from the beast. “You amuse me, your fury and desire for revenge seems to have overshadowed even the presence of a fierce dragon such as I” he chuckled. “What is your name, young one ?” He asked. Sprind replied instantly. “I see, Sprind, I have been moved by your desire to vanquish this evil but revenge should not be a motive for it only twists your good intentions. I am Korvus Sofen, and I have decided to grant you the gift of magical powers.You see my time for fighting against evil has passed, I am reaching my 4th millenia and have grown too old to continue my cause. But in you I see potential, an iron will. I rather pass from this world knowing someone will continue my legacy rather than by withering away in this cave. So I will use the last of my strength to bless you child.Use this power to purge evil and evolve your character.” He boomed. Sprind was in shock and unable to gather his thoughts but spit out” Thank you “. With a defending boom and a flash of lighting the dragon disappeared and power began to surge through him.   5/18/1: Sprind goes out to use his newly given power, he gets shot by goblin in the head. Dies.
Current Status
Date of Birth
June 22nd
Date of Death
Circumstances of Death
Shot by a Goblin
Place of Death
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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