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In the treacherous lands surrounding Cragmaw Castle, a decrepit stronghold nestled deep in the heart of the wilderness, there lived a goblin named Yegg. While most goblins were content with raiding caravans and causing chaos, Yegg was different. From a young age, he had developed an unusual passion for cooking. Unlike his kin, who relished in crude and tasteless dishes, Yegg dreamed of creating culinary masterpieces that would tantalize the taste buds of even the most discerning connoisseur. Born with a keen sense of smell and taste, Yegg had an innate talent for concocting exotic flavors from the limited resources available to goblins in the wild. Despite his culinary inclinations, Yegg faced ridicule and disdain from his fellow goblins. They mocked him for wasting time on frivolous pursuits when he could have been honing his combat skills or reveling in chaos alongside them.   One fateful day, as the goblin tribe struggled to survive under the harsh rule of the bugbear King Grol, Yegg's fortunes took a dark turn. The king's feasts had always been bland affairs, with meager portions of poorly cooked meat and hard bread, barely enough to keep the tribe fed. But fate intervened when Grol's latest chef proved incompetent and infuriated the king with an atrocious meal.   Seizing the opportunity to prove his worth, Yegg stepped forward and offered to prepare a banquet for the king himself. Despite his trepidation, King Grol allowed the audacious goblin to try his hand at cooking. Yegg's culinary prowess astounded the king. With the simplest of ingredients, he managed to create dishes that exploded with flavors, tantalizing Grol's taste buds like never before.   Impressed and appeased, King Grol spared Yegg's life, deciding to keep him as his personal chef. However, the king's goodwill came with a dark caveat: Yegg's life now hinged on his ability to continually satisfy Grol's culinary desires. Any perceived failure or displeasing meal would result in dire consequences.   As Yegg toiled away in the castle's dismal kitchen, he found himself torn between his passion for cooking and the grim reality of serving a malevolent king. The goblin chef despised his servitude under Grol, but he feared the wrath of the bugbear and the goblin tribe more. So, Yegg continued to prepare sumptuous meals for the tyrant, hoping that he might find a way to escape his oppressive situation.   Through cunning and resourcefulness, Yegg began to secretly poison some of Grol's dishes, intending to weaken the tyrant and create an opportunity for escape. Yet, with each act of sabotage, Yegg's moral compass wavered, weighed down by the guilt of harming even his oppressors. The goblin chef found himself trapped in a web of deception and cruelty, struggling to maintain his humanity while facing the harsh reality of his predicament.   4/5/1: Yegg was cooking up something delicious for everyone when he heard lots of commotion coming from the front of the Castle. His Goblin comrades were getting slain. He immediatly ran to help with the rest of his cooking crew. He was fighting agaisnt Isac anc Phalux. Although he already let Amber and Isac escape he decided it waas more important to capture one alive to take to King Grol. Thats when he took an unconsciouss Phalux to King Grol. King Grol congratulates Yegg on the capture and sends him to make sure no one else is left around here, as he does he ensures that and then continues to cook when suddenly the iron door to his kitchen was abruptly destroyed by a Goliath named Aurthum and Amber apperead again, they both killed Yegg along with Isac
Current Status
Circumstances of Death
Shot By Isac Gringle
Place of Death
Cragmaw Castle
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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