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Keshyk Dhirru

Keshyk Dhirru

Overall appearance is that of a snow leopard, but has hetero-chromatic eyes (one is icy blue, and the other is misty gray). Has a couple scars from past incidents, one down his left cheek, and the other across his left forearm.   Keshyk is a young man filled with wanderlust and curiosity for the world around him, and everything in it. He was a voracious reader of anything he could get his paws on, and loved to explore the wilderness around his home. His home village of Ilûq, located high in the snowy Cregaihd Mountains once felt like a prison for Keshyk, but now is used as his home base to relax and recuperate from his frequent long ranging exploration/hunting trips. Ilûq is predominantly home to tabaxi, aarakocra, and air genasi, but goliaths and mountain dwarves are not uncommon either. One particular trip would change his life forever when Keshyk was on a hunting expedition far from home due to him tracking a moose he had injured, but hadn't been able to kill. A terrible blizzard blew up, and Keshyk took refuge in a cave he found. In this cave, he finds a mysterious stoppered glass bottle with stylized wind swirls etched into the glass. His curiosity gets the better of him, and he picks up the bottle, which unbeknownst to him, is a part of the ancient white dragon Athéngarax's horde (also known as Elderfrost). The dragon awakes at the attempted theft, and chases after the now fleeing tabaxi. As a last ditch effort to somehow save himself, Keshyk pulls the bottle's stopper out, releasing the djinn, Radhamadri. All Keshyk asks of her is to help him escape the dragon and get to safety. The djinn does so, but at a cost - Keshyk must return the favor at some later date, no questions asked, without fail. Radhamadri also bestows upon Keshyk some of her powers as her new vassal. Keshyk is ever wary of Athéngarax's return, as he knows they are searching for him to recover their missing property & kill him in retribution for the theft.   1) Keshyk suffers from an intense curiosity and wanderlust to the point that he would leave his home village and venture out into the unknown. He knows the world is dangerous, the Creghaid mountains aren't a walk in the park to live in, but he feels like if he can survive there, then he has a decent shot at making it out in the wider world. 2) Keshyk fears death, but more specifically, he fears dying having lived an uneventful life. There are just too many places to visit, books to read, things to learn, and people to meet to never leave home and be resigned to "welp, this is it for the rest of my life...". This was his main reason for leaving his village in the first place.   3) Keshyk's end goal would be to live a life that makes him feel like he did something with it, something good. He wants to feel fulfilled. If he gains wealth, items, and stories to share with his current or possibly future family, all the better.   4) Keshyk's curiosity can get the better of him at times, and can lead to some awkward situations. His thirst for knowledge could lead to asking too many questions of someone and hurt their feelings or cross the line of their boundaries. It could mean sneaking into somewhere to read a book he didn't have proper access to previously. He would never outright break a law such as stealing, but if he could bend the rules a little and not get caught, well...     Father (Khandro) is the quiet, observant, man of few words type. He's a tough teacher, but knows what he's talking about & wants to set his kids up for success. Keshyk's dad is a loyal, good man, but has a cold exterior that kind of scared people off. His hunting/battle scars don't help his RBF/scary demeanor much either. Mother (Ayama) is definitely softer, more patient. Always asking if her kids are hungry and makes sure they're properly bundled up for the weather. Slow to anger. Taught Keshyk skills to survive his father didn't, like fixing his clothing and gear, cooking for himself, etc. She is friendly to others, but is fairly reserved as well.   Keshyk and his sister (Tashi) are close, but she still has that annoying younger sibling attitude that pushes Keshyk's buttons. But if push comes to shove, Keshyk would take an arrow for her (or hide a body somewhere lol). She is more bubly and outgoing, and is like her mother when taking care of her students.   As far as his connection to deities - Keshyk is not a super devout follower, but he does have great respect for the deities he follows.   Mystra is a recent addition for Keshyk as it's his way of trying to understand and get a grip on his newfound magical abilities. His curiosity and penchant to want to learn about everything also drew him to her. When he researches magic/his patron/potential foes/etc and when he seeks out new spells is when he is trying to appease Mystra.   Silvanus and Mielikki are deities Keshyk has followed for most of his life. In order to hunt and survive in the Cregaidh Mountains, you had to have someone on your side, and for Keshyk, that was Silvanus & Mielikki. He appeases them by only hunting for necessary sustenance, finishing off his prey with mercy, sending a short prayer for their soul after dispatching them, and then using as much of the animal as possible. He also relies on them for aid in sneaking, tracking, pathfinding, foraging, and exploring the wilderness.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Keshyk is lanky, but fit, used to roughing it in the outdoors.

Identifying Characteristics

Other than his heterochromia, he has a scar over his right eye and on left forearm.

Mental characteristics


Employed by the Adventurer's Guild

Mental Trauma

Losing his memories after being defeated by Julius.


Contacts & Relations

Is acquaintences with the Guild heads of Dunedain, Bhailemore, & Lorvok as well as the King of Glentolis and his daughter.

Family Ties

Father (hunter) - Khandro Dhirru Mother (seamstress/tailor) - Ayama Dhirru Younger sister (teacher) - Tashi Dhirru

Religious Views

Deities followed:
  • Silvanus, The Oak Father (god of wild nature): Keshyk's primary deity
  • Oghma, The Binder of What is Known (god of knowledge): Has loosely followed him since he was a teenager, but more strongly now
  • Mystra, The Lady of Mysteries (goddess of magic): Only started following her since he gained magical abilities, but views her as more important than Oghma, but less than Silvanus

Social Aptitude

Keshyk is shy and distant at first, but tries to be a good friend and ally to those he lets into his inner circle.   While he is generally quiet and a bit aloof, he is not afraid to call out injustice or defend his friends or others who may not stand up for themselves.

Hobbies & Pets

Archimedes is his snowy owl familiar, whom he has grown quite attached to.


Keshyk has a deeper, raspy voice.

Tabaxi hunter and newfound mage surviving and exploring the world around him.

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Honorary & Occupational Titles
Ruby rank adventurer of Fate's Pendulum Knight of the Realm Semi-finalist in Coliseum of Troid
Ilûq, Cregaidh Mountains
Current Residence
One icy blue, one misty gray
Snow leopard fur
Quotes & Catchphrases
"You know what they say...thunder always follows lightning!" *casts Shatter spell*   "I am the hunter that stalks in the night..."
Known Languages
Keshyk has knowledge of Common, Primordial, and Draconic.


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