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A major continent on the planet of Toril.   The word "Faerûn" is a modified version of "Faerie", the name of the homeland of ancient elves.   This is an irregular inland sea that keeps the interior lands fertile, connecting the west and east regions of Faerûn and serving as a major trade route for many of the bordering nations.   Sub-arctic extremes chill its northern reaches, where ice sheets like the Great Glacier dominate the landscape in blinding white. To the south are the equatorial jungles of Chult and the tropical coasts of Halruaa. It’s bordered on the west by the Trackless Sea and on the east by the Endless Wastes and the Hordelands that separate it from Kara-Tur"


The continent includes terrain that is as varied as any other. Besides the exterior coastline to the west and south, the most dominant feature on the continent is the Sea of Fallen Stars.   Faerûn the continent in the western part of the central region of Toril.


  • Faerûn
    The sub-continent of Faerûn is set in the northern hemisphere of the planet Toril, or, more formally, "Abeir-Toril." The continent has a "landmass of approximately nine and a half million square miles", where Faerûn is the western part of an unnamed supercontinent.
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