01 - Initial Journey

We were travelling from Neverwinter to Phandalin escorting a caravan.   On the first day out we encountered some rather inept bandits, who we elected to transport with us for a potential reward, to the dismay of some of our companions who would have rather seen them dead.   The journey that day was otherwise uneventful, save for the amount of stock that some of my compatriots can drink through.   As we reached the Triboar Trail, Peter and Debeid spotted some rather malnourished looking Goblins, accompanied by a Bugbear. Peter recognized them as part of the group that splintered off from the Cragmaw, and the two of them motion the wagons to come to a halt.   Peter consulted briefly with myself to see if he should attempt to speak to the Goblins, which definitely sounded more interesting than simply attacking without warning or provocation so I told him to go ahead.   Unfortunately, and rather unsurprisingly, though still disappointingly, attempts at talking with them failed and a fight broke out.   Sahar suggested, jokingly I hope, that we offer the prisoners to the Goblins; considering his desire to kill the prisoners in the first place I'm going to have to keep an eye on this one.   Debeid wasted no time in loosing an arrow into a goblin that was holding the bow, immediately felling it.   Peter began to advance on the Bugbear, which yelled something in Ghukliak seemingly at the two Goblins that were still standing. One of the Goblins ran past Peter in an attempt to get to the wagons, having been told to leave Peter to their boss.   Peter swung his shovel at the passing Goblin and missed wide, the haft of the shovel catching on a nearby rock and breaking his trusty shovel in two.   The Goblin charged at one of the draft horses hauling our middle carriage and laid into it with his scimitar, causing the horse to whinny loudly. Sahar advanced on the Goblin that attacked our trusty horse and let swing with his quarterstaff, dropping it in one swift resounding swing.   Ethel let fly at the Bugbear, but the Bugbear caught the arrow in his shield.   The remaining Goblin shot at Sahar with his shortbow.   I advanced from the back of the carriage up next to Peter, and threw one of my daggers at the Goblin, but missed as he was hiding in folliage.   Seeing that Peter was weaponless I handed him one of my shortswords, and waited at his back as the Bugbear advanced on him, swinging his morningstar at Peter, which he barely managed to dodge, feeling the warmth of the Bugbears breath on his face. An arrow from Debeid went past the Bugbear as he finished swinging.   Peter's swing glanced harmlessly off of the Bugbears armor. Sahar advanced on the Bugbear, the effects of his punch also being absorbed by the hide armor of the foe.   Wary of hitting her allies another arrow flies above the Bugbear from Ethel.   I felt a sting as the Goblin's arrow pierced my leg, and with a growl flung my last remaining dagger into the Goblin, who fled into the woods.   The Bugbear swung once more, powerfully catching Peter with a staggering hit as another arrow from Debeid went by him. Peter, cringing from the blow decides to disengage and pulls back to the wagon, followed by Sahar.   Proving this Bugbear is not immortal Ethel manages to clip him with an arrow as I decided to join my fleeing companions behind the wagon.   The Bugbear approached the wagon and finished off our draft horse with a powerful swing, covering Peter and myself in the blood of the poor beast, as Debeid fell back further and let loose at the Bugbear, missing yet again as Sahar moved in once more, angered by the death of our horse and attacked with quarterstaff and fist, both glancing off of the beast.   Ethel charged in, cutting into the Bugbear with her shoftsword as I moved in swiping at the beasts back, glancing off of his armor as he turned to swing at Ethel. As I begin to think that maybe Tymora is not with us this day an arrow from Debeid is once more caught on the Bugbears shield.   Debeid attempted to talk the Bugbear into standing down, saying that if they laid down their arms they would be spared but it was well... painfully ineffective and was met with a laugh.   Finally a swing from Sahar laid the Bugbear low, but not satisfied with him just being dropped Sahar followed up quickly with a cracking punch into him, stealing what left of his life. Note to self, at least Sahar cares about animals?   I must say that fight was rough. My leg hurt as I limped about to gather up my weapons. I love adventure, but must every day be a fight?   Peter was compassionate enough to dig holes for the dead, even as beat up as he was. A large hole set aside for the horse, and three for our defeated enemies.   We travelled for another few hours before camping for an uneventful night, ready for the half day of travel back to Phandalin.   As we start to see the town ahead on the horizon Ethel and myself spot in the distance a large figure appear from behind the clouds.   Finally we arrived at town.   Peter, Ethel, and Debeid went to Barthen's Provisions. They meet with Elmar, the manager, and his nephew Ander, a young blonde human and his mate Thistle, a male Tiefling with burgandy skin. Peter hands over the ledger for the carts as he heads off to see his wife, leaving Ethel and Debeid with directions to an inn, or to his barn if they prefer a quieter place.   They decide to head to the Stonehill Inn. This modest inn is ran by Toblen Stonehill, a mid-30's Human male who can be found behind the bar.   As they enter the Inn he introduces himself, and greets them with enthusiasm, taking their orders.   Meanwhile, Sahar, Tivran and myself escorted our prisoners to the Lionshield Coster. As we enter we are met with a Human female named Linene Graywind, roughly 35 years old behind a desk. We were given 36 gold for the three prisoners.   I inquired about the shape I'd seen in the clouds and Linene informed us that "Some folk claim to have seen a dragon flying through the high clouds. At that distance, it's hard to gauge the creature's size, but some say it's as big as an elephant and has gleaming white scales."   At the townmaster's hall we found two listed jobs.   *Dwarven Excavation *Gnomengarde   Gleaning nothing else we travel to the Stonehill Inn to meet with the rest of the party, sans Peter. We can see Toblen behind the bar cleaning a plate, and looks up to greet us. After paying for our meals and room we sit down with our party members and begin to discuss which quest we would be better served aiding with.   As we discuss what to do in the Inn, Peter visits the Smithy to see about repairing his dear departed combat shovel, much to the dismay of the Smithy who had recently crafted it.   As I was getting ready to leave to check out the Shrine of Luck the door to the inn opened to reveal Peter. Peter wanted to see the tasks for himself, so I accompanied him to the board again, where he proceeded to berate the townmaster for being cheap.   On our way back we notice that there is a note on the Shrine of Luck saying that the Sister had to leave town to tend to duties back in Neverwinter, and that she'd return when she was done. The shrine is made of stones from nearby ruins that is kept in immaculate condition.   Peter noted that there was another healer to the south of town in the Windmill named Adabra Gwynn, should something happen.   Peter also discovered another task if we were interested, to take a bottle of wine to Falcon deep in the woods.   *S1 - Falcon's Hunting Lodge   We made our way back to the inn and re-joined the drunkards in our group, deciding to visit the Gnomes first so that we might be potentially be more well-armed if we do encounter something when visiting the Dwarves.   Ethel decided to bunk with me, while Sahar found himself a nice stable to pass out in, luckily he found Peters' stables so at least he's a lucky fool. Debeid, got her own room, and Peter actually has a home.   All in all, I have no idea what I signed up for with these people, but I have a feeling they won't be completely dull at least.   In the morning Peter collected the gold for the transport job and met us all in the inn for breakfast, as we readied ourselves for a visit to the Gnomes.


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