04 - Know Jackal about Farming

After returning to Phandalin Peter met up with Harbin to get the payout from our quest we all took time to explore the town and take care of our affairs.   On the way back to the Inn I went ahead and grabbed two new job postings off the board. Though the need of Butterskull seemed rather pressing everyone decided to help Peter around his farm, so I guess they can wait? I hope at least.   On the way back from the farm a jackal sprinted out of the wilderness and leapt at Ethel. I limned it with violet faerie fire as Sahar launched an arrow into it. As the arrow hit it shattered into pieces as a golden light reflected from the point of impact. Turns out Debeid shot Ethel's companion so I guess we can chalk that one up as another win.   I managed to convince our friendly tavernkeep to allow Ethel to keep her "emotional support animal" inside, before he joined us for a round of ale while he regaled us with the tale of vicious animal attacks occuring within the Inn, to various degrees of believability.   As we headed out towards Butterskull Ranch in the morning we spotted the Dragon flying above Gnomengarde.   The first day passes mostly uneventfully as we head up the Triboar Trail towards the Ranch.   The second day out we spotted the Dragon above the Dwarven Excavation site, but our contemplations were interrupted as we came across a horde of undead. I stepped forward and attempted to Turn the creatures.   One of the undead approached me and swiped, which I managed to dodge away from, as Peter stepped forward and swung his shovel into the Ghoul that tried to attack me, covering my side.   Ethel fired into the Ghoul as a few more of their numbers fled from Turning.   One of the Skeleton's approached and clawed into me, as another Skeleton in the back attempted to shoot me with a bow.   Peter was not so lucky, as the other Skeleton sunk an arrow into his side.   Sahar stepped forward and laid out the Ghoul with his quarterstaff before moving to the Skeleton who clawed me and hitting him with the other end of the staff, laying the Skeleton back to rest.   Tivran charged one of the Skeleton archers and swung with his Greataxe, swinging wide in his hurry. After a few more misses on our part Ethel managed to catch one of the skeletal archers with an arrow.   The other skeleton pulled a shortsword out of it's ribcage and stabbed Peter. Sahar stepped forward and finished off the Skeleton that had just stabbed Peter. I mean, he's a bit of an ass but at least he does good works.   Debeid finished off the last skeleton, before Tivran slapped the health back into Peter.   Day three we reached the town of Conyberry, which was eerily silent save for the wind whistling through the ruined structures. In the ruins we spotted three riding horses unsaddled, branded with the letter BAK. Big Al Kalazhorn, the initials of the person we're meant to meet at the ranch. Debeid and Ethel managed to corral the first horse, but the second one started to bolt but Debeid was able to calm it. Moving on mounted on these horses we soon came across a cow, which was then motivated to follow us.   I'm not sure what I signed up for anymore. Yesterday was farming, and today en route to help after an Orc attack we've apparently taken to herding. Eventually we managed to make the Ranch.   Butterskull Ranch occupies a large plot of land on the north side of the Triboar Trail, nestled between two hills. Beyond a ramshackle wooden fence stand corn fields, an apple orchard, gardens, and pasture land. A path breaks off from the trail to lead to a two-story farmhouse next to a pond. West of the farmhouse are the charred remains of a barn and smithy that have been burned to the ground.   Debeid and I approached the house, and she noticed there were Orcs inside. After gathering the rest of the group we split up to approach the house from two sides.   I cracked open the door and used the Wand of Pyrotechnics in the corner to blind and distract the three orcs inside, before limning the closest Orc to the door in purple Faerie Fire. As the Orc swung at me with his greataxe in retaliation I withdrew down the stairs, leaving room for Tivran to step forward and cast Bless on us.   I could hear faint noises from the other side of the house as they presumably engaged the enemy, but I was unable to see what was going on.   The Orc at the door took a swing at Tivran, which glanced off his armor. I flipped through the window (rather gracefully I must say), before flinging a dagger into the Orc at the door. Tivran dropped it with his axe before moving into the house, followed shortly by Ethel and Dupree.   The Orc at the back of the room, though seemingly still blinded managed to land a rather painful hit on myself.   The second Orc still standing in this room ran towards Ethel to swing his blade, but stumbled as he swung, burying his Greataxe into his allies neck. As he moved from his now dead ally towards Ethel I used the opening to sink both of my short swords into him, leaving him gurgling on the ground.   Tivran stepped into the other room, and spotting Peter bleeding out on the floor quickly set to healing him with Lay on Hands.


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