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Thrud Geanigano


Thrud arrives to Phandalin and meets with Aurthum after so long.   4/18/1: Narth went to Barthrens Provisions to get some supply and there he meets up with Aurthum and Throod there he tells them about the job and how grateful he is for the oppurtunity and since Aurthum is his boss now he respects him. He tells aurthum about some dedication etchings on the wall and Aurthum recognizes that those markings are Honse's. Aurthum requests Narth to make etchings of the wall and gives it to Aurthum.   6/3/1: Thrud goes to the mine to pick up Aurhtums pay cheque on the way there they run into a water elemental drowning Judith Stonehill. Her and Maldron work together   6/19/1: Thruud is training for the entrence exam for the Neverwinter fighting tournament. She realizes she can train using goblins. Goblins convince her to go after these bugbears. Bugbears almost kill her as goblins try to take the loot. She gets hurt goes home and tends to her wounds.   6/30/1: Thruud Almost dies as she fights in the figthers tournament qualifier , she beat a fish rouge but lost against a wizard in the final   7/1/1: Thrud after dissapointing performance, is sad, she heads to home as she sees a rainbow. At the end of the rainbow she sees a leprochan. gives her a lucky coin.   7/16/1: Thruud decides the death in Maldrons trial, she decides on his death and does not care about him.   7/30/1: Thruud attends the fighters tournament. In the first round she takes down a Barbarian in one slash, instantly killing him. Second round she fights a spellcaster, she has a tough time but is able to get by, Thruud lastly, fights Binzo Saisun in the final. The fight was really back and forth but in the end Binzos experience was too much , As Thruud goes down she gets back up with all her will power and binzo blitzes her, he wins the tournament, once again Thruud comes 2nd place and fails to qualify for Z rank. This is the last time she fought in front of Aurhtum    8/4/1: Thrudd tells aurthum through message that she will be visiting Honses grave and he should go with. She heads there   8/5/1: She arrives at Old Owl well, she sees a red wizard hovering over the grave of Honse she is interested to see what he is doing and sees Honse's body is gone she is furious and gets pissed at him they fight but the red wizard insists he had nothing ot do with that, he casts sleep spell on her and she passes out.   8/6/1: She wakes up and Aurhtum is there they have no clue where Honse is they spend time working together with Isac to find Honse.   8/19/1: Thruud hears the terrible news. Aurhtum died. She is at her lowest point, her sons body not found, her husband dead. She wants to get stronger and be sure to take down the cults of the dragon she devotes herself to the Zentharim and will listen to Halia.


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