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Camping activities

During a short rest of camping, it would be pretty boring just sitting for a longer period of time staring into thin air. Make sure to keep yourself busy with activities, so you can be productive during your rest.  

The Lookout

It's a big risk to set up camp without appointing someone to watch out for any would-be intruders. A lookout is in charge of camp security and keeps an eye out for potential threats. If you are on the lookout, roll an Intelligence (Survival) check to see how well you secure the camp against potential dangers. If you have any tools, equipment, or magic that might help—traps, bells, the Alarm spell—you may roll your check with advantage.   Focus: Being on the lookout takes a good deal of focus. If you are on the lookout, you can't join in with any camp activities besides eating, drinking, and sleeping.   Success: You noted some weak spots in the camp's defense and secured them.   Failure: You made a bad job of securing the camp. You have a disadvantage on perception checks against any would-be intruders while camping.   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  

Cook a hot meal

You cook a hot meal for everyone, using one ration—or ration substitute—per person. If cooked successfully, everyone who eats the hot meal regains 1 spent hit die (max. once per day).
  • Create rations: You slow-cook and preserve some fresh ingredients—usually meat or grains—to create 1d4 + 1 new, basic food rations that can be preserved.
  • Stretch rations: You thin out some basic rations into a simple meal, feeding two people for each ration you cook. If cooked successfully, everyone who eats gains 1d4 + 1 hit points (max. once per day).
  • Cook a hot meal: You cook a hot meal for everyone, using one ration—or ration substitute—per person. If cooked successfully, everyone who eats the hot meal regains 1 spent hit die (max. once per day).
Before you serve the meal, roll a Wisdom (Survival) check to see how well you prepared everything. Meals spoil after an hour, losing any restorative properties.   Success: You created a good-tasting meal.   Failure: You spoiled the meal and wasted the ingredients—no one can eat your cooking   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Brew drinks

If you know how to brew drinks and have the right supplies, you can prepare some for the group. This requires a campfire and brewer's kit. Expend one use of your brewing supplies to try one of the following actions:
  • Create rations: You distill some impure water overnight to create 1d4 + 1 new, drinkable ration.
  • Brew a balm: With a few herbs, you turn some basic water rations into a delicious, soothing drink—one ration per two drinks. Everyone who drinks a fresh balm gains 1d4 + 1 hit points (max. once per day).
  • Brew a restorative: You turn some basic water rations into a tasty, hot drink using one ration per drink. Everyone who drinks a fresh restorative regains 1 spent hit die (max. once per day)
Before you serve the drinks, roll a Wisdom (Survival) check to see how well you prepared everything. Your brews lose their restorative properties after an hour.
  Success: The drinks are well made.   Failure: You spoiled the brew and wasted the ingredients - no one can drink this!   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  

Play Music

  If you know how to play an instrument, you can attempt to play some music for the group. Roll a Dexterity (Performance) check to see how well you play.   Success: You perform well and inspire one of your allies. Choose a party member other than yourself or the lookout—that character gains a point of inspiration.   Failure: You made an embarrassing mistake.


Tell a Story

People like to hear a good story. If you are proficient in Arcana, History, or Religion—or are carrying an interesting book—you can attempt to tell a captivating story to the group. Roll a Charisma (Performance) check.   Success: Your story is well told and inspires an ally. Choose a party member other than yourself or the lookout —that character gains a point of inspiration.   Failure: Your story was pretty bad, and people were left quite uninspired by the silly babbling.

Repair and Item

If you're proficient with certain tools, you may perform basic repairs on damaged equipment—sharpening a blunt sword, sewing up a torn robe, hammering out some
dented armor. You can try to remove one notch from an item with a successful Intelligence (Tool) check.   Success: You successfully remove one notch.   Failure: You were unable to make the repairs  

Craft an Item

You can spend time crafting simple items—bandages, salves, arrows—if you have the right materials and appropriate crafting tools. Roll the appropriate check for
your specific craft.
  Success: You successfully craft your item.   Failure: You were unable to craft the item    

Play a Game

If you have a gaming set, you can play a game to unwind. Anyone can join in—so long as they're not occupied with another activity—but at least one person playing must be proficient in the rules. Everyone who plays can roll an Intelligence (Game) ability check—the highest roll wins.
Winner: You feel inspired—gain a point of inspiration.
Loser: You lost the game

Relax in solitude

If you prefer to spend some time alone—reading a book, meditating, painting—you can do so. Roll a Wisdom ability check to see if you are able to unwind.
  Success: You feel inspired by your seclusion—gain a point of inspiration.   Failure: You couldn't relax as something—or someone— was irritating you too much.  

Getting some sleep

  When you attempt to sleep, make a sleeping check (Constitution saving throw) against the Camping Activity DC—if you are sleeping in a bedroll or tent, you can make the roll with advantage.   Success: Your sleep was undisturbed. Regain 1 spent hit die (max. once per day). Failure: You couldn't sleep well, waking up tired.Failure: You couldn't sleep well, waking up tired.   Wearing armor Armor—while great for defense—does not make for comfortable sleeping attire. If you choose to keep your armor on while you sleep, you must roll your sleeping check with a disadvantage   The Lookout While the lookout is on active guard duty, they can still make a sleeping check—simply assume that they find some time to have a quick nap whilst the other party members are still awake. The lookout rolls their sleeping check with a disadvantage, however—it's hard to feel completely refreshed after a night on watch.

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